Some folks find axis a bit more gamey than WT. So I butterflied the tenders, jaccarded them and soaked in buttermilk and Daddy Henckles seasoning overnight. Then in a cast iron skillet, I slowly reduced just a bit of bacon fat, added a bit of olive oil as well as unsalted butter. Added chopped onion, garlic, jalape�o and mushrooms. A teaspoon of each, and added that to the fat and butter and reduced it. Pulled the reduction to the skillet and pan seared the meat to MR. Then added back in the reduced veggies to finish off in the blood of the meat. Ended up with a glaze drizzled over the tenders with flavorful veggies. Turned out great. Oh forgot to mention that I added a quarter cup of OJ to the sauce when I was reducing it. You can't really taste the OJ because of the spices, but the acid helped to make the meat even more tender. Good stuff.