Since the rifle is going to dictate the parts you need , its hard to recommend where to go to get parts , without knowing what it is your building

First I would get a good building book . Either recreating the American long rifle or Grenwrich County . eather will lead you through what you need to know to build eather a rifle or smooth bore . IE while parts may change , the steps and process doesnt .
The later having far more photos and drawings .

Next if you can , look for someone with experience , near you who will take you on and help you with the build
Then I would set down an start looking at what it is your wanting to build . IE will it be ½ stock , full stock , flintlock , cap lock , snaphaunce, fuse …..
Then decide on a stile . Will it be a later plains rifle or an earlier sporting rifle . If its to be a long rifle , what school , then what maker ………
Once you have all that down , then you can go looking for parts . Frankly there are countless venders to chose from . Some only specialize in specific parts . Others like ToW , Pecatonica River , muzzleloader Builder supply , TRS, or the muzzle loading Emporium mainly carry the more popular basic parts and castings .

Last edited by captchee; 05/27/15.

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