Thumb levers? About 15 years ago, I needed to cross a swampy area to recover an elk. My ATV is only 2wd. I was in about a foot of water when the front tires came up against a submerged log and stopped me dead. I was standing on the pedals rocking it to get some traction to back up. The rears were turning nicely when one of them caught and I shot backwards. Since I was standing, it threw me forward over the bars and my waist was pressing down on my hand so I couldn't release the throttle. I probably accelerated for 10 yds and was getting up a good head of steam before I could get my hand out from under me to stop. My partner who watched it all thought it was a lot funnier than I did.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.