I need to look this up, but the way I remember it, rebublican government is a form of democracy. This is so because the people vote their representatives into office, and, in theory, have some power over them to influence their vote. Of course, this is only theory. But then, we had the electoral colleges, which, if we ran according to the Constitution, we would only elect the electoral college to elect the President. Of course, the people elected them according to who they would vote for. I'm still in school, and where I got this is doing a unit on the Constitution and government last year in 8th grade. So if Im feeding you a line of Sh*t, it's because that's what they taught me. Of course, in that same textbook I read a line saying that the second amendment only applied to having a militia, and since we have the National Guard, that no longer applies. Obviously, that is bull.<BR>Just reply tomorrow and let me look this up. And in the meantime, enjoy that we have a little power over the government. We kept Gore out of office. And read my new signature.<P>------------------<BR>There are 80 million gun owners but only 3 million NRA members. What would this nation be like with 80 million NRA members?

We may rise and fall, but in the end, we meet our fate together.