My brother believes if Biden or another dumocrat becomes POTUS the China virus will have a vaccine or cure all treatment by 2021. I can't see it personally but there's always a possibility I guess.
If the dems win the masks will fall off like the leaves of autumn.
If Pedo Joe wins it won't matter whether the virus goes away or not because it will magically disappear from the news and nobody will give it any more thought...that is unless there is more to it, like chipping everybody or using it for population control. Fauci is a tool of globalists like Bill Gates who are very much into population reduction. The only reason assclowns like that want a vaccine is to make money off of or for more nefarious and sinister purposes...probably both.
The MSM narrative will change if a Democommie gets in office of POTUS
The virus no, the hype, yes. In the US that is.
They have been saying for a quite while that the earliest a vaccine might be available is December 2020 or 1st quarter 2021, it will be after the November election irregardless of who wins.
The virus would be over if a hedgehog wins. Unless of course, if B. Gates his way and the "ship of fools" (should be "ship of tools") decide to install same......
Is there a possibly dangerous virus? Yes.
Is it way overblown and used as a political weapon? Oh hell yes.
If the Dems get control, the virus epidemic will quickly be replaced on the news by daily mass shootings using assault rifles and handguns.
The virus is chinese retaliation for President Trumps trade deals.
On the trade deals, the Federal Reserve researchers say China won that round. I'm a great believer in Fair Trade, but simplistic answers don't always work out as expected.

It's a virus, it has nothing to do with politics. It's like saying the common cold is commie plot to wreck society. However the handling of the response has become political, unlike in most other countries.
Originally Posted by wabigoon
The virus no, the hype, yes. In the US that is.

With in a week, two max.
Originally Posted by mtnsnake
The virus is chinese retaliation for President Trumps trade deals.

I do too!
And I think the Chinese have been watching our behavioral and lifestyle patterns for a long time they knew we wouldn’t fair well with this virus and they were correct. This germ will be around for as long as we keep spreading it around and I think we are playing into their hands buy doing so!
The virus won't go away but the intentional man made panic will if he wins, but he won't win.

We are living through one of the biggest scams ever inflicted on the population of this nation. DEMs knew that Trump was running high on a strong economy so they put forth the panic to crash the economy and they want it to stay crashed until the election. I don't think it will work because the American people, most of whom are staying silent right now, see right through their BS. Come Nov the awakened giant will crush the DEMs.
if the purple lipped obama was president nobody would have ever heard of COVERT-19 virus. it would have been called an above average flu season
The dems ARE the plague. Praying (and donating) for a defeat so grand that they do indeed go away.
Originally Posted by alwaysoutdoors
The MSM narrative will change if a Democommie gets in office of POTUS

Rush often says they are more dangerous when they are not in office.
The virus, no, the hype and fear mongering, YES. They will declare Dirty Uncle Joe cured it within 6 months, even though nothing changed.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
My brother believes if Biden or another dumocrat becomes POTUS the China virus will have a vaccine or cure all treatment by 2021. I can't see it personally but there's always a possibility I guess.

No, it is true...stupidity does nullify it.
I think they will keep the pressure on us, and drive us to our knees.
I saw on Praying Medic that there is no provisions for the msm continuing the BS after the election.

Originally Posted by TrueGrit
My brother believes if Biden or another dumocrat becomes POTUS the China virus will have a vaccine or cure all treatment by 2021. I can't see it personally but there's always a possibility I guess.

Wouldn't surprise me if they already have a "fix" but just waiting for the most favorable time to release it where they could claim all the glory with the least suspicion.




CDC Employees Made More Than 8,000 Federal Contributions To PACs And Politicians Since 2015. Only 5 Went To Republican Causes, FEC Records Show.

Open Secrets -- Johns Hopkins Health System

Open Secrets -- Mayo Clinic
If Trump loses the China virus will still be here. Magically it will be determined that because 99% of those that get it survive that it not that big of a deal. We won't have to wear face-mask anymore.
I don't believe that this is just a democrat agenda.
I believe that it goes MUCH deeper than that.
This has a spiritual agenda...demonic.
The powers that.should not be have seen this propaganda work so well that they will DOUBTLESS use it again. Maybe not the corona, but some real or fictional disease.

Look at it this way. The evil powers have accomplished more in the past few months than they did incrementally since the civil war.....with the exception of taxes and Lincolns armed take over of the legislative branch. There's probably one or two im missing as well.
remember in 08 and before how all you heard was how bad the wars were going? After Obama got in coverage of the wars dropped by about 95%.

Im betting if Biden wins, the FDA will find new evidence that concludes Hydroxychloroqine and Asthma inhaler treatments are the best thing going to stop the virus. And, they will recommend everyone at high risk be given at least Hydroxychloroqine daily doses as a precautionary measure until the virus goes away...They will say it is not dangerous and should be sold over the counter like in other countries. Basically, everything they refuse to do now that could end all the madness.

They gotta keep it going for now so the hospitals can make millions, and the drug companies can make billions in grants from the government and the politicians can get their kickbacks from the drug companies and our tax money...Also, keep it going in hopes Trump loses...
Yep. Fouci touted Hydroxychloroquine in 2005 to fight a virus.

So docs say to open schools:

But it will remain if Trump wins because its a Virus on the economy and not just the people.....They are trying to steal our freedom and the only thing holding us from doing the right thing is how the world would perceive us. we have to choose between our freedom or the system which has been infested by thieves, spy, and liars. Just don't know how long we can keep this up.
The first thing that will happen is a change on reporting.

Positive tests with no symptoms will be reported that way.
Symptomatic patients not hospitalized...The same.

There will be reports showing the percentage of positive tests that require hospital stays,
and comparing positives to deaths.

Suddenly, the numbers will be comforting, instead of disturbing.

If Trump wins, same as today continues forward.

If Biden wins, no the virus won't go away, that's just stupid. BUT the sound track around it, the daily/constant display of "growing" numbers will go away. Remember the hype around H1N1? Me neither. The sound track will go back to "everyone is going to get it, it's no big deal" and the deaths will become very hard to track.

the virus will play itself out, regardless of who is running the USA. It's the easy availability of the information and accurate statistics that will change.
Biden will lose, and virus will be seen less politically. More people have it but serious illness is way down by percentage. Certainly if the money bonus for suspecting china flu is removed, cases will go in half overnight.
Like in one of the Bond movies, "Double Ought Eight will replace me"
With 56 hospital icu's in florida having hit max capacity and another 40 with less than 10% remaining along with Texas having to order body bags and refrigerator trucks and Arizona sending patients across state lines, unless those are all fake patients and dead bodies, I doubt it will go away on Nov 3rd.
I don’t think this thing is ever going away now that the Dems have seen how effective it is. They’ll keep this one in their back pocket in perpetuity and pull it out as needed.
Rioters and NY,NJ and PA people flocking to Florida for the Memorial Day weekend. What could go wrong?
Originally Posted by Dryfly24
I don’t think this thing is ever going away now that the Dems have seen how effective it is. They’ll keep this one in their back pocket in perpetuity and pull it out as needed.

They have to keep control of their tools and the media is their best friend.
Originally Posted by mart
If the dems win the masks will fall off like the leaves of autumn.

Lol....best one I've heard yet.
The virus won’t go away but the non-stop gloom and doom coverage will...
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