Posted By: BarryC Black Leaders Declare Race War - 11/25/14

Where do we enlist?
Do I hear Marvin in the background?

" Let's get it on"

if war is what ye seek, odds are you'll get it

but odds are you won't like the results
So what little I've read here on the fire sounds like they looted the liquor stores, pharmacy's, and toys r us???

A little revealing about their real motives. These people are nothing more than free loaders, leeches, criminals. And they're being allowed to run civil society indoors.

SHUT THEM DOWN NOW! I personally don't care how many hundreds are killed or how violent it gets, it's time to take back society for the civilized people. Or in terms politicians understand, civilized TAXPAYERS.

If law enforcement isn't allowed to shut this down, how 'bout I quit paying taxes to support my country? Would that work for 'em?

This is disgusting! Decent people deserve better govt. at all levels.
Which only goes to show exactly where the racism begins - with these so-called 'black leaders'..

They don't want equality - they want a race war.. They keep yowlin' for it and, like 2l2q said, they'll get it..
Up gunned to a 21 with two spare mags for my daily commute...

Yep. Sign me up.
racism, pushed by the leaders of the 'black k-moon-ity is one of the few growth industries in black America.
Politicians, agitators, Ministers and the like are doing quite well, thank you, in keeping the racial hatred pot well stirred.
The CIA should kill the leaders.
Stop food stamps and welfare , war won
Stop food stamps and welfare , war won
You loot, We shoot
given the mood of white America with forced immigration and Ferguson/Zimmerman, I would think declaring a race war is the *last* thing they'd want.

I was thinking this morning how effective snipers 1/2 mile away on a rooftop would have been at keeping the rioters/looters at bay.

Nothing would get your attention like the dude standing next to you with a molotov cocktail being dropped to the ground and you not know where it came from.
Well, the "mood" of white America still remains mostly stupid or uninterested or both..
maybe - I can only speak for the ones I know but *negro* fatigue is a real thing now starting with Obama and reaching down to out of control looters.
Well.... We already played Cowboys and Indians....

Can I have my name right under INGWEs?!?!
Blacks want a race war under the conditions they currently enjoy - where no one shoots back and they are allowed to continue unmolested.

As far as not paying taxes, it doesn't matter at all our guberment will just continue printing money.

What I don't understand is why not a single looter hasn't been shot by a property owner.
Originally Posted by Rusky
The CIA should kill the leaders.
you are forgetting who runs the CIA these days.............
0 and Holder are looking at Ferguson and smiling! They love the racial strife in this country.

Originally Posted by Esox357
0 and Holder are looking at Ferguson and smiling! They love the racial strife in this country.

Exactly! Obama and Holder are both socialistic arch-racists.

They love these useful idiots in Missouri.
Kevin Gibson has all the answers.
Originally Posted by Rusky
The CIA should kill the leaders.
It's illegal to kill the president and AG.
They wanted a race war all along. Part of the plan.

I just wonder how many nights the authorities are going to let this crap go on before actually stopping it?

If last night was any barometer, they had a free pass to do what they wanted with no resistance from the police. Where does that end?

On a positive note, maybe they will feel emboldened to start looting in predominantly white neighborhoods. Education will occur. wink
Send them here...we have a nice snow storm moving in. grin Besides the wolves, grizzlies and coyotes need some entertainment. laugh
Protesting racial inequality is one thing, this is blaming everyone else for their problems. A violent thug received the likely consequences of his actions. The asian store owner he robbed and accosted should have shot him first.that family raised a thug and blaming everyone else is part of the problem.
That will be one short war in my neck of the woods. If the 4 or so of them in the county decide to get frisky I don't believe it'll take long to settle the issue.

Heck, It's deer season. A lot of the population already has a rifle in their vehicle.
the result is America will say "we don't want another Ferguson"

but instead of focusing on the crime , they'll focus on how to prevent rioting.

Seems like for every step forard the Black Community makes, they take two steps back.

Nothing swings support back in favor of militarized police like rioting and looting.
Originally Posted by KFWA
- - -Nothing swings support back in favor of militarized police like rioting and looting.

How does one support militarization that does not matter? The police and vaunted National Guard troops did nothing to stop the rioting and looting as it started. Where was their "law enforcement presence" when the long-anticipated GJ decision was announced? They were somewhere afar watching the action. Useless militarization.
I've got the Beretta 92F with two spare magazines. It pays to be prepared if you draw the attention of undocumented non paying shoppers.
Untoward savages. They assume the crimes they commit are business as usual. They consider themselves immune to the law.
Rob Jordan just needs to sit down with these 'people' and talk it out.
reading the brief article and consider the source....

a noName Black woman with a bad attitude and thinking she and her entire race are nothing but victims in this country....

nothing really important to see or hear, here...

like we don't have enough black women in this nation with the same attitudes...
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Up gunned to a 21 with two spare mags for my daily commute...

Don't blame you one bit jorge I lived in Jacksonville in the sixties and we didn't have the two belt highways around I-95 then both I-10 and I-95 ran through Jacksonville's Ghettos. We had a Royal Typewriter Repairman leave a service call at NAS Jax for a service call at the one of the downtown businesses. He dropped off I-95 not knowing a race riot was going on and took a brick through the windshield of his car losing an eye.
Crump and Sharpton just gave a real good incite the riots speech. In essence ...

No justice for MB's family and no prosecution for the killer of their son.

I am so sick of their BS.
As long as the United Nations does not get invited in we should be fine.
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Up gunned to a 21 with two spare mags for my daily commute...

I broke out the P228 and an extra mag last night for my trip into the city. Felt weird leaving the 1911 at home.
51127members on the fire,i think we as a group can put a end to the mess...........
Originally Posted by srwshooter
51127members on the fire,i think we as a group can put a end to the mess...........

Obama does not approve of this message. laugh

Yeah, I think we could dissuade them rather quickly.
It won't end well for them...

Originally Posted by heavywalker
Rob Jordan just needs to sit down with these 'people' and talk it out.

Like Rob I know a bunch of damned fine people some of which happen to be black. Shoot all blacks is not the answer. Stop all pandering to ghetto terrorists and shutting down those who incite such actions is an answer.
In reality, black America couldnt hold up their end of a "real" race war. They ought to STFU before someone takes them to task.

Originally Posted by Reloder28
They consider themselves immune to the law.

And that's why they won't accept the Grand Jury's decision..............

Gonna come to a head one way or another in the not too distant future, I'm thinkin'.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
It won't end well for them...

"Mr. Chard Sir, patrol has come back, The Zulus have gone....all of em, its a miracle"!

"If its a miracle color Sargent, its a short chamber Boxer Henry point four five caliber miracle"

"And a bayonet sir, with some guts behind it"!

Great Movie! laugh
Originally Posted by AKA_Spook
In reality, black America couldnt hold up their end of a "real" race war. They ought to STFU before someone takes them to task.

Thats for sure. They are outnumbered, outclassed, out motivated and easily out-thought. A war takes planning, incentive, initiative and effort......all qualities woefully lacking from the 'opposition'.
Race war! We out number them and we use the sights on our pistols. They aren't very smart are they? I say open fire on the brainless POS's. [bleep] make me sick. [bleep] mind you not black folks.
As Todd Beamer would say, "Let's Roll"

I am more than ready to put this schit to rest.
Boots on the ground!

if they want to start a nation wide race war i think we'll save the government programs a few dollars.thinning the herd.
Originally Posted by ldholton
Stop food stamps and welfare...

Immediately, for ALL able bodied people. Also stop subsidized housing, MedicAid, and ANY OTHER form of entitlements for ALL able bodied people. Period...!

Anytime you 'give' something to somebody that didn't work for it...that means you 'took it away' from somebody who 'did' work for it...!
Right, a constitutionally protected, safe "race war." Good grief. War looks like Syria or at least the former South African "struggle". Way better to have dialogue towards fixing the divide. Americans vs. Hyphenated-Americans is bogus if we are the United States.

In RSA, the minority held sway. Well, the majority enjoyed over here says a real war would prove disastrous, rather quickly decided. Attitude isn't enough to co-opt the whole country if violence is the preferred way to "solve" problems.
Will really be impressive if it can happen since I have been hearing the claim as long as I can recall and reading about the claim being made from long before I was born. Kind of odd that man can achieve flight, split the atom, and set foot on the moon, but we can't have a good race war.

And really, isn't that stealing the thunder from our European roots since we slaughtered Indians/Native Americans/Injuns/Ignorant Savages/Noble Savages/et al long ago? Why doesn't that count as a race war? Doesn't that mean a race war is a good thing?
I'm a bit unsure of how the blacks are being discriminated against.

I'm a first generation American. My mom (and her mother and father) escaped from Nazis during WWII (long story) as the rest of her family was slaughtered. She didn't speak English, had nothing to her name and was thrust into this entirely new culture and world at age 11.

Within a few years, with NO government aid at all, she (and her parents) learned English, assimilated into the culture and made a go of it here. Again, no special programs to pamper them or give them an education in their native language and certainly no handouts like welfare or food stamps.

Within 10 years of being here, they were all fluent in English, my mom graduated from college and the family became middle class.

Granted, their skin was white, but I bet they overcame far worse discrimination in their lives than any black person today faces.

This is not an unusual story...we know many others who escaped oppression with nothing and thrived in America, without the need for handouts and special treatment.

So...blacks have been here for hundreds of years. They benefit from all sorts of special programs and government handouts. There are laws that are enacted to benefit them specifically. Yet many of them can't speak the language properly, refuse to become educated and refuse to buckle down, work, and succeed (certainly, many do, but the vocal members of the community outweigh them).

After all this time and all the benefits showered on them, what kind of discrimination holds them back???
Race War??

Blacks will lose...

Originally Posted by jorgeI
Well, the "mood" of white America still remains mostly stupid or uninterested or both..

Sure...our UNIONIZED teachers teach White Guilt! mad

We need a two-front war, one on the teachers' unions and administrations, and one on the out of control [bleep].

6 pages and no one has said what needs to be said. JFC I can't believe it. The race war was restarted when 51.8 % of dumbass voters put obuma in the Whitehouse. that is how mentally ill and ignorant our society is. It is what it is 51.8% of the US voting population said to blacks "time for you to be gettner now". That focking simple. Happy T- day I'm outta here. Magnum Man
Those are some rants for sure.
What could cause someone to be that full of hatred?
I'm sure glad that I don't live in a large city!
Originally Posted by Mac84
Originally Posted by jorgeI
Up gunned to a 21 with two spare mags for my daily commute...

I broke out the P228 and an extra mag last night for my trip into the city. Felt weird leaving the 1911 at home.

I'd have carried both. Never leave my 1911 at home.
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