Canada's First Nations Debate - Globe & Mail.

This land does NOT belong to them.
Why do some people keep saying that it does?
Is it because that's what they want you to believe?
Well then the marketing campaign must be working.

Let's get this straight...

1. These people's ancestors did not just appear in North America
magically out of thin air one day 50,000 years ago.
They came in waves across the land/ice bridge from Asia .
What's more these waves in many case were not related groups of people.
They came from various places around North Eastern Asia and were from different genetic strains....
in other words the "natives of North America are not a homogenous group of people and more importantly....
They are immigrants too, like millions of immigrants today.

2. The idea that the "natives" were peaceful caretakers of the land or benevolent tenants couldn't
be further from the truth. The various tribes warred on each other constantly.
They were violent.
Want proof?
Ask the Huron's...oh that's right you can't.
The Iroquois wiped them out.
How about slavery that was rife among the first nation tribes until the Europeans came over
and freed the slaves and put an end to this "valued cultural tradition"?
Is slavery peaceful and humane?

3. The idea that we "stole" this land from them is also ridiculous.
A more technologically advanced and numerous culture invaded and conquered.
This is exactly what has been happening since the dawn of humanity all around the globe.
To say we "stole" their lands is just plain wrong.
That is akin to saying the Saxons should return England to the Angles.
Or maybe we should launch a campaign to have Roman descendants give Italy back to the Etruscans.

It is a nonsensical notion driven by the politically correct bleeding hearts on the left
and some intellectually deficient liberals, and it will continue to cost this country needless
and wasted billions and billions until we get some backbone and turn off the taps.

Are these people in trouble?
Do they need help?
Are they responsible enough to look after themselves and efficiently
spend the billions the tax payers give them?
Certainly not.

The only way to fix this situation is to bring them into society as equals.
They should be getting jobs and paying taxes like the rest of us because in reality,
they are no more special than any of the other hundred or more cultures that call Canada home.

Turn off the taps.
Do away with this "traditional use" and "cultural" nonsense.
Educate their children to become modern citizens, instead of finding their identity and
source of pride in some folks who occupied the land 15000 years ago.
Let them stand or fall on their own account
Another Harumph!, but I'm reminded of the story of the seagulls.

On a certain coast line there was a healthy population of seagulls. This group of gulls taught their young to fish at an early age, and the young grew up to be proficient fisherbirds, and were self-sustaining. One day, a fleet of shrimp boats moved into the harbour. The seagulls loved all the shrimp scraps, and feasted daily. The shrimp boats prospered for several years. The seagulls loved the shrimp scraps, but over time, their young learned only how to take the scraps from the fishing boats, and the adult gulls stopped teaching their young how to fish, because there was no need. They had abundant food provided to them by the shrimping boats.

One day, the shrimp supply was exhausted, and the shrimp boats moved on. The adult seagulls were never taught by their parents how to fish, and they couldn't teach their young, either. They began to go hungry and starve to death by the hundreds. All because they took the easy way out and ate scraps instead of maintaining and passing on their fishing skills.

This is akin to the situation with indians in our country right now. We are the shrimp boats, and one day we'll move on and stop giving them hand outs. If they don't have training or ability to contribute to society and provide for themselves, they will be in trouble. I don't think anyone wants to see the indians starve to death or resort to illegal activity just to survive. I believe that we should help them make the transition into integrating into Canadian society. Let's do it intelligently so that we can help them to become self-sufficient. We can't just turn off the taps and pull the rug out from under them after hand feeding them for so long. We need to redirect some of the money that we currently hand to them in "res cheques", into training programs which will enable them to "stand on their own account". We need to find ways to train them to contribute to society either by getting higher education (start with making sure the young people attend and pass grade school!), tradesman training, etc. That way we can slowly wean them off the societal "bottle" that they're currently on.

Say we re-direct 10% of each of their cheques into an education and training fund, or a housing fund, or something constructive, for the first 2 years. Then 20% for the next 2 years, 50% for 5 years, 75% for 5 years, and then 100% of funding is eliminated. This gives them a chance to receive training or employment qualification over a 14-year span, and gently integrate into society. For the ones that currently receive free education and training, then the fund could be a housing fund. As soon as you qualify for a mortgage, you receive that fund towards a down payment.

We've gotta make this a feasible reality for them, and I believe there are ways to do that.
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
Another Harumph!, but I'm reminded of the story of the seagulls.

On a certain coast line there was a healthy population of seagulls. This group of gulls taught their young to fish at an early age, and the young grew up to be proficient fisherbirds, and were self-sustaining. One day, a fleet of shrimp boats moved into the harbour. The seagulls loved all the shrimp scraps, and feasted daily. The shrimp boats prospered for several years. The seagulls loved the shrimp scraps, but over time, their young learned only how to take the scraps from the fishing boats, and the adult gulls stopped teaching their young how to fish, because there was no need. They had abundant food provided to them by the shrimping boats.

One day, the shrimp supply was exhausted, and the shrimp boats moved on. The adult seagulls were never taught by their parents how to fish, and they couldn't teach their young, either. They began to go hungry and starve to death by the hundreds. All because they took the easy way out and ate scraps instead of maintaining and passing on their fishing skills.

This is akin to the situation with indians in our country right now. We are the shrimp boats, and one day we'll move on and stop giving them hand outs. If they don't have training or ability to contribute to society and provide for themselves, they will be in trouble. I don't think anyone wants to see the indians starve to death or resort to illegal activity just to survive. I believe that we should help them make the transition into integrating into Canadian society. Let's do it intelligently so that we can help them to become self-sufficient. We can't just turn off the taps and pull the rug out from under them after hand feeding them for so long. We need to redirect some of the money that we currently hand to them in "res cheques", into training programs which will enable them to "stand on their own account". We need to find ways to train them to contribute to society either by getting higher education (start with making sure the young people attend and pass grade school!), tradesman training, etc. That way we can slowly wean them off the societal "bottle" that they're currently on.

Say we re-direct 10% of each of their cheques into an education and training fund, or a housing fund, or something constructive, for the first 2 years. Then 20% for the next 2 years, 50% for 5 years, 75% for 5 years, and then 100% of funding is eliminated. This gives them a chance to receive training or employment qualification over a 14-year span, and gently integrate into society. For the ones that currently receive free education and training, then the fund could be a housing fund. As soon as you qualify for a mortgage, you receive that fund towards a down payment.

We've gotta make this a feasible reality for them, and I believe there are ways to do that.

You have no idea do you? HRDC is already distributing millions for training...and it's being doled out by the AFN and MNC.....why don't you educate yourself a little your starting to embarrass yourself. :-)
LOL! Again, you miss the point. I can't say I'm surprised. The important part is that some of their current "Res cheque" be re-directed into constuctive initiatives. Meaning, less and less of our money to blow on drugs, alcohol, disposable vehicles, and flat screen TV's as the years pass, and more and more incentive to integrate into society and provide for themselves.
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
LOL! Again, you miss the point. I can't say I'm surprised. The important part is that some of their current "Res cheque" be re-directed into constuctive initiatives. Meaning, less and less of our money to blow on drugs, alcohol, disposable vehicles, and flat screen TV's as the years pass, and more and more incentive to integrate into society and provide for themselves.

Like I said...you have no idea. I suppose you think each band gets money no strings attached? I suppose you think our governments have no idea what they do with the funds they are given? And you most likely think it makes a difference 'who was here first'??

I'll even bet you think our governments have no hand in supporting their chosen chiefs either? In politics money buys votes....who do you think gave financial support to Spences campaign?
I know exactly how it works. I grew up with aboriginal foster children in our home, and had lots of contact with the tribe, social workers, etc. I have taken an interest in aboriginal affairs ever since then.

You are clueless
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
I know exactly how it works. I grew up with aboriginal foster children in our home, and had lots of contact with the tribe, social workers, etc. I have taken an interest in aboriginal affairs ever since then.

You are clueless

Whoopeee you grew up with aboriginal foster kids!! I guess that makes you an expert and I am clueless because I never had that experience. ;-) Here comes the mooniow to tell me all about being native again!!! I'm waiting for more enlightenment whenever your ready.
I think it's blatantly obvious to everyone but you just how clueless you are, so I'll stop wasting my time. Good luck!
Jordan, may I just caution you concerning this "CS" guy as his antics here concerning aboriginal issues are both invidious and highly provocative.

He will post ANYTHING, lies, racist slurs, personal attacks and, especially, that particularly annoying form of pretentious,false "knowledge" that is so characteristic of illiterate and self-aggrandising union types.

He does this, IMO, to get attention, much like a pubescent "mall ninja" strutting for a nubile little "teenybopper" in hopes of a quicky in the service corridor behind the "Food Court" and his opinions are about as "expert" as their sticky fumbling......

Ignore him and he may return to that BC forum and spare us his bullsh!T. smile smile smile
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter
Meaning, less and less of our money
I'll even bet you think our governments have no hand in supporting their chosen chiefs either? In politics money buys votes....who do you think gave financial support to Spences campaign?

I think we all know where she got the money!!


Originally Posted by kutenay
Jordan, may I just caution you concerning this "CS" guy as his antics here concerning aboriginal issues are both invidious and highly provocative.

He will post ANYTHING, lies, racist slurs, personal attacks and, especially, that particularly annoying form of pretentious,false "knowledge" that is so characteristic of illiterate and self-aggrandising union types.

He does this, IMO, to get attention, much like a pubescent "mall ninja" strutting for a nubile little "teenybopper" in hopes of a quicky in the service corridor behind the "Food Court" and his opinions are about as "expert" as their sticky fumbling......

Ignore him and he may return to that BC forum and spare us his bullsh!T. smile smile smile

LMAO....well written. ;-).
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
I think it's blatantly obvious to everyone but you just how clueless you are, so I'll stop wasting my time. Good luck!

Thank Christ!! I was getting a little tired of your stubble jumper outlook on life. :-)
I'm with JS on this one!!

Throwing more money at this problem is NOT the solution!!

By the way,

All I had to eat today was soup and water. Day one of my hunger strike...now if I could just get 365 days of holidays every year and more money than I currently make I would be set!!
Originally Posted by TangoKilo
I'm with JS on this one!!

Throwing more money at this problem is NOT the solution!!

By the way,

All I had to eat today was soup and water. Day one of my hunger strike...now if I could just get 365 days of holidays every year and more money than I currently make I would be set!!

Pipe dreams for sure..... laugh
Originally Posted by kutenay
Jordan, may I just caution you concerning this "CS" guy as his antics here concerning aboriginal issues are both invidious and highly provocative.

He will post ANYTHING, lies, racist slurs, personal attacks and, especially, that particularly annoying form of pretentious,false "knowledge" that is so characteristic of illiterate and self-aggrandising union types.

He does this, IMO, to get attention, much like a pubescent "mall ninja" strutting for a nubile little "teenybopper" in hopes of a quicky in the service corridor behind the "Food Court" and his opinions are about as "expert" as their sticky fumbling......

Ignore him and he may return to that BC forum and spare us his bullsh!T. smile smile smile

Yes Kutenay CanuckShooter still on HBC running off with his FN bullsh*t but remember its only racist when the "Whites" say anything about the FN
Originally Posted by sjr
Yes Kutenay CanuckShooter still on HBC running off with his FN bullsh*t but remember its only racist when the "Whites" say anything about the FN

Liar-liar :-)
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter
Originally Posted by sjr

Yes Kutenay CanuckShooter still on HBC running off with his FN bullsh*t but remember its only racist when the "Whites" say anything about the FN

Liar-liar :-) [/quote]
Is that you Lance Armstrong ?
Yup. "sjr", "CS" was whining about being banned from HBC, seems that most of his posts are either stupid slurs upon others here or whining about something on several forums.

He and those like him are a genetic/cultural "dead end" in Canada and the greater world beyond our borders....soon, the percentage of "non-traditional" immigrants who can VOTE in Canada, will be so large that the pampering we "Whiteys" have given these parasites will be stopped and serious enforcement of the laws concerning situations like "Caledonia"will begin to take place.

Probably result in some time in the "slammer"for many of these misfits.
Yes both Canuckshooter and Kutenay have been banned from HBC and for Kutenay BigshotsBC considering how much trouble they stir up here it's not surprising why. It's too bad the Canada section here has been just about wiped out because of guys just wanting to stir up trouble.
That is NOT true, I was asked to join BSBC, by one of the founders in a couple of phonecalls as we had been boyhood friends.

When, one of the senior moderators kept sending me late night messages there and on another forum, after I had asked him to stop as my wife was/is very ill, they were not as "welcoming" and I LEFT VOLUNTARILY, as I also did from HBC several months before one of the mods there "banned" me.

So, GG, perhaps, you might want to try to get your facts correct before attempting to make posts about others. As to ...trouble... HERE, well, perhaps YOU might want to post FACTUAL information concerning Canadian history to offset the lies and distortions that a few post frequently.

Funny, I receive about a half-dozen PMs here every week, asking for assistance with various issues/things and I NEVER refuse to help ANYONE. So, I might suggest that you post ONLY what you CAN VERIFY and cease making false assertions.
Originally Posted by gerrygoat
Yes both Canuckshooter and Kutenay have been banned from HBC and for Kutenay BigshotsBC considering how much trouble they stir up here it's not surprising why. It's too bad the Canada section here has been just about wiped out because of guys just wanting to stir up trouble.

The only reason I was banned from HBC is because that bunch of panty waists can dish it out, but they cannot take it when I give it back to them. ;-). You can thank Gheythouse for that, the burger cook cannot defend himself without his mod authority to back up his ignorance.

I manage to make out quite well on other sites too, especially the ones that allow rebutals to bigots that are posting derogatory and inflammatory things in regards to my ancestry. This forum allows bigots like Kute & mr Smith to post and they also allow us to respond without singling us out for infractions....isn't free speach a wonderful thing?
Lol, I believe it's you who uses the term "whitey". What bigoted terms have I used?

Hypocrisy. It only adds fuel to the fire.
See Gerry...just look at the title of the thread to see who is starting this up. :-).
I'm not going to post much on this thread but you love to stir things up, that's why you do it. Not going to argue with you, have a great day.
Originally Posted by gerrygoat
I'm not going to post much on this thread but you love to stir things up, that's why you do it. Not going to argue with you, have a great day.

THAT, is EXACTLY how we all should react to Jim's threads/posts and I have been attempting to do so,for some time.

The comments about Gatehouse really show what kind of "man" CS is and I am done with any further interaction with him.
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
Lol, I believe it's you who uses the term "whitey". What bigoted terms have I used?

Hypocrisy. It only adds fuel to the fire.

Woof.....;-) keep following that close your going to hit the poop hole. ;-)
[Linked Image]
What he said
LOL, and where did that money come from initially? The money tree in the back yard???
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter

I manage to make out quite well on other sites too, especially the ones that allow rebutals to bigots that are posting derogatory and inflammatory things in regards to my ancestry. This forum allows bigots like Kute & mr Smith to post and they also allow us to respond without singling us out for infractions....isn't free speach a wonderful thing?

[Linked Image]
+1 smile smile smile
Originally Posted by boarguy
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter

I manage to make out quite well on other sites too, especially the ones that allow rebutals to bigots that are posting derogatory and inflammatory things in regards to my ancestry. This forum allows bigots like Kute & mr Smith to post and they also allow us to respond without singling us out for infractions....isn't free speach a wonderful thing?

[Linked Image]

Your off the mark, bigot was the term used. ;-). Are you still sucking up to Gheythouse?

Your off the mark, bigot was the term used. ;-). Are you still sucking up to Gheythouse? [/quote]

Considering the fact that gatehouse also posts on here, you are being pretty bloody ignorant.
Fortunately, you are able to hide your cowardly self behind the keyboard.
Its also a good thing that the BSBC Forum keeps you on a tight leash, there you have to be nice ??
Originally Posted by Bud Gills

Your off the mark, bigot was the term used. ;-). Are you still sucking up to Gheythouse?

Considering the fact that gatehouse also posts on here, you are being pretty bloody ignorant.
Fortunately, you are able to hide your cowardly self behind the keyboard.
Its also a good thing that the BSBC Forum keeps you on a tight leash, there you have to be nice ?? [/quote]

I'm not hiding behind a keyboard, he knows who I am, where I live and even my IP address. He is more of a mystery man hiding behind his HBC mod status. As for BSBC the people on there are respectful and quite pleasant to interact with, you should try it we can get along if we try. :-). I still find it humorous that all you fellows feel the need to protect GH in forums where he lacks the authority to lock people out that don't kiss his ass.

He lost any respect I had for him as a man when he used his 'powers' towards his own ends.
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter

Your off the mark, bigot was the term used. ;-). Are you still sucking up to Gheythouse?

I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I'm also not a member of Hunting BC forums as I don't live there. Make sense?

And again, it's "you're", not "your". Evidently you weren't eligible for a residential school payout.

Originally Posted by boarguy
Originally Posted by CanuckShooter

Your off the mark, bigot was the term used. ;-). Are you still sucking up to Gheythouse?

I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I'm also not a member of Hunting BC forums as I don't live there. Make sense?

And again, it's "you're", not "your". Evidently you weren't eligible for a residential school payout.

Boarguy on HBC is a GH fan club member, my apologies for mistaking you for him...even if you were defending a big azzhat.

Thank you for the English lesson :-) it's what happens when the teachers beat the bad out of you too often.
Originally Posted by kutenay

You gotta do a lot of belly laughing to laugh that ass off Kutenay...
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