Probably not.

But the real question is,... Are you supporting conservative candidates?

Have you donated or helped anyone running against the Commies?

Not just on the presidential level. But down the ballot as well?

Have you donated to Trump's campaign? Or any other person trying to keep the enemy at bay?

I have. smile

Have you?

If not, please do so.
Yes. Uh, i mean no. Im not voting for any commies.

I donated to the Trumpster.
Yes, even though my income level has been drastically reduced over the past two years, I still find a few bucks to donate.

I have donated to Trump 3 times in the last 2 months and Jim Jordan once.

No local or State Republicans as of yet.
I am a Democrat. Will NOT vote for a Democrat for federal office. Will donate to Trump if he stays in the race. Pence if he doesn't.
We haven't donated, can't afford to, ammo cost have been skyrocketing. In 2016 we actively campaigned for the RNC, but as far as I'm concerned they folded on Trump and US. " If was President you'd be in jail " Every time I hear Trump running his mouth that's what I remember most.
Yes to everything but the title question.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
We haven't donated, can't afford to, ammo cost have been skyrocketing. In 2016 we actively campaigned for the RNC, but as far as I'm concerned they folded on Trump and US. " If was President you'd be in jail " Every time I hear Trump running his mouth that's what I remember most.

Ah, a cut off your nose to spit your face kinda guy.
Who is the best outfit to donate to Trump? There seem to be so many.
Originally Posted by OMCHamlin
Who is the best outfit to donate to Trump? There seem to be so many.

Originally Posted by OMCHamlin
Who is the best outfit to donate to Trump? There seem to be so many.

Go directly to Trump’s campaign site.
The RNC gets pooled and split up.
I wouldn't ffor for any dim no matter what. I don't even acknowledge them.
Yes I donate to OUR President and havce a large flag Trump Pence flag proudly flying and wear my Trump hats all the time.
Originally Posted by Hastings
I am a Democrat. Will NOT vote for a Democrat for federal office. Will donate to Trump if he stays in the race. Pence if he doesn't.

I was born and raised a Democrat. In my part of the country, as well as in MOST of the South, the word "Republican" was a dirty word. They were the ones who forced war on the South, refused to let the Southern states leave the Union peacefully, and the raped the South both during the war and in the Reconstruction Period. I quit voting for Democrats on the state and national level many years ago, and changed my voter registration. However, I cringe every now and then at the thought that I belong to same party as the Bolshevik Lincoln, the arsonist Sherman, and the rest of those Yankees.............but that thought soon is eased when I realize that I no longer belong to same party as Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, the Negroes, and the deadbeats who refuse to help themselves.
Originally Posted by Hastings
I am a Democrat. Will NOT vote for a Democrat for federal office. Will donate to Trump if he stays in the race. Pence if he doesn't.

Why would he not stay in the race?

You seen him quit on anything yet?

He's not a quitter.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by Hastings
I am a Democrat. Will NOT vote for a Democrat for federal office. Will donate to Trump if he stays in the race. Pence if he doesn't.

Why would he not stay in the race?

You seen him quit on anything yet?

He's not a quitter.

Not a quitter, is an understatement.

A lesser man would have caved and quit long ago. Long ago.

I read the other day that he has lost over 2 billion dollars worth of his personal/enterprise wealth since he became President.
All politicians go to DC to become rich , Donald J Trump goes to DC to fight and as a result becomes less rich.

He will not quit on his own.
We sent Trump money directly
Hastings, from what you wrote it sound like you are NOT a democrat. An independent in all likelihood.

The Democrats are and have ALWAYS been Marxist. In the early 1840s when they were started Karl Marx was still alive, and the Democrats were all about quoting him and following his teachings from the first days of their existence. Some believe the "Democrats of today are not the same as they were when I was young" Not true.
The ONLY difference between Democrats of 2020 and Democrats of 1990, 1970, 1940, 1900, 1880, 1865 or 1840 is the fact that today they are becoming more honest about their core beliefs.

They are and have ALWAYS been communist and in the USA, there has not been one second in their history they were not. They simply hid that fact from the rank and file members. But this it the real truth and the quotes from the top leaders of the American Democrat party are available going back to well before the civil war.

This is not to say that voting Republican is going to be some guarantee that you are voting against communism. Far from it! Communists have infiltrated well over 1/2 of the Republican party too.

It's easier to fool people then it is to show them they have been fooled.

“Democrat” in my part of the world is a dirty, dirty word!
Here is some food for thought. We HAVE been told, and told, and TOLD!
Copy and paste these, Share with your children.

"He who knows nothing is nearer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with
falsehoods and errors."

-- Thomas Jefferson

'Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up,
brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had

-- Winston Churchill

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."

-- Abraham Lincoln

"I have never seen more Senators express discontent with their jobs ... we have
been accomplices to doing something terrible and unforgivable to this wonderful
country... we have given our children a legacy of bankruptcy. We have defrauded
our country to get ourselves elected."

-- John Danforth, Republican Senator from Missouri, in an interview in The
Arizona Republic on April 22, 1992

"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it
teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government
becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to
become a law unto himself."

-- Louis D. Brandeis, former Supreme Court Justice

"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into
error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling
into error."

-- United States Supreme Court - American Communications Association v. Douds

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its
patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these
three areas, America will collapse from within."

-- Joseph Stalin, former dictator of the Soviet Union

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name
of "liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until
one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

-- Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party presidential

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our
freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." >>>>>>>>>>>>(Speaking of Democrats specifically)

-- Abraham Lincoln

"I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has
done to them over past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds
up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of
the United States."

-- Senator George Malone of Nevada, speaking before Congress in 1957

"Gentlemen, Comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about glasnost and
perestroika and democracy in the coming years These are primarily for outward
consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet
Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans
and let them fall asleep."

-- Mikhial Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, to the Politburo in
November of 1987

"We operate here under directives from the White House.. [to] use our grant
making power to alter life in the US. so that we can comfortably be merged with
the Soviet Union."

-- Rowan Gaither, former president of the Ford Foundation, in a 1954 statement
to Norman Dodd regarding Congressional investigations of the un-American
activities of tax-exempt foundations operating in the U.S.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the

-- Felix Frankfurter, United States Supreme Court Justice

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men,
their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and
religious dogmas."

-- Brock Chisolm, former Director of the World Health Organization

"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the
disarmament of US. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into
an all powerful, one world government".

-- Chester Ward, Rear Admiral and former Navy Judge Advocate 1956 - 1960 and
CFR member for 15 years

"The CFR [Council On Foreign Relations, New York City] is the American Branch
of a society which originated in England and believes national directives
should be obliterated and one-world rule established. I know of the operations
of this network because I have studied it for twenty years, and was permitted
in the early 1960's to examine its papers and secret records... I believe its
role in history is significant enough to be known."

--Dr. Carroll Quigley, Professor of International Relations, Georgetown
University Foreign Service School, Washington, D.C., author of the epic
"Tragedy & Hope", advocate of one-world government and personal mentor of
President William Clinton (who acknowledged Professor Quigley during his 1992
presidential inauguration speech)

"We shall have world government whether or not we like it. The only question is
whether World government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

--James Paul Warburg, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, (Democrat) 1921 -
1932, before the U.S. Senate, February 17, 1950

"Every child in American who enters school with an allegiance toward our
elected officials, toward our founding fathers, toward our institutions, toward
the preservation of this form of government. all of this proves the children
are sick, because the truly well individual is one who has rejected all of
those things and is what I would call the true international child of the

-- Chester M. Pierce, (Democrat) Harvard University psychiatrist, at a 1973 International
Education Seminar, as quoted in "Educating For The New World Order" by B.K.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and
other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and
respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years... It would have
been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject
to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now
more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, (Democrat) in an address given to Catherine Graham, publisher of The
Washington Post and other media luminaries in attendance in Baden Baden,
Germany at the June 1991 annual meeting of the world elite Bilderberg Group.

"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and
subjects that we choose to deal with."

-- Richard M. Cohen, (Democrat) former Senior Producer of CBS political news

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to

-- Richard Salant, (Democrat) former President of CBS News

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so
monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

-- J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history in America, as an
independent press You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dare
to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it
would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out
of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for
similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest
opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. If I allowed my
honest opinions to appear in one issue of my' paper, before twenty-four hours
my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the
truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon,
and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I
know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools
and vassals of rich men behind the scenes We are the jumping jacks, they pull
the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all
the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

--John Swinton, former chief of staff, The New York Times, in a 1953 speech
before the New York Press Club

This contract is in existence at the present time, and it accounts for the news
columns of the daily press of the country."

--Congressional Record of 1917, page 2949.

The above quotes are a SMALL sampling of the facts and truth. There are MANY others too, that show why I posted the things I said just above
Originally Posted by lastround

“Democrat” in my part of the world is a dirty, dirty word!

Yes, it's as bad as Republican used to be. There was once a time when the First Congressional District here in Western Kentucky was a Democrat stronghold, now it's in the bag for the GOP.Funny how things change
Yes, have signed up to contribute on a recurring basis, also contributed to Jim Jordan after his performance at the Barr hearings. The stakes are simply too high this time around to sit back and hope someone else is doing it.....
My first time to vote was 1981 when I turned 18.
My first president to vote for was Ronald Reagan.

The only time I have ever voted for a democrat was when my boss's brother (whom I also knew) was running for supervisor and I voted for him in the primary. In Mississippi, we can choose to vote either dem or rep primary.
Anyway, I felt so nauseated after voting for a democrat that I vowed never to do so again.
When he asked me about voting for him in the general election, I said, "I'm sorry, but no I won't ever be voting for a democrat again for any office."
He asked "Why? The local elections are not about the party, but the person."
I responded, "I judge people by who they Identify with. And the democratic party was nothing but baby-killers and communists and I will never vote for someone that is associated with that again."

And, I have kept my word.
Yes....supporting a few conservatives. And, also send money to Judicial Watch.....they’ve brought a lot of information forward about our corruption in government! The more they uncover, the better chance that some will go to jail, or removed from power. Probably just wishful thinking....but, I can still hope! memtb
In WW2 American were told before Dec 7th 41 that "Japs were small, blind and stupid" and were not real threat.

In the mid 1930s we said the Nazi's were so "discredited" that they would never be a real threat.

In 1963 we told ourselves the "gooks" were "cave men in black pajamas."

Today the "right" is trying to comfort themselves with the sayings about fighting "Soy Boys". The "right" says this so they don't have to shoulder personal responsibility and acknowledge we are GOING to have to be ready to fight kill, and maybe die. Dying becomes more and more of a true threat every day we allow the communists to gain ground.

We are ALWAYS guilty of under-estimation.

Well look at this and understand, they are getting their "training" and what they will know when they come back (Unhindered by our government) will be the curriculum for training of the army they are forming----------- right in front of your face.


The Communists are Evil, Satanic and deluded. But they are not cowards and they are willing to fight, which is why they are winning. Our side wants "someone else": to do it for them. As long as we shrug off PERSONAL responsibility the DemComms will keep winning, gaining ground and we will keep loosing out Bill of Rights.

Why? Because God NEVER rewards cowardice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The left gains ground because so far we have NOT fought back at all.
Upchuck has went Madonna on us...........He said he blow whoever voted for Biden.
[Linked Image from media.townhall.com]
Id like to prop some up.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]
Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell???


Originally Posted by Trystan
Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell???

The words may be Merle Haggard's, may he RIP, but they are also ours as he sang for all Americans.

Cause the best of the free life is still yet to come
And the good times ain't over for good
We HAVE to get out and VOTE too!

No excuses!
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
We HAVE to get out and VOTE too!

No excuses!

This in spades, take a couple of new voters with you to the polls !
Originally Posted by jimy
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
We HAVE to get out and VOTE too!

No excuses!

This in spades, take a couple of new voters with you to the polls !

And watch your wife!!

I know there's a buncha Oprah watchin' women out there that tell their husbands that they are going to vote for Trump, then go cast a democrat ballot.

The old silent... GFY treatment.
I'm not saying women shouldn't be trusted with the vote..

But women really can't be trusted with the vote.

Originally Posted by TimZ
Yes, have signed up to contribute on a recurring basis, also contributed to Jim Jordan after his performance at the Barr hearings. The stakes are simply too high this time around to sit back and hope someone else is doing it.....

I just donated to JORDAN too. He's one of the few good ones left
I tend to think for myself and I'm not into tribalism thinking. I don't need a party to tell me who to vote for.
Originally Posted by jimy
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
We HAVE to get out and VOTE too!

No excuses!

This in spades, take a couple of new voters with you to the polls !

The dumocrats are killing US in the political theater. The Republicans supposedly have the control of the government and the SCOTUS behind them and still can't get anything done. You don't let stuff like the China virus, riots, looting, burning and giving up on law enforcement if you have any control. I can't see where voting is going to fix anything at this point what we need hand to hand combat and force the issues. You can keep thinking that voting them out is going to work, but we're just fooling ourselves and falling further behind.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I'm not saying women shouldn't be trusted with the vote..

But women really can't be trusted with the vote.


I AM saying that women shouldn't be trusted to vote. It is no accident that the "Progressive" movement really started to get some steam after women got the "right" to vote (even though it was never a right and only men who owned land and/or fought in the military could vote before that). Women in general will vote to protect themselves and their children, and provide themselves and their children resources. Men will vote for principles. When women realized they no longer needed to get a man to provide them safety and free stuff, and that they could "wed" themselves to Big Daddy Government for their resources and protection, this nation was sunk, because there are always going to be more women than men.
Originally Posted by callnum
I tend to think for myself and I'm not into tribalism thinking. I don't need a party to tell me who to vote for.

That's funny! laugh

Your party is ALL about telling you who to vote for.

And controlling everything else in your pathetic little lives.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by callnum
I tend to think for myself and I'm not into tribalism thinking. I don't need a party to tell me who to vote for.

That's funny! laugh

Your party is ALL about telling you who to vote for.

And controlling everything else in your pathetic little lives.

See right there, you have a hard time understanding what you read. I never once said I would vote R or D. I can't type any slower for you.

I mean I get it. I see yours and lots of other boomers on here that have trouble understanding the issues and its just easier for you to not even read much less understand a ballot and just go straight line down simply checking all the R's.
Originally Posted by callnum
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by callnum
I tend to think for myself and I'm not into tribalism thinking. I don't need a party to tell me who to vote for.

That's funny! laugh

Your party is ALL about telling you who to vote for.

And controlling everything else in your pathetic little lives.

See right there, you have a hard time understanding what you read. I never once said I would vote R or D. I can't type any slower for you.

I mean I get it. I see yours and lots of other boomers on here that have trouble understanding the issues and its just easier for you to not even read much less understand a ballot and just go straight line down simply checking all the R's.

You'll vote for the same SOBs who pay you to come here and post your chit. They'll all have a D beside their name.
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

I'm sorry.

This thread was intended for adults.

Now run along. Shoo.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

I'm sorry.

This thread was intended for adults.

Now run along. Shoo.

Figured that would be your response, its usually what you do when you can't understand.
I understand perfectly.

I just don't remember anyone telling you what you are claiming here. Maybe it's you that can't comprehend an adult conversation?

What party told you who to vote for?

Who told you can't think for yourself?

Originally Posted by callnum
I tend to think for myself and I'm not into tribalism thinking. I don't need a party to tell me who to vote for.

Originally Posted by callnum
I see yours and lots of other boomers on here that have trouble understanding the issues and its just easier for you to not even read much less understand a ballot and just go straight line down simply checking all the R's.


Please DO show us where anyone told you to vote for any "R" in this thread.

See... YOU mention "R's" here.

I have not.

I have referenced Conservatives & Commies in here. I said what I mean, and mean what I say.

Originally Posted by rockinbbar

I have referenced Conservatives & Commies in here. I said what I mean, and mean what I say.


Hey dummy look at the title of YOUR post.

I'm not so sure you should me allowed to vote.
You'd love to squash me and the rest of the "boomers", wouldn't you?

Title of the thread is a question, Numnuts.
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

If you even considering voting for a dumocrat your either an idiot or communist. I can see why folks don't care for Trump, but you can't possibly vote against him or the Republican party. It's not really Republican against dumocrat, it's conservative vs liberal idiots.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Probably not.

But the real question is,... Are you supporting conservative candidates?

Have you donated or helped anyone running against the Commies?

Not just on the presidential level. But down the ballot as well?

Have you donated to Trump's campaign? Or any other person trying to keep the enemy at bay?

I have. smile

Have you?

If not, please do so.

Great thread!!! We get off out butts and we win this election.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

If you even considering voting for a dumocrat your either an idiot or communist. I can see why folks don't care for Trump, but you can't possibly vote against him or the Republican party. It's not really Republican against dumocrat, it's conservative vs liberal idiots.

I have R’s on my ballot that are convicted criminals. No fuggin way.
Why would I vote for communist scum that are going to have to be smeared across the coming battlefield?

Originally Posted by jaguartx
Id like to prop some up.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]

The reckoning is coming. Know who and where the enemy is in your backyard.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

If you even considering voting for a dumocrat your either an idiot or communist. I can see why folks don't care for Trump, but you can't possibly vote against him or the Republican party. It's not really Republican against dumocrat, it's conservative vs liberal idiots.

It’s good versus evil. Look at history. I’m voting for every Republican on the ballot. Not because I’m a republican, but because the future of mankind depends on it. Trump is not a Republican or Democrat either. Always remember this ,the Devil is quite clever.
BTW I’m not a Bible thumper, some people might consider me a hithun. I do believe in the struggle of good and evil.
Originally Posted by louiethedrifter
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

If you even considering voting for a dumocrat your either an idiot or communist. I can see why folks don't care for Trump, but you can't possibly vote against him or the Republican party. It's not really Republican against dumocrat, it's conservative vs liberal idiots.

It’s good versus evil. Look at history. I’m voting for every Republican on the ballot. Not because I’m a republican, but because the future of mankind depends on it. Trump is not a Republican or Democrat either. Always remember this ,the Devil is quite clever.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"

Have you ever thought Capt’n Bone Spurs is the devil?

Reality TV and all.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by callnum
Nope, its just there are some damn crooked R's on my ballot, along with some not so good D's. I can think for myself, and not be as simple as straight line R. I get the fact some don't like to think.

I'm sorry.

This thread was intended for adults.

Now run along. Shoo.

Straight up moron.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Probably not.

But the real question is,... Are you supporting conservative candidates?

Have you donated or helped anyone running against the Commies?

Not just on the presidential level. But down the ballot as well?

Have you donated to Trump's campaign? Or any other person trying to keep the enemy at bay?

I have. smile

Have you?

If not, please do so.

My Trump Card(s).

Anybody have any of these?

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I've donated to Trump's campaign 7 times in the last 4 months. Now, it's every time they send a request. I believe in putting your money and your heart where your mouth is.

I've spoken with my RNC Chairman for my county personally several times. I asked him to send me background and recommendations on all the candidates in our local elections, which start today by the way.

This is how you defeat the Bolsheviks / Communists.
Originally Posted by local_dirt

My Trump Card(s).

Anybody have any of these?

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I've donated to Trump's campaign 7 times in the last 4 months. Now, it's every time they send a request. I believe in putting your money and your heart where your mouth is.

I've spoken with my RNC Chairman for my county personally several times. I asked him to send me background and recommendations on all the candidates in our local elections, which start today by the way.

This is how you defeat the Bolsheviks / Communists.

I feel ripped off!

Mine don't have strips of paper towel on them! grin

I don't donate every time I'm asked to. If I did, I'd be donating about 15-20 times a day... wink

I did get my Trump signed MAGA cap though.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by local_dirt

My Trump Card(s).

Anybody have any of these?

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

I've donated to Trump's campaign 7 times in the last 4 months. Now, it's every time they send a request. I believe in putting your money and your heart where your mouth is.

I've spoken with my RNC Chairman for my county personally several times. I asked him to send me background and recommendations on all the candidates in our local elections, which start today by the way.

This is how you defeat the Bolsheviks / Communists.

I feel ripped off!

Mine don't have strips of paper towel on them! grin

I don't donate every time I'm asked to. If I did, I'd be donating about 15-20 times a day... wink

I did get my Trump signed MAGA cap though.

Only when they mail me a request, Barry.

Damn. You got a signed MAGA hat?


I want one!

Lol. smile
I gave a Democrat a chance about 8 years ago but when the vote for the people came up she went with Obummer. Fug them. Ed k
It is a easy choice. Vote republican for everything. Then the USA stays alive and free. Otherwise, the democrat anti-American/socialist/communist wins and freedom is gone along with anything which was the USA including our Constitution.

The democrat anti-American/socialist/communist are betting on keeping the house and wining the senate. With both senate and house they will not care who is president. They can impeach any president with democrat control in both houses. The democrat anti-American/socialist/communist stacking the Supreme Court with liberal judges, their policies, confiscating all firearms, rules, regulations, and taxes of 70% to 90% will destroy America forever if we do not vote the democrats out of power in the 2020 election. They want to shut down the coal mines, the oil wells, gas wells, and nuclear power plants. They want health care for all, free medical coverage, and free college. They want open borders. Democrats want a one world government. They love the chinese and support them. They should be removed from office and off all the ballots for they offer nothing for America or the people to help make the country better.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
I never vote for RINOs in the primary, and never vote for Communists in the general.
Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
I never vote for RINOs in the primary, and never vote for Communists in the general.

If only everyone did that.

I gotta hold my nose and vote for Cornyn in November. But I'll do it.
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Probably not. Not me or my family.

But the real question is,... Are you supporting conservative candidates? Yes

Have you donated or helped anyone running against the Commies? Yes!

Not just on the presidential level. But down the ballot as well? Again, Yes.

Have you donated to Trump's campaign? Or any other person trying to keep the enemy at bay? Yes- Bigly

I have. smile We can't stop.

Have you? Yes with great pride.

If not, please do so.
Excellent HD! smile
Originally Posted by callnum

I have R’s on my ballot that are convicted criminals. No fuggin way.

I don't believe you. Name some and name their crimes if you are telling the truth.
To answer the question.NO....Just make sure y'all get off yer duff's and VOTE
I don't agree with democrats on any of the issues . Some of the so called Republicans aren't worth voting for either .

I have donated to straight to Trump's campaign , John Cornyn and Ted Cruise . I'm getting bombed with all kind of mail now .
I will NEVER vote for a democrat.

They are communist in every way.

They support killing babies, they refuse to denounce Antifa and BLM, they support illegals over Americans, they support defunding police, they bail rioters, they will raise taxes, they push the hoax of climate change, they don't want voter ID or secure elections, they allow their cities to be taken over by thugs, they attack conservatives, they attack Trump, they have zero godly morals, they are criminals, they are liars, they are hypocrites, they don't know there is only 2 genders.....I could write several more paragraphs, but you get the picture.

Truly, sincerely, Democrats are the single biggest threat to America's existence!
Double down on the tin foil hats guys. Must suck being so afraid everyday.

8 years of Obama my portfolio doubled, my gun safe doubled, then DJT canme along and took my bump stock away.
I vote DemocRAT every election, as WRITE IN candidates...

Every town has position of Sewer Commissioner... Dog Catcher etc....

That is where I write in for the democRATS....
Supporting Democrats in the next election??!!!

Hell, I avoid talking to them in next to ALL business AND social situations!

Vote for them? Only if the vote is to have them deported to the Commie Shiythole of their choice!
Wow....did I have a “Freudian” moment. I thought the topic was “ You Shooting Democrats in Upcoming Elections “? grin
I think I’ll have another cup of coffee! smile memtb
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