Posted By: OutlawPatriot Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Some of you may recall a post I made a while back. The gist of it was that I liked this woman but I frankly didn't believe she could get elected. I know the media, comics and liberals are salivating over the prospect of the endless material they can throw her way if she ran as a serious presidential candidate.

With that said, I don't think she is at fault for the damage that was done to her during the last election. I blame McCain and the republican national organization. She was busy doing Alaska's work and not focusing on national politics. She was in an environment where one doesn't have to be polished on camera and fast on one's feet in front of the media sharks.

But she was plucked from that in the last hour and shoved into that pack of wolves. Considering, she did pretty good but the dark side prevailed in the end and now we see the results.

Now, she is out focusing on national politics and making the connections she needs for a better showing. But you better believe, there's a Soros funded think tank doing nothing but preparing a vicious battle if she ever attempts a run of her own. They won't be caught off guard the next time and they know what already worked.

My question for everyone is this... knowing the soulless and vicious attacks that would be in store, what kind of running mate would she need to make the right team to defeat the evil bloodletting ahead?

The dems picked Bidden because Obama had little experience in limelight national politics. He's an idiot, but that was the thought process. Given Palin's quirks, her lack of polish on camera (argue all you want but it's true), and lack of experience dealing with national affairs, who would complement her well in a campaign.

Obama is pure evil in my mind and I won't even get into the forces I think are behind him because many will thinks I am nuts. But he has a gift of deception that I have never seen before. He had zero experience accomplishing anything meaningful in his entire life but somehow brainwashed a majority of a nation into putting him into the most powerful position on the planet. Despite the absolute failure that he is DO NOT underestimate his ability to fool everyone again.

If she runs, what teammate can help her win. I'm completely serious and I still don't think she can. But I am willing to have an open mind and listen to peoples' thoughts on the matter. The politicians always say that every election is the most important election in our lifetime. I usually think it's a ploy for votes. This time, however, I think the very soul of our nation is at stake.
Posted By: safariman Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Condoleeza Rice.

Who else? Would be a BIG winning ticket in my view. Could even go the other way around as in Rice - Palin.
I see the merits in that for sure. Without making any jokes about everyone in the white house "cycling" together, I'm not sure I am a fan of a two woman ticket though. And that has nothing to do with being a male shovenist (sp?). I think there are segments of the population that would only vote if there was a man on the ticket. And believe it or not, I think most of that group would actually be women. You know, the guy in charge is my protector kind of thing.
My thought is not necessarily a particular person but more of a description of who I think would balance the ticket nicely. For me, Sarah has good positions (okay shut up you perverts), and is a "personality" asset. But her vulnerable spots (again shut the hell up you pervs laugh ) are that she is not "polished" and as articulate as a candidate unfortunately needs to be in this stupid process.

So, the best team mate in my opinion would be a guy first off but someone who isn't necessarily a limelight persona. Some one who is very well versed in the issues of the day and can do a great job articulating his thoughts.

If he is a politician, he must have a clear, documented record of conservative votes across the board. It needs to be a family man without much baggage if any. It CANNOT be a RINO, a progressive Republican or a neocon. More of a REAL conservative like a tea partier.

But most of all, he MUST be someone who can take on those longer sit down interviews and lay out a clear articulate and lucid position for the team. Even if you don't like his politics, a guy who handles interviews like Dick Chenney. That guy knows how to own an interview and there's not much any media person can do about it.

I think a strong military or CEO type would be good for her. Someone who exudes leadership and has a commanding presence but in a calm way that doesn't steal her stage.
where's the guys that always howling what racists you folks are for your disapproval of Obama?

the support and admiration for Rice seems to be forgotten in those moments.

it may be early, but I'm hopin to check out the tenor in Lt. Col West foray into politics.

from what I've seen so far, he appears to be a man made of the right stuff
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
where's the guys that always howling what racists you folks are for your disapproval of Obama?

the support and admiration for Rice seems to be forgotten in those moments.

it may be early, but I'm hopin to check out the tenor in Lt. Col West foray into politics.

from what I've seen so far, he appears to be a man made of the right stuff

I think you'll find he meets most of my criteria. If he wins that Florida race this fall, he'll at least have almost a year of time in the light. Do you think that would be enough? Or do you think he would rather concentrate on his congressional duties and try in a few more years?
according to a recent poll circa Nov '08 lack of experience doesn't mean squat to most folks.

From what I've seen so far OP I'd say he's a man that intends to serve his country either in uniform or a suit, my guess is he'd run if called to, perhaps a VP role would be more appropriate considering his lack of experience but it sure didn't seem to matter to the masses last time.

though admittedly he's not been to Harvard, he's just had a job where he had to send men to their death and basically torched his career advancement by not willing to send more of them so that an enemy captive could be handled with kid gloves.

it seems to me love of country runs pretty rampant in the military, I'm ready for some of that in our highest offices.

but perhaps I'm a bit too optimistic about the military providing us a candidate based upon local experience

the Alaska University system is headquartered here in FBKS, like most quasi gov't agencies, it was bloated, inefficient and facing some real challenges, this 10-12 years ago. We needed a new president for the U. They went against the grain and hired a military man instead of someone reared in acadameia.

in my view it was an outstanding decision. The man believed in accountability. There was lots of deadwood at the U and pretty soon it became too uncomfortable for them to stick around in this new age of accountability.

Pres. Hamilton was interviewed by our local rag (News-Miner) and asked if he could sleep at night knowing folks that had put in a long time at the U. were leaving. His reply has always stayed with me "I've been called upon by my duty to send men to their deaths, I doubt I'm going to lose much sleep that someone needs to go find a new job."

we're not going to fix this country by finding the biggest nerd or whomever could win "who wants to be a millonaire" by their encyclopedic knowledge of the world and the USA

we'll need a leader to lead us. it's not a given, but under fire is where many leaders are forged

There's some comfort to me knowing that our CIC has been to see the elephant in this troubled world before he sends our sons and daughters off on a mission.

the mileage may vary, but it's how I read it
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
where's the guys that always howling what racists you folks are for your disapproval of Obama?

the support and admiration for Rice seems to be forgotten in those moments.

it may be early, but I'm hopin to check out the tenor in Lt. Col West foray into politics.

from what I've seen so far, he appears to be a man made of the right stuff

I think you'll find he meets most of my criteria. If he wins that Florida race this fall, he'll at least have almost a year of time in the light. Do you think that would be enough? Or do you think he would rather concentrate on his congressional duties and try in a few more years?

Not to take this thread in a different direction but a ticket I really like would be Lt. Col. West and Ms. Rice. Some might be turned off by the Military like stance this team might appear to take but I ask you do we have any two more level headed and Constitutional loving people at this moment in our history?
I like Sarah Palin. However, I don't see her as presidential material and if she's the republican nominee in 2012 then Obama will be back in office, that's just the fact of it. It doesn't matter who is the vice presidential candidate. Palin has a niche and that's being a cheerleader against Obama's marxism, she does a great job at it. President? No. The republicans have a tough row to hoe. Obama might be doing a miserable job, but he's got record numbers of people hooked on food stamps, unemployment, and welfare, and those on the government dole aren't likely to vote against the hand that feeds them. The old saying about he who robs Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul's vote holds true. In my opinion this has been the democrat's strategy ever since FDR. Gradually get increasing numbers of people hooked on welfare and over several generations you'll have made the democratic party virtually undefeatable. Just like a crack dealer who gets a client hooked on crack has a lifetime client, a person who gets hooked on government handouts becomes a reliable democratic voter for life, there's no going back. We now have record numbers of people on welfare and I'm afraid it's going to be very hard to get the democrats out of office no matter how much they screw up the country.

So far I'm not seeing any republican on the national stage that can challenge Obama and win. Gingrich can't win, too much baggage with him. Someone mentioned Condeleeza Rice, I'd vote for her everyday and twice on Sunday. To me she's one of the most impressive minds we've had in Washington in the last 25 years, but she's an intellectual and not a politician. I don't think she's ever ran for anything and don't think she's at all interested in running for President. She's about the only nationally known person that I think would have a prayer of straightening out our government, but I just don't see her as having any desire to be president. It's our loss.

The only person I see even remotely coming out of the woodwork for the republicans is possibly the governor of New Jersey, Christie. He's chopping the legs out from under the corrupt democratic machine in New Jersey right now and he could possibly burst onto the national scene. I'm not saying it will happen, but it's possible.

Forget Sarah Palin as president, that's not going to happen and I hope she doesn't actually think that it will, she's liable to take down someone who actually does have a chance of unseating Obama. The republicans have a really bad habit of awarding the nomination to people who they think they owe it to instead of someone who can actually win. Think Dole and McCain. Hopefully they won't just roll over and toss it to Palin instead of finding someone who can actually beat Obama.
Posted By: 378Canuck Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
[Linked Image]
Her time has passed and 08:00 AM will never come.
Palin clock.
Posted By: isaac Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
I also believe Rice would be a good choice as well as Jeb but, regretfully and unfortunately, the not yet perceived excellent legacy of Pres Bush will still create problems for the both of them in 2012.

Randy....I'll brush up a bit more and educate myself on Col West.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot

If she runs, what teammate can help her win. I'm completely serious and I still don't think she can. But I am willing to have an open mind and listen to peoples' thoughts on the matter. The politicians always say that every election is the most important election in our lifetime. I usually think it's a ploy for votes. This time, however, I think the very soul of our nation is at stake.

If you truly have that much confidence in Sarah, why don't you just let her pick a running mate and then give them both your full support?

And for those who "think" Sarah can't win the Presidency...........well all I can say is you don't deserve anyone like her if she does!

Think about it for a minute.......what have the glib, polished, articulate, well educated politicians (including the present one) done for this country in the past that makes you believe that a candidate must possess these qualities to become a good President?


I can tell you one thing that these dopes didn't have .........and that's good ol' common sense.

Something that Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she has plenty of.

And remember.......

"Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.�
C. E. Stowe
I think you will like Col. West...IMO
Posted By: Stan V Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Palin and Patraeus/Col West........Patraeus and Palin would be a winner

Originally Posted by isaac
I also believe Rice would be a good choice as well as Jeb but, regretfully and unfortunately, the not yet perceived excellent legacy of Pres Bush will still create problems for the both of them in 2012.

Randy....I'll brush up a bit more and educate myself on Col West.

Here's a decent recent clip Isaac of him on the immigration issue. As usual, he has good command presence and hits the important points in a calm lucid way. I like the way the guy carries himself and conveys his points.

Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
i cant member what i wanted to say
opps i wote it downn.
[Linked Image]

Face it guys.
Run her for POTUS.
And its 8 for bambam ,instead of 4.
Face it guys.
Run her for POTUS.
And its 8 for bambam ,instead of 4.

You forgot to say why people would vote for Obama, over of Sarah Darlin.
Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Controll the middle.
Run the country.


Originally Posted by dave7mm
Controll the middle.
Run the country.



Posted By: Otter Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
I have no clue who WILL run, I didn't think McCain would be the nominee in '08 . . .

Just some names for consideration -
Already mentioned - Patreaus, West, Palin, Jeb Bush, Rice
Some more - JC Watts, Bachmann, Pawlenty, Newt, Huckster

All I know for sure is that all those I mentioned would do less harm to this country than BamBam has done in 20 months and might be able to turn things around in less than 2 generations. First there needs to be a cleansing in the House and Senate this November, though.
Originally Posted by dave7mm
Face it guys.
Run her for POTUS.
And its 8 for bambam ,instead of 4.

This is the whole point of the post. I actually agree with you if you consider her the only variable. Like I said, I like her but I don't think she ALONE has the skills needed to beat the evil that is Obama and his support machine. That's why I think it would take a team. So again, the question is, if she runs who can be her team mate and make a winning pair if any? Are you saying that NO ONE can run with her and win?
Posted By: Redneck Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Frankly, IMVHO, THE most important election is this November.. If the conservatives (from either party) can upset these damned Marxists in the House and Senate, then it won't make a helluva lot of difference just who the Prez is..

The elections this fall adds a whole new dimension to the equation for sure. I wish we could get enough people in there to reverse some of the damage but considering Obama would veto any such measures, it's highly unlikely that that many seats could actually be taken in any scenario. With that said, yeah, we MUST get gridlock at a minimum.

Unfortunately, even with gridlock, the libs have started the ball rolling that would then take judicial measures to stop if a veto proof majority is not in place. So gridlock would stop any new damage hopefully, but it probably could not put out the fuse on the bombs already lit.

The country tends to do best with gridlock. The best times in our history were with mixed branches. On the surface, I am happy to embrace that. My biggest fear is that we get gridlock and the economy improves. Then Obama can take credit for it before the 2012 election. And he WILL fool enough fools.
Posted By: isaac Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
With a split Senate and a GOP led House, how do you think the funding will be appropiated for Bills such as Health Care??

That is, of course, if the Courts don't shut it down first.

If Bam-Bam starts vetoing Bills clearly against the will of the voting citizenry, there will be your first clue he is resolved to the fact he's a one termer.
Originally Posted by isaac
With a split Senate and a GOP led House, how do you think the funding will be appropiated for Bills such as Health Care??

That is, of course, if the Courts don't shut it down first.

If Bam-Bam starts vetoing Bills clearly against the will of the voting citizenry, there will be your first clue he is resolved to the fact he's a one termer.

Yeah, that's where my judicial comment came from. Maybe all these states filing lawsuits can defer implementation of Obamacare for years to comes until we can overturn the damage.
Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by dave7mm
Face it guys.
Run her for POTUS.
And its 8 for bambam ,instead of 4.

This is the whole point of the post. I actually agree with you if you consider her the only variable. Like I said, I like her but I don't think she ALONE has the skills needed to beat the evil that is Obama and his support machine. That's why I think it would take a team. So again, the question is, if she runs who can be her team mate and make a winning pair if any? Are you saying that NO ONE can run with her and win?

IMHO if she runs it will be a disaster for our country.
Not because she cant do the job.I think she would actually do fine.
I dont think she can win.
She might be real popular here on the fire,a hunting web sight where for the most part we all kinda agree...somewhat.
But in the rest of the country.In Ohio?In Florida?
I cant bring myself to believe it.
And under no circumstances do I want the POS lop eared closet diaper head in the POTUS position for another 4.
The country is center right.It always been center right.
Left wing kooks and right wing wack jobs have done enough damage.

I completely understand your point. That is the modivation behind the post.
Posted By: isaac Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
The polls have Palin neck and neck with the other top 3,Huckabee,Romney and Gingrich. Every GOP candidate,including those unnamed beat Obama, according to polls today.

If you're thinking of Hilary being added to the ticket,that's another concern but far premature at this juncture. Focus on November and bask in that glory for awhile.
I got $100.00 that says Palin doesn't run. And if I lose that bet we go double or nothing that she loses the General election. And if I lose that bet I'll be very happy. Any takers?
Posted By: byc Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
IF Obama runs again I say he definitely puts Hilary on the ticket. Frankly, I believe he's a one-timer and already wants out, which puts Hilary in the limelight. Palin will be teamed with someone but again I say she's best suited to replace Michael Steele.

I predict the GOP ticket will be 2 no-names. Kind of like a Scott Brown evolution.

JMHO of course...
Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10
Originally Posted by byc
but again I say she's best suited to replace Michael Steele.

At that I think she would excell.
Gotta love the way she makes the libtards do flips. smile

Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/18/10

Stuff Paul Ryan into the VP slot.
Imagine a Gingrich/Ryan ticket?

Originally Posted by Spanokopitas
I got $100.00 that says Palin doesn't run. And if I lose that bet we go double or nothing that she loses the General election. And if I lose that bet I'll be very happy. Any takers?

remind me to never play cards with you, heads you win, tails you win big time
Bob, hope you checked out the video OP provided, one I hadn't seen of the Col. he continues to impress me.

the fact that he comes in a brown wrapper is just icing on the cake imo.

I've long believed most Americans in any position of power to hire/fire etc. have long been subscribers to MLK mantra it's "character not color"

sure there's some dumbazz ole rednecks that hate Obama cause he's black, but not this redneck or you or most of the guys that post here, we detest him for his lack of character and his socialist/marxist political beliefs.

Hell I'd have been excited about McCain if he reiterated the thoughts of Col. West.

but the fact that the Col. is black makes him an even greater asset to the GOP, and he'd be an asset if he was purple imo.

I don't know much about this Lt. Col. West but seems I heard something about a sexual assault charge? Or was that someone else?
Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

I don't know much about this Lt. Col. West but seems I heard something about a sexual assault charge? Or was that someone else?

I seriously doubt that. The libs would try and tie another incident around his neck though. In combat, he had an insurgent in custody that had information linked to a possible attack on our own troops. The guy would not say a word. He pulled out his service pistol and let one fly in the air. The guy sung like a canary and the information saved lives. They held an official hearing on the matter and they wanted him to show remorse for his actions. He said he'd do it again in a heartbeat to save his own men. They "asked" him to retire immediately.
Originally Posted by watch4bear
Face it guys.
Run her for POTUS.
And its 8 for bambam ,instead of 4.

You forgot to say why people would vote for Obama, over of Sarah Darlin.

Why did they vote for Obama over McCain? It's because presidential elections are decided by swing voters and the majority of them are too ignorant and easily swayed by a slick talking con artist to intelligently cast a vote. I like Sarah Palin, but her talents run elsewhere than the presidential ticket. She inflames the leftists like no one other than possibly Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck. She definitely has something to contribute, but she's not going to be president. History has shown that vice presidential candidates don't really bring anything politically to the ticket. At best they're chosen because they don't hurt the ticket or they're chosen because they will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the new administration, like Dick Cheney. I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know who this LtCol West is, I'll have to read up on him. However, it doesn't really matter because you could run Ronald Reagan as Palin's VP and it still wouldn't get her elected. I'm hoping and praying that there's someone in the background out there who can come to the forefront of the republican party before 2012, because what we have on offer right now isn't going to defeat Obama.
Originally Posted by dave7mm

Stuff Paul Ryan into the VP slot.
Imagine a Gingrich/Ryan ticket?


There's gotta be somebody else.
Posted By: Karnis Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
C. Christie, M.Bachman?
Christie...rising star but too soon to know
Bachman...like her a lot but not for the top slot, at least not yet.
Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
Paul Ryan

Posted By: gmsemel Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
I think Col Allen West would make a fine President. I also think Sarah Palin would win election if she runs. She is not running.She is going to be in the Next Cabinet. Who is it going to be, well it better not be whom ever the democrats want, like Mc Cain. If anything Sarah kept the losses from being worst than they were. It was not the total slam dunk for BO considering all the money that was poured in to his Election. Its way to early for this stuff, right now the focus should be on November Second and taking the House back with a good Margin. For all the wining the GOP did not have good governing majorities in the House and Senate. You need good Majorities so that when a few run off like Mc Cain did you still can put a stop to it. No only do we need to make gains in November, its going to be big. We are going to need to gain seats in 12 14 16 18 20 and beyond. This is about saving the country that we all know and love. Also the elected will have to start leveling with the people and explain how to much of what the Federal States and Local governments are doing is contrary to the Constitution and a lot of it is going to have to be repealed. Also a lot of regulation that dose nothing but empowers government need to go. Then just step aside and watch the Nation grow and excel as it always has done. It took Almost 100 years to get to this point with good solid leadership and some good common sense and doing things as the founder set forth, this mess could be clean up in as little as 25 to 35 years. Sooner if they just stop all of the Unconstitutional Spending. Maybe pigs will fly some day, another just wanted to hear myself type, we are so screwed.
Originally Posted by safariman
Condoleeza Rice.

Who else? Would be a BIG winning ticket in my view. Could even go the other way around as in Rice - Palin.
Reminds me of when Reagan won the nomination and then picked George Bush for vice. What a big disappointment for conservatives everywhere. What on earth gives you the impression Condi is any sort of conservative?
Posted By: POC Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
Originally Posted by Crow hunter
The only person I see even remotely coming out of the woodwork for the republicans is possibly the governor of New Jersey, Christie. He's chopping the legs out from under the corrupt democratic machine in New Jersey right now and he could possibly burst onto the national scene. I'm not saying it will happen, but it's possible.

I like that guy. I've been following him for a few months, he has some balls! My wife is from the Philly area and some of her family are having fits by what he is doing, but I love it!
Posted By: Seafire Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
My vote for her running mate is our own Ms Lynn!
Christie's star just hit a snag. He's confused on the NY mosque question.
Posted By: dave7mm Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
Originally Posted by gmsemel
It took Almost 100 years to get to this point with good solid leadership and some good common sense and doing things as the founder set forth,

"The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks and has been blamed by some for exacerbating the damage caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that led to the Financial crisis of 2007�2010, although the law would have only affected the trading of toxic assets and not the souring of mortgages that caused the assets to become toxic. [4]"

"The bill that ultimately repealed the Act was introduced in the Senate by Phil Gramm (Republican of Texas) and in the House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa) in 1999. The bills were passed by a Republican majority, basically following party lines by a 54�44 vote in the Senate[10] and by a bi-partisan 343�86 vote in the House of Representatives.[11] After passing both the Senate and House the bill was moved to a conference committee to work out the differences between the Senate and House versions. The final bill resolving the differences was passed in the Senate 90�8 (one not voting) and in the House: 362�57 (15 not voting). The legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on November 12, 1999.[12]"

Lets hope that re-pub-low-craps dont have there heads up there azzs still.

Posted By: Stan V Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
Originally Posted by toltecgriz
Christie's star just hit a snag. He's confused on the NY mosque question.


Haley Barbour's name surfaced today....I like him but I think he's a little to down home. He's probably a poacher anyway. grin
Posted By: BOWSINGER Re: Sarah Palin Running Mate - 08/19/10
Originally Posted by nemesis
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot

If she runs, what teammate can help her win. I'm completely serious and I still don't think she can. But I am willing to have an open mind and listen to peoples' thoughts on the matter. The politicians always say that every election is the most important election in our lifetime. I usually think it's a ploy for votes. This time, however, I think the very soul of our nation is at stake.

If you truly have that much confidence in Sarah, why don't you just let her pick a running mate and then give them both your full support?

And for those who "think" Sarah can't win the Presidency...........well all I can say is you don't deserve anyone like her if she does!

Think about it for a minute.......what have the glib, polished, articulate, well educated politicians (including the present one) done for this country in the past that makes you believe that a candidate must possess these qualities to become a good President?


I can tell you one thing that these dopes didn't have .........and that's good ol' common sense.

Something that Sarah Palin has demonstrated that she has plenty of.

And remember.......

"Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.”
C. E. Stowe

I can think of few things less meaningful that a 2012 poll in August of 2010 but that little old Hockey Mom from Wasilla is in first place.

By Gary P Jackson
"The latest from Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows a tie between the top Republican contenders for the 2012 nomination. At this early stage, that sounds about right. We are two years away from the actual election, and 16-18 months from the primaries. These polls are mostly entertainment for us political junkies, and damned near meaningless in real life, however, we do see trends that do matter.
Past the horse race, these trends are quite telling. From the internals of the polling:

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Sarah Palin?
Favorable�.. 76%
Unfavorable .. 17%
Not sure �� 7%
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Newt Gingrich?
Favorable�� 65%
Unfavorable�. 19%
Not sure �� 16%
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Mike Huckabee?
Favorable�. .62%
Unfavorable . .14%
Not sure�.. .25%

Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Mitt Romney?
Favorable�� 57%
Unfavorable � 21%
Not sure �.. 22%
Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Ron Paul?
Favorable�� 36%
Unfavorable � 25%
Not sure �� 40%
Now these are Republican voters, so this is important. Sarah has consistently had the highest approval among Republicans going back to the first polling on this. Always in the 70′s. What has happened though, is her unfavorables have dropped significantly. And when you look at the �not sures�, they have been reduced to almost nothing.

On the other hand, Mitt Romney, the establishment�s show pony has taken a big hit. His favorables have dropped below 60 percent. He is 19 points behind Sarah. Romney�s unfavorables have climbed to the highest among the group of serious contenders. (Ron Paul was included in the poll, presumably for comic relief.)
It looks like Romney�s loss is Newt Gingrich�s gain. Newt, like Sarah, has been out there and actually engaging in the public discourse, while Romney has been silent on the topics of the day. People today want real leaders, and Romney simply doesn�t know how.
The interesting part in all of this is the fact that Newt, Huckabee, and especially Romney are all salivating at the thought of sitting in the Oval Office, while Sarah Palin has remained quite uncommitted, choosing instead to focus entirely on November 2010. In our mind, this is WHY Sarah has the highest favorability rating, and why she has always been perceived as a true leader.
She has her priorities right.
She�s also right on the issues, which certainly doesn�t hurt.
In contrast, latest polling show that Obama is continuing to crash and burn. At this point anyone with a pulse, and an R beside their name, will beat Obama in 2012.
Today�s Gallup Daily Tracking Poll, which is based on a three day averaging of data, has Obama�s approval at only 42 percent, with his disapproval at a whopping 51 percent. This is the lowest of his presidency.
Palin 76 Obama 42.
You tell me how this ends.�

Palin lost a few rounds in last week�s primaries-so she went out and endorsed some more Mama & Papa Grizzlies.
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