If you're serious about it, find yourself an ungulate nutritionist that doesn't work for a feed company. Get a soil map for your county and sample all the soil types on your area and find out if any of them are mineral deficient. Once you know what minerals you need, sample vegetation winter, spring, summer and fall and have the samples analyzed by your nutritionist. Base your supplement plans, both mineral and nutritional, on the results of your forage samples.

Sometimes mineral deficiencies can be addressed in the mix of your nutritional supplements. Other times, that may not be the most efficient way to deal with them. Lots of soils where rost495 lives are phosphorous deficient. It may be more efficient to add phosphorous to the water that you supply for wildlife and livestock instead of formulating a salt mix or adding it to a supplemental feed. "Shotgunning" it usually turns out to be overly expensive or insufficient--rarely does it hit the mark.


Some days it takes most of the day for me to do practically nothing...