Originally Posted by 2legit2quit

Everyone wants to believe the fight ended on the night of election

Au contraire, the fight is just now beginning

PS. Trump needs to quit tweeting and lashing out at the ankle biters


I hope you won't mind me using your quote to start an interesting discussion.

At first glance, Trump's tweets are childish and annoying and certainly unpresidential to say the least. Initially, I had hoped that some would close his dang twitter account and put a muzzle on him from time to time. However, the more I think about it, maybe all this is serving part of a greater plan.

Trump, or any GOP President has a hostile media to contend with. Twitter and Youtube are suddenly a way to make the White House Press Corps superfluous. Trump doesn't need them to get a message out, nor does he need to fight them writing half truths or headline writers slanting the story. Trump can now go straight to the people and the MSM is obligated to flout. Too many people have already seen the message and it cannot be ignored.

Thinking about these personal attacks (i.e., John Lewis , etc.), I thought it was unwise to respond to John Lewis on ANY subject. Ignore him and he goes away quickly. On the other hand, maybe these Democrats need to be responded to. The Left will continue to use Alinsky's Rules for Radicals in attacking Trump, the GOP, Christians,an nd anything else they target. Look theses tactics and you can see them in play.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

“Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

Twitter is Trump's defense against the daily attacks from the Left. IF he leaves the attacks unanswered, OR if the MSM fails to cover his response through normal channels, the message from the Left goes unchallenged and eventually people will start to accept it as the truth. Trump[ uses twitter for a fast and accurate counter attack to the everyday assaults. He demonstrates that he will not backdown and that he is in power and that he has control.

Trump could be using a defense to the Dem Blitzkrieg of lies and disinformation that will be throw his was each and every day.
Fu ck 'em keep right on tweeting!
It got him elected and it drives the msm nuts!
I think his tweets are a very calculated way of keeping his opponents and detractors off-balance. They're left guessing what he'll do or say next.
I've never fallen into the 'Pick your battles' camp.
Excellent post. I agree totally that twitter is a good way for Trump to "short-circuit" the MSN.
Go President* Trump!!

* In two+ days
I think the tweets are more thought out than folks think. It's a good way of distracting the yahoos with one hand, while you push your agenda through with the other.....

He does need to pace himself, though..... Too much of it, and it'll just become more political background noise.
I got an idea.

I think I'll give him a few months actually in office before I bitch about tweeting.
Finally, a Republican Leader Playing Offense
By Brian C. Joondeph
In politics, as in sports, there is an offense and defense. In some sports the same players assume both roles, as in basketball and hockey, where a team may shift roles back and forth quickly as the game proceeds. In other sports, such as football, there are separate teams for offense and defense, specialists in their specific roles.

Political games often have separate teams for offense and defense; sometimes the political leaders, often their surrogates. In the case of Democrats, the media takes a prominent team role playing both ends of the field. The media can ignore unfavorable stories. A recent example is the sudden lack of interest or coverage of the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooting after the shooter’s Muslim conversion was identified. And the media can play offense, as they are with ongoing and relentless attempts to discredit the incoming Trump administration.

What’s new this political cycle is a sportsman who can play both ends of the field, and well. The pitcher who can hit home runs. The quarterback who can also play safety and intercept passes. The Michael Jordan who can not only score points, but also block shots and steal the ball.

Traditional Republicans specialize in defense, although poorly, and have little offensive skill. Normally Republicans are defending themselves against being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-immigration, Islamophobic, starving children, pushing granny off the cliff, and wanting blacks back on plantations.

Republican offensive skills are on par with some of the more hapless NFL teams. First they needed control of the House to advance a conservative agenda, repeal Obamacare, seal the border, and so on. Done in 2010. Then they needed the Senate too. Done in 2014. Still the Republican offense was throwing incomplete passes and barely running past the line of scrimmage. Obama continued to score against the GOP.

They needed control of the White House, too, before going on offense. Done as of a couple of months ago. Yet Republican leaders still can’t figure out how to not fumble the ball. Speaker Paul Ryan is already chipping away at one of President-elect Trump’s signature issues, illegal immigration, by backpedaling on enforcing existing laws previously passed by his own Congress. Some offense. Fumbling the opening snap of the ball.

Enter the new star athlete, able to play offense and defense, able to hit and field the ball at the same time, both quite effectively. Without any assistance from the media. Donald Trump continues to befuddle the political-media establishment by throwing completions and intercepting passes from the other team. How does he do it?

His primary weapon is a combined baseball bat and glove, which can hit doubles and triples and grab line drives that are seemingly out of reach.


The @realDonaldTrump account is causing fits among the media chattering class. And their Democrat allies who have nothing in their playbook to stop Trump’s Twitter train.

Looking at Trump’s tweets over the past few days demonstrates his versatility on offense and defense.

Congressman John Lewis took a recent swipe at Trump saying, "I don't see this President-elect as a legitimate president." These types of comments are much like the classic question, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Unanswerable based on the original premise.

Rather than ignoring Lewis’s jab or trying to explain why he is legitimate, Trump hit back. He promptly tweeted, “Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart.” Stopping the fast break by blocking the shot. Great defense.

His recent press conference also showcased his defensive skills. Faced with a hostile press and squawking CNN reporter Jim Acosta, Trump looked to be overrun. Instead he intercepted the big media pass by calling out CNN for “fake news” and immediately changing the narrative. Then spiking the ball by tweeting, “@CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!” To his 20 million Twitter followers, retweeted 34 thousand times to many more Twitter users.

Also, last week was the L.L. Bean controversy. A board member and company heiress contributed to a pro-Trump PAC. The #NeverTrumps immediately called for a boycott of L.L. Bean. Rather than distancing himself from L.L. Bean or returning the money as other Republicans might have done, Trump pushed back, tweeting, “Thank you to Linda Bean of L.L.Bean for your great support and courage. People will support you even more now. Buy L.L.Bean.”

This is not part of the Republican playbook, the weak defensive line actually able to stop any run up the middle. But while playing defense, Trump can still move the ball up the field.

Not focusing only on defending himself, Trump is also advancing his agenda. Obamacare repeal, one of his primary campaign issues, has not been forgotten. He tweeted at the same time as the above tweets, “The "Unaffordable" Care Act will soon be history!”

He also supported his cabinet nominees currently under Congressional scrutiny, “All of my Cabinet nominees are looking good and doing a great job. I want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts, not mine!”

Singles and doubles, gradually running up the score. While at the same time catching fly balls, and throwing out runners at first base.

Imagine if Mitt Romney could play offense and defense, rather than letting ground balls trickle through his legs then striking out. Romney had good ideas that he could not articulate or sell to the electorate. He was unable to shut down nonsensical memes such as not paying his taxes, mistreating the pet dog, bullying kids in high school, or causing his employees to die of cancer.

Romney allowed himself to be painted as an out-of-touch rich guy, entitled and uncaring. Not at all true, but pushed by the media and the Obama campaign, with no effective pushback from Romney. And the result was a second term for Obama.

What would Donald have done? Far worse was thrown at Trump, from both Republicans and Democrats, from the Clinton campaign and big media. Continuing to this day, less than a week before his inauguration. Yet Trump continues to intercept passes and move the ball down the field.

What a refreshing change for Republicans to have a party leader who can play offense and defense, effectively. An athlete the opposing team has never run up against, at least since the 1980s. And they have nothing in their playbook to stop him.

A new team. A new star athlete. What a great four, and hopefully eight, years ahead!

It really is something to behold.
I'm sure ready for him to show them, rather than tell them.

Walk softly and carry a big stick.

That isn't really his persona though.
Trump and his Twitter account are the most astoundingly effective weapon ever wielded by a GOP President elect. George Bush was paralyzed by any and all criticism. Romney ran and hid from criticism. Trump actively goes after his critics, and fights back.
I applaud him for kicking the ankle biters.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Trump and his Twitter account are the most astoundingly effective weapon ever wielded by a GOP President elect. George Bush was paralyzed by any and all criticism. Romney ran and hid from criticism. Trump actively goes after his critics, and fights back.
I applaud him for kicking the ankle biters.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Trump and his Twitter account are the most astoundingly effective weapon ever wielded by a GOP President elect. George Bush was paralyzed by any and all criticism. Romney ran and hid from criticism. Trump actively goes after his critics, and fights back.
I applaud him for kicking the ankle biters.

Yes. Well said. Your post reminds me of why I am so glad that Romney or some other RINO didn't get the nomination. We would be looking at president Hildabeast now. eek
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Trump and his Twitter account are the most astoundingly effective weapon ever wielded by a GOP President elect. George Bush was paralyzed by any and all criticism. Romney ran and hid from criticism. Trump actively goes after his critics, and fights back.
I applaud him for kicking the ankle biters.

Crush them and the ankle biter's will go away..
Trump tweeting = Liberal teeth gnashing

I said it before he is the political equivalent of a wrecking ball. The libtards are in deep chitt with him.
Trump made promises to the black and latino/hispanic communities that he would change their situation. It looks to me that he is putting those in power on notice that they have failed in what they promised to do.
Trump is fighting back. GWB was eaten alive because he never fought back.

The left has no response to someone fighting back. They count on whoever they are attacking to just take the high road.

Best thing about trump is he isn't a politician. They try to make everyone happy without offending anyone. Trump is more realistic. ANY decision is going to offend someone, anything you say will offend someone. He doesn't care. Says what he thinks is right and moves on.

About time.
At the risk of over using this quote Trump has already stated his MO in these affairs. The book quoted here was published in 2009, long before he thought of running for President.

From an essay in "Think Like a Champion" titled "It's Not Personal, It's Business":

"I have to be careful not to blow people away, because if you cross me personally and professionally, I'll have a double whammy waiting for you. I don't enjoy being vicious, but sometimes in self-defense it becomes necessary. I don't like the double standard, as in, whatever I do is okay and whatever you do isn't okay, or vice versa. If you treat me a certain way, then I can treat you that way, too. Some people call that the old "an eye for an eye" approach, but I call it playing fair. Sometimes the only way to deal with a bully is to punch him back. Let them know who they're dealing with. Fair play is fair play - and once again, don't take it personally."

As a PS, after reading the book cited above I thought that it compared in many ways to Marcus Aurelius' "Meditations". I honestly think Mr. Trump has what it takes to make this country great in the way we should have been in the decades after WWII - using the talent and industriousness of the American people for constructive ends, not squandering them in bush league wars. Let's just hope he doesn't plan on fighting an extended campaign in Germania...
Twitter is the new media - it's quick, short, honest and nobody get a chance to spin it before it hits the public. The conventional media is scrambling to keep up and losing ground every minute, much like print media is now dead. Trump is and has been a step ahead of the media all along.
If nothing else, it's entertaining as all hell. Tweet away. Too bad if you punch the bully in the eye while you're doing it. Fu ck 'em.
Originally Posted by CEJ1895
Fu ck 'em keep right on tweeting!
It got him elected and it drives the msm nuts!
Originally Posted by Bob_H_in_NH

Best thing about trump is he isn't a politician. They try to make everyone happy without offending anyone. Trump is more realistic. ANY decision is going to offend someone, anything you say will offend someone. He doesn't care. Says what he thinks is right and moves on.

About time.

+1 and he's not affected by the bribes from special interest groups. Those folks don't know what to do if they can't buy votes - refreshing.
I love it. One of the reasons for Bush 43's downfall and Obama's subsequent ascent was the unrelenting, unresponded-to lies from the left. Bush refused to "sully" the office of President by responding but it made the lies look like truth. It hurt him and it cost lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. He never realized that the greatest enemy this country has is not Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, ISIS, etc. It is liberalism and nowhere is liberalism more rampant than in the mainstream media. Trump's ability to combat that is why he won and how he will be successful as President.
How long after the inauguration do you think it will be before Twitter (under pressure from the left and the MSM) closes Trump's account?

As long as he can "tweet" he is in control. Take that account away and Trump will be severely crippled.
Originally Posted by steve4102
Take that account away and Trump will be severely crippled.

Betcha whitehouse.gov comes out with an alternative....
Ignore the mutherfuggersvand go on
Trump uses Tweets to bypass the hostile media. By doing so, he controls/sets the narrative/agenda and here we are, talking about it.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Trump and his Twitter account are the most astoundingly effective weapon ever wielded by a GOP President elect. George Bush was paralyzed by any and all criticism. Romney ran and hid from criticism. Trump actively goes after his critics, and fights back.
I applaud him for kicking the ankle biters.

This is the appeal of Trump to Blue Collar white Union voter that the Dems never got. They (and many of the rest of us) grew sick and tired of the GOP leaders wilting and pussing out the first time CNN and Salon and HuffPO criticized them.
It ain't nearly so much fun to snipe from the weeds if you know you're gonna get a prompt machine gun blast. I love it.

DT is smarter than they are and a whole lot smarter than they think he is.
Between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Trump has almost 50 million followers for his direct message. Many more people than tune into CNN on any given day.

Also this, Twitter gets news out so fast that by the time Media builds in "spin", the real story has been told twice already.
Originally Posted by centershot
Twitter is the new media - it's quick, short, honest and nobody get a chance to spin it before it hits the public. The conventional media is scrambling to keep up and losing ground every minute, much like print media is now dead. Trump is and has been a step ahead of the media all along.
Originally Posted by davet
Between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Trump has almost 50 million followers for his direct message. Many more people than tune into CNN on any given day.

Also this, Twitter gets news out so fast that by the time Media builds in "spin", the real story has been told twice already.
Originally Posted by centershot
Twitter is the new media - it's quick, short, honest and nobody get a chance to spin it before it hits the public. The conventional media is scrambling to keep up and losing ground every minute, much like print media is now dead. Trump is and has been a step ahead of the media all along.


I doubt any news network has 50 mil viewers at any one time.

The Donald does... cool

Every time he tweets... grin

And don't ya know, that really pizzes'em off... wink

Originally Posted by steve4102
How long after the inauguration do you think it will be before Twitter (under pressure from the left and the MSM) closes Trump's account?

As long as he can "tweet" he is in control. Take that account away and Trump will be severely crippled.

I think they are smart enough to keep the account that keeps them in the news. I'd wager his account is the single most important account they have and accounts for a significant percentage of new followers and company growth.
I guess he can keep it up, as it seems to be today's method for staying informed. Trump needs some sharp writers though capable of drafting comebacks with serious bite. Seems many of Great Britain's leaders have a real talent for putting people in place with just a one liner. Haven't heard any of Trump's responses that come even close to being classics.
Twitter gives Trump great power over the MSM, it's a beautiful thing to behold.

Many have underestimated Trump, All have lost.
Originally Posted by RWE
I got an idea.

I think I'll give him a few months actually in office before I bitch about tweeting.

This. I do think Trump looks like a Buffoon when he battles with people of no consequence on twitter. I hope he tempers that.
What's a tweet?
Twitter is DT's answer to the old sayin that a lie makes it halfway round the world before the truth's got its pants on.

With DT, the truth is round the world before the lie can be spun.
Nope no problem at all with you starting this thread hatari

Good discussion

''Tis evident the mileage varies and I'm good with that as posters make some valid,points about not just rolling over and taking the criticisms of his detractors

Will have to say I agree with the poster that opined, he needs some witty bastid to do the responding for him on twitter

I'm thinking steelhead and bristoe could do well with that job
"Look, I don't like tweeting. I have other things I could be doing. But I get very dishonest media, very dishonest press. And it's my only way that I can counteract," said the Republican president-elect.
Originally Posted by davet
Between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Trump has almost 50 million followers for his direct message. Many more people than tune into CNN on any given day.

Also this, Twitter gets news out so fast that by the time Media builds in "spin", the real story has been told twice already.

you are right. I just signed onto my here to fore unused Twitter account, and clicked "follow" at @realDonaldTrump smile
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
Nope no problem at all with you starting this thread hatari

Good discussion

''Tis evident the mileage varies and I'm good with that as posters make some valid,points about not just rolling over and taking the criticisms of his detractors

Will have to say I agree with the poster that opined, he needs some witty bastid to do the responding for him on twitter

I'm thinking steelhead and bristoe could do well with that job

I assumed by the content they ALREADY had that cabinet post. smile
Originally Posted by steve4102
How long after the inauguration do you think it will be before Twitter (under pressure from the left and the MSM) closes Trump's account?

As long as he can "tweet" he is in control. Take that account away and Trump will be severely crippled.

Even to a screaming leftist organization like Twitter it's pretty risky screwing with the President of the United States. Right now he's just a private citizen, but in two days he'll be president. I think twitter would think twice about closing down the account of the president, that likely wouldn't be good for business.
His way of fighting back, good on him. The Dems don't know what to do.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
Originally Posted by davet
Between Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Trump has almost 50 million followers for his direct message. Many more people than tune into CNN on any given day.

Also this, Twitter gets news out so fast that by the time Media builds in "spin", the real story has been told twice already.

you are right. I just signed onto my here to fore unused Twitter account, and clicked "follow" at @realDonaldTrump smile

I just got on Twitter a month back, and I'd been missing out. Lot of raw news from all over the EU and US. A lot of junk too, but it has been very interesting. Hackers directly linking to SJW websites/contacts/plans for the inauguration, or reading the leaked emails from [email protected] (Hillary's) are some things I was looking at last night.
Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Trump uses Tweets to bypass the hostile media. By doing so, he controls/sets the narrative/agenda and here we are, talking about it.


This^^^. Straight talk to 50 million people shorts out fake news.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Trump uses Tweets to bypass the hostile media. By doing so, he controls/sets the narrative/agenda and here we are, talking about it.


This^^^. Straight talk to 50 million people shorts out fake news.

Just checked out Fox News on line. Average viewership is about 1.3 Mil, more than MSNBC and CNN combined.

I would think Trump controls the narrative with his 50 Mil Tweeter followers.

Now, you know they don't like it, ad sales can't be that good. Like here on the Fire, hits = revenue...

Im a Trump supporter but wish he would get off social media

Now if he would at least stop tweeting like a teenager and maybe tweet like the top tier buisness man he is.....

That would help
Originally Posted by tedthorn
Im a Trump supporter but wish he would get off social media

Now if he would at least stop tweeting like a teenager and maybe tweet like the top tier buisness man he is.....

That would help
no, he wouldn't of won without twitter.
He got my vote without it
Trump wins with the tweets! Best tweet he's had in two weeks was for all the communist, liberal congressman who are not going to the inaguaration to send him their tickets because he needs them for all the people who want to go!! Best response he could have made.
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
I love it. One of the reasons for Bush 43's downfall and Obama's subsequent ascent was the unrelenting, unresponded-to lies from the left. Bush refused to "sully" the office of President by responding but it made the lies look like truth. It hurt him and it cost lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. He never realized that the greatest enemy this country has is not Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, ISIS, etc. It is liberalism and nowhere is liberalism more rampant than in the mainstream media. Trump's ability to combat that is why he won and how he will be successful as President.

This needs to be told over and over by the right until its embedded in the brains of our youth. No one seems to have the guts to inform them the policies of the left are designed to destroy us, not to make us politically correct.

Watch a liberal when you tell him that if open borders and filling a nation with muzzies was a good thing China and Japan would be doing it.
It's just too bad that Trump has really, really, really bad delivery. You know, words and such? Words. I love words. Words are great, so great.

It's like a phuqqin billionaire valley girl.
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