Just the Housing decision, is the death knell for America. They have ruled that words mean nothing, only the feelings of the aggrieved count
The justices said people objecting to lending, zoning, sales and rental practices only need to show that they had a disparate impact on blacks or other minorities under a federal fair-housing law.
Its been dead since 1865. Since that day the government has had this unlimited power. It has just now decided to start exercising it.
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Its been dead since 1865. Since that day the government has had this unlimited power. It has just now decided to start exercising it.

[Linked Image]
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Its been dead since 1865. Since that day the government has had this unlimited power. It has just now decided to start exercising it.

Not "just now." The government politicians and unelected, faceless, nameless, mindless bureaucrats have been slowly destroying our Constitution and our Country for many, many years. Also the unmitigated corruption of our politicians and bureaucrats is boundless.

Of course there have been myriad books and essays written over the years about our decline and how it has been engineered. That said, one of the best I've read that encapsulated the process is LIBERAL FASCISM, written by Jonah Goldberg, Doubleday Publishing, © 2007.

If people here are really interested in the history of the decline of the United States and how it's been orchestrated, I suggest everyone buy or get a copy from your local library of this book.

As much as we love what they do, or hate what they do...

The Supreme Court is "government" too.
ponder this, then. The executive branch, the legislature, and the courts are now all closed to us, as a means to redress our concerns.
The 'government' in essense no longer represents us, since they are not accepting any input, and deciding on a daily basis, that what we believe in is no longer valid.
When you have no representation, no input, you are no longer a Citizen, but a subject.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
ponder this, then. The executive branch, the legislature, and the courts are now all closed to us, as a means to redress our concerns.
The 'government' in essense no longer represents us, since they are not accepting any input, and deciding on a daily basis, that what we believe in is no longer valid.
When you have no representation, no input, you are no longer a Citizen, but a subject.

I agree.

I also think it'll get worse. Rapidly. Escalation is happening now.
Originally Posted by Leanwolf
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Its been dead since 1865. Since that day the government has had this unlimited power. It has just now decided to start exercising it.

Not "just now." The government politicians and unelected, faceless, nameless, mindless bureaucrats have been slowly destroying our Constitution and our Country for many, many years. Also the unmitigated corruption of our politicians and bureaucrats is boundless.

Of course there have been myriad books and essays written over the years about our decline and how it has been engineered. That said, one of the best I've read that encapsulated the process is LIBERAL FASCISM, written by Jonah Goldberg, Doubleday Publishing, © 2007.

If people here are really interested in the history of the decline of the United States and how it's been orchestrated, I suggest everyone buy or get a copy from your local library of this book.


I agree about Liberal Facism. It's a great book with a lot of original thinking. I also agree that based on these two decisions things don't look good going forward forward. Disparate impact is going to be used as a club to force racial set-asides even if no actual discrimination is taking place.
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Its been dead since 1865. Since that day the government has had this unlimited power. It has just now decided to start exercising it.

[Linked Image]

Amazing how a movement to enslave other human beings as if they were cattle can become a rallying cry for liberty. Un&^%&king believable.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
ponder this, then. The executive branch, the legislature, and the courts are now all closed to us, as a means to redress our concerns.
The 'government' in essense no longer represents us, since they are not accepting any input, and deciding on a daily basis, that what we believe in is no longer valid.
When you have no representation, no input, you are no longer a Citizen, but a subject.

I agree.

I also think it'll get worse. Rapidly. Escalation is happening now.

Be patient. No need to think it will get worse. Tha azz hats with the black robes are distructive at every level. Wait till ole Ruthy takes one for the team, and retires. Giving the POS in charge the green light to put another liberal Bastid. To further chit on the people.

Take care, Willie
Today the court again told the Congress to grow some balls and do your constitutional duty.
you just wish that was what happened.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Today the court again told the Congress to grow some balls and do your constitutional duty.
But didn't do theirs.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Today the court again told the Congress to grow some balls and do your constitutional duty.

The Congress -- Democrats and Republicans -- is so utterly corrupt that "Constitutional Duty" is nothing more than an archaic, laughable concept.

The constitution is only a framework for a government. Ultimately the only way a country will have decent government is if it is staffed by decent moral people.

Have a government run by more or less good people and you're ok. Have a government run by corrupt bastards and they governing documents will not be worth they ink they are written with.

We as a country has reeped what it has sown by continually electing corrupt pork barrel politiceans decade after decade. This has been a long time coming.
Congress answers to hot women lobbyists who deliver briefcases of cash to their Crapitol Bldg offices in the daytime, then f**k their brains out at night (that's for the non-pederasts). Then, there's the ever-present fear of being attacked by AIPAC, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Al Sharpton's National Action Network, and a veritable cornucopia of other activist groups ready to pounce on anybody who steps out of line. Who the hell are We, The People, to suppose that Congress will listen to a lowly, serf-like constitutent, let alone discipline the Supreme Court justices or impeach/convict Obama for dereliction of duty??
I am beginning to think the someone has polaroid pictures of Roberts at the petting zoo.

we discussed that when he delivered the goods for obama the first time. I still think it's a distinct possibility.
He has proven himself to be a liberal & activist; he is surely neither conservative nor a constitutionalist.

He's owned.
We have to keep in mind that Roberts is considered a conservative appointed by a wan-a-bee conservative president!

Thanks George!
Trolling for dick
Long, long ago, the US Supreme Court stopped concerning itself with justice and took up "legal" affirmation of political agenda.

We NEED to start impeaching activist judges. We NEED to establish time limits on justices' service. We NEED to remove immunity from all courts so that criminal judges can be sued and imprisoned for crimes committed under the auspices of meting out justice.

We ain't stupid. We know what the Second Amendment reads. There is not tenable argument that can alter James Madison's cogent and clear words. The second a justice opines that Madison didn't mean what he wrote is the second that that justice oughta be yanked out of the court.
Originally Posted by northwestalaska
We have to keep in mind that Roberts is considered a conservative appointed by a wan-a-bee conservative president!

Thanks George!

No one knows what Roberts is. Were I to guess, I'd go with his being a neocon or liberal. He certainly was appointed by a neocon/liberal.
People in positions of power in our government have been wipin' their a$$e$ with The Constitution for a long time.
Elections matter
The next President will get at least two Supreme Court nominees, although it really may not matter all that much.
Originally Posted by RickyD
He's owned.

Yes he is.

Now you want to know by who and why?

Read Codeword: Barbelon - Danger in The Vatican, by P.H. Stuart and then read Rulers of Evil, by F. Tupper Saussy.

In between your readings, check the religious backgrounds of say 6 of 9 justices, pay attention to the recent blatherings of the Pope, and it becomes quite clear why Zerocare is allowed to stand in spite of it's Constitutionality.

Actually the Forward of Rulers of Evil will set the theme.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
ponder this, then. The executive branch, the legislature, and the courts are now all closed to us, as a means to redress our concerns.
The 'government' in essense no longer represents us, since they are not accepting any input, and deciding on a daily basis, that what we believe in is no longer valid.
When you have no representation, no input, you are no longer a Citizen, but a subject.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
yeah, that's the way I am seeing this.
Just think of the precedent that was set yesterday. From now on, the Judicial branch can change laws to suit them. If a judge thinks a law isn't quite as clear as it should be, or it should say something different, it can make the change.
That has been going on for awhile now, but not at the Supreme level. The game is fundamentally different now.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Just the Housing decision, is the death knell for America. They have ruled that words mean nothing, only the feelings of the aggrieved count
The justices said people objecting to lending, zoning, sales and rental practices only need to show that they had a disparate impact on blacks or other minorities under a federal fair-housing law.

Cruz agrees.

I'm convinced that the Lawn Jockey has something on Roberts.
Or maybe his benefactor George Soros simply bought him.
Either way,,,, something's rotten.
Conservatives like Cruz need to rally the support and legislation to start unwinding the yo-yo that Obama has spun.

I'm not sure this is the right time, though.

They CAN de-fund his pet agencies though.
Where, exactly, are the rest of them? They aren't at work.
Originally Posted by RobJordan

Amazing how a movement to enslave other human beings as if they were cattle can become a rallying cry for liberty. Un&^%&king believable.

I have said it before and I'll say it again; the Constitution, with an interstate commerce clause & the legalization of slavery, held the seeds of liberty's destruction. No matter who won the war we'd have come out on the other side a nation that had stood against Liberty.

That having been said, slavery was not the reason for the war from the perspective of EITHER side. For the Yankees it became the rationale for the war and for the Confederates it was the catalyst, but it wasn't the reason. The evidence of this FACT has been bandied about ad nauseum.

Clearly the Consitution (and therefore consistent, Constitutional governance) was flawed from the beginning. There was no way around its flaws if we were to be a land of laws.

Of course now we've found a way around it, and we'll all be slaves as a result. African slavery as we knew it was inhumane, grotesque, and opposed to Liberty but it's days were clearly numbered before the war ever started. The tyranny of government, however, is as old as the total depravity that causes it, and it's days will not end until that depravity ends. Lincoln clearly sped along the inevitable.
The Constitution has been dead far, far longer than one day. It died many years ago when citizens grew too fat & comfortable at the govt tit to hold their govt to account.

The Constitution today is merely the camouflage that tyrants use to gain the consent (or capitulation, they don't care) of the governed. It's a farce. The whole of DC as we believe it to be is a lie. It's been that way for a long long time. Anyone who expends energy trying to change it could invest just as well giving CPR to Thomas Jefferson.
Originally Posted by efw
The Constitution has been dead far, far longer than one day. It died many years ago when citizens grew too fat & comfortable at the govt tit to hold their govt to account.

The Communist's are working to remedy that(comfort). Almost every single thing that the Obama administration has done has been a direct attack on the economy. It is amazing that it has struggled along as well as it has, and a real frustration for them, I'm sure. It's easy to get in the weeds with this stuff, but it really is that easy.

Originally Posted by FieldGrade
I'm convinced that the Lawn Jockey has something on Roberts.
Or maybe his benefactor George Soros simply bought him.
Either way,,,, something's rotten.

There is speculation on this in some quarters as his pre-SCOTUS record did not point to his two ACA-saving votes.

Also, while I tend to agree with the tone and direction of this thread, I don't think anything will be quite as indicative of cultural collapse as when the SCOTUS "redefines marriage."
IMO, that will be the death blow to this nation. "Popular Culture Folks" don't have even the slightest inkling of the ramifications of that one, especially for Christians.

And I won't be surprised if Roberts is on board with that vote either.
Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by efw
The Constitution has been dead far, far longer than one day. It died many years ago when citizens grew too fat & comfortable at the govt tit to hold their govt to account.

The Communist's are working to remedy that(comfort). Almost every single thing that the Obama administration has done has been a direct attack on the economy. It is amazing that it has struggled along as well as it has, and a real frustration for them, I'm sure. It's easy to get in the weeds with this stuff, but it really is that easy.

Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by efw
The Constitution has been dead far, far longer than one day. It died many years ago when citizens grew too fat & comfortable at the govt tit to hold their govt to account.

The Communist's are working to remedy that(comfort). Almost every single thing that the Obama administration has done has been a direct attack on the economy. It is amazing that it has struggled along as well as it has, and a real frustration for them, I'm sure. It's easy to get in the weeds with this stuff, but it really is that easy.


The Constitution is far from dead, but the court sure could use some fixin'. Not the first time they have gotten the Constitution wrong.
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

The Constitution is far from dead,

It's probably pinin' for the fjords.

The constitution is dead when our leaders refuse to follow it, and our defenders refuse to defend it.
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