The one collar replacement I did I gave up on the top pin and lined it up with the witness mark on the receiver (the barrel was already mounted). My father, a master mechanic who passed away five years ago, welded a steel block onto a spare sight base to make an anvil for driving the collar in place and aligning it with the witness mark. It all worked out pretty good with a little judicious use of heat from a heat gun, anti-seize, and gentle tapping with a hammer. Unfortunately some SOB stole that rifle and some other firearms a few months ago. Don't get me going on thieves and their accomplices - by that I mean anyone, ANYONE, who suspects they are in possession of a stolen firearm. Crime teaches you a hard lesson.

Last edited by S99VG; 06/06/15.

"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle." John Stapp - "Stapp's Law"
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