Think carefully about answering this please ... your answer may dictate whether I continue to participate here at the 24HCF or not, not that anyone gives a sh1t. And, truly, not that I personally give a sh1t.

Let's consider the scene. Milwaukie, Oregon has about a 1% black population and a 14 year-old black gang member is standing in my store with a shotgun pointed at my chest, demanding all of my money and all of my jewelry. And I am not supposed to kill the black sonofabitch if I can????

Surely, you must think I am a coward and I have not killed men before.

Consider the following; I have worked literally all of my life to accumulate a couple of thousand bucks and a little gold. Should I allow this 14-year old black puke take away thirty years of my hard work and sweat???

Right, wrong ... legal or not ... moral or immoral ... any right-thinking person is going to press the trigger and send the alleged felon sonofabitch straight to HELL.

And that's just the way it is.


"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397