American Partisan
By NC Scount
October 28, 2020

There’s a common misconception in the Survivalist community. “I’ll retreat…get away from the major population centers…work to live off the grid…and let the urban hellholes rot.”

Well…about that.

Rural living is, for all intents and purposes, a better way to live. We’re more in tune with the natural world by and large, not in spite of it, and for the most part the lifestyle lends itself well to harder people used to doing without. And for people like me, there’s nothing that replaces the generations-deep connections to your homeland. The people there are your people- and in spite of differences, there is a deeply ingrained love of place. It is home.

Sounds good until the problems begin to bubble up. The first issue is questioning exactly how many in those rural areas are actually self-sufficient. That answer is probably few. And the rates of addiction and substance abuse is in turn shockingly high, correlated with the inevitable poverty rate. This was not by accident. The trailer-hood is a thing. Opioids were dumped on our population by Big Pharma, just as with the rise of decentralized meth manufacturing two decades earlier, and the crack epidemic which made its way into rural America just the same as the well-publicized urban epidemics during the 1990s. Home invasions and thefts are the norm.

No, not quite the retreat paradise the suburbanites had envisioned…is it?

Dusting off the old sociology coursework, I’d argue rather convincingly that this creates a populace primed for violent revolution. Decades of institutionalized poverty have created a primed pump. This in turn is a reality that one group on the Left whole-heartedly is attempting to exploit (albeit self defeated at times): Redneck Revolt.

Redneck Revolt is active in spaces in which white supremacist groups also often recruit, including country music concerts, flea markets, gun shows, NASCAR events, rodeos and state fairs. Chapters provide firearms and first aid training, food and clothing programs and community gardens and host needle exchanges, potlucks and educational events.

Interesting bit there. While the Left is no stranger to infighting, at a possibly even worse level than their counterparts on the Right, Redneck Revolt admittedly is correct in focusing on rural areas as a vanguard for fomenting revolution. This is reflective of the strategy employed by Che Guevara’s opinion on the same from his work Guerrilla Warfare. They are seeking to exploit the social and economic realities for their benefit. While the gun community snobs look down on guys with inexpensive gear, cheap weapons and optics, and a general lack of cool-guy bravado, they wholly embrace it. Its a more effective recruiting model than belittling a guy to whom $20 may mean the difference between if his kids eat why he can’t afford a NightForce and BCM AR-15.

This creates a serious potential in the rural areas. For all those I’ve personally heard claiming ‘that can’t happen here’, I argue that not only can a rural area be overrun quickly, but, without training and networking small isolated homesteads are easy pickings for a small team of determined attackers. With only one or two real trigger pullers in a home and little to no warning against a force that likely is well equipped with enablers such as night vision and thermal, you’d be easy pickings in the event that big balloon goes up.

So this begs the question as to mitigating this threat.

1. Take every opportunity to get to know your neighbors and bring something of value to the table. Understand that if you’re an outsider to a rural place, you’ll be exactly that for years. Rural folks are slow to warm up to new people. Be quick and receptive to taking advice and rare to give it yourself.

2. Take every opportunity to embrace the tradition of a place. The Left abhors tradition and the authority inherent in it. They exist to destroy it, viewing it only as an oppressive force maintaining status and social domination. Celebrate traditions and be a fixture in Church.

3. Stop saying ‘it can’t happen here.’ It absolutely can, and likely will, post-election. A normalcy bias exists, especially among rural areas and so-called retreatists, that they’re somehow exempted from all this. You’re not. The Left has been laying the groundwork for their revolution for well over 100 years and despite a few setbacks, plan to steamroll ahead.

4. Build an off-grid communications network. This is invaluable for early warning and critical for rural defense. Reliance on phone networks is problematic for a lot of reasons but central to that is its inherent fragility. I’ve been re-running old American Partisan communications articles on Brushbeater to refresh that knowledge,but nothing replaces training. Get some.

5. Get Training. This is the urgent one. Whether its from a course I’m running, or one of the many run by fellow American Partisan contributors and trainers such as Sam Culper or JC Dodge, you owe it to yourself to learn from those that have the real-world bona-fides in their specific areas of interest. In fact, JC Dodge has a course coming up just after the election- go train with him.

The next seven days in America will tell us much about the shaping of our future as a nation, but the days after it will tell us much more. The Left sees an opportunity, and while many on the Right have completely written off the threat posed to rural areas by Redneck Revolt, I contend, with a substantial amount of history to back it up, that for rural areas the threat may very well be the highest.

Be a hard target.
The author exaggerates the drug problem in rural America. Yes, there's drug problems in rural America but it exists in pockets. It's not as if the entire place is swimming in meth and opiates.

As for "not happening here". As a general rule, rural people are very protective of their property and neighbors respect property lines. There's undoubtedly cases where people sneak in to hunt on private property. It's frowned on but it happens.

But roving bands of people coming into rural areas to cause mayhem wouldn't go over very well. In the first place, they would get shot,..and rural Sheriff's departments aren't going to be too enthused about persecuting an upstanding member of the community for shooting some schittbird that has arrived for no other reason than to cause trouble.

I *really* don't think that the manbun Antifa crowd is inclined to get very far out of their comfort zone.
Basically, in rural areas, I think you can figure on about 1 round of 00 an acre to keep your place Antifa free.
I think the S very well might hit the F after the election if Trump wins.
But these Antifa types will overplay their hand. They run wild in Portland and Minneapolis, cities run by Libs where none of the civilians have guns.

They get out here into the country they will be in for a very rude awakening.
Groups like Antifa only exist where they are protected by the government. If we have to have a civil war, it will be more like a extermination than a war.
If something like this did happen, it would likely only be in the burbs around the very large and insulated bubbles of the bigger cities. Any city in the south under half a million people is going to have nearly as many dirty pickups as it has sedans and SUVs. People who live in that environment know what the rural person will and won't put up with. Big cities that frown on camo in public? They might have some issues on the fringes, but that's maybe about it.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
The author exaggerates the drug problem in rural America. Yes, there's drug problems in rural America but it exists in pockets. It's not as if the entire place is swimming in meth and opiates.

As for "not happening here". As a general rule, rural people are very protective of their property and neighbors respect property lines. There's undoubtedly cases where people sneak in to hunt on private property. It's frowned on but it happens.

But roving bands of people coming into rural areas to cause mayhem wouldn't go over very well. In the first place, they would get shot,..and rural Sheriff's departments aren't going to be too enthused about persecuting an upstanding member of the community for shooting some schittbird that has arrived for no other reason than to cause trouble.

I *really* don't think that the manbun Antifa crowd is inclined to get very far out of their comfort zone.

Check out Anderson county, Texas, that place is swimming in meth and other drugs.
Nous sommes tous des sauvages!
Bristoe here in upper Midwest western il iowa Missouri drugs are rampant. And I mean rampant. People you wouldn’t even think of on coke, meth busts and labs in news all the time
Originally Posted by IA_fog
Bristoe here in upper Midwest western il iowa Missouri drugs are rampant. And I mean rampant. People you wouldn’t even think of on coke, meth busts and labs in news all the time

Yeah, I know. Appalachia has a bad drug problem too. But the author infers that the drug users will arm up and join with the Antifa/BLM schittbirds to make war on their neighbors.

The guy who wrote that article is an urbanite. He doesn't understand rural America. Basically, his entire frame of reference is from a video game called redneck rampage where subversives go to country music concerts and recruit *ahem* white supremacists

There's too much bullshit to sort through in that article.

If the manbun Antifa/BLM crowd ever invades Appalachia, they'll get shot. And the person that shoots them might be a crankhead.

I'm about 60 minutes by car from downtown Cincinnati. I've also got the OHio River between me and downtown.

Somebody asked me: What are you going to do if they invade your place?

My answer: I used to keep a big community tank. There were always a big fish that hid back behind the rocks. You'd never see him out, but if you put new fish in the tank, everything would be cool until the lights went out. The next morning, the big fish would be fatter and the new fish would be gone. When I drive out to the farm from town, I pass all these little white farm houses and empty-looking doublewides and such, and I figure each one has a big fish living in it. I've got nothing to worry about. I live on the dead end of a county road that comes from nowhere and ends at my tobacco barn. I look out the back and my neighbors are over a mile away. If any trouble does come down the road, all I have to do is hide out in the woods with one of my deer rifles and pick off whatever dares to step onto the front porch. KYHillChick owns a 30-06 and can hit a milk jug at 450 yards with it. I'll let her shoot the fat ones, and I'll take the skinny ones.
Thanks Shaman. I know where to go for those same conditions. Some inhabited by relatives and some uninhabited. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Be Well, Rustyzipper.
Not a good article. Muddle-headed and mixed up.
Originally Posted by IA_fog
Bristoe here in upper Midwest western il iowa Missouri drugs are rampant. And I mean rampant. People you wouldn’t even think of on coke, meth busts and labs in news all the time



TISHOMINGO, Oklahoma (KXII) - A Tishomingo Middle School coach was arrested on Thursday after a sheriff’s deputy found meth in his car.

Sgt. Alyson Orr-Dodd started investigating Coach James Paul Stallings after allegations were made of domestic abuse. Undersheriff Gary Dodd said after searching his car, she found about three grams of meth believed to be for personal use.

It is just the latest black eye for Tishomingo schools: two basketball coaches were fired three years ago for using a school bus to make a beer run on a road trip, two years ago a former superintendent was audited by OSBI for misusing school funds, and his wife--formerly a teacher and cheer coach-- is currently serving time for having sex with a student.

Dodd said no matter who you are, the safety of Tishomingo children comes first.

“I can tell you as a parent that I wouldn’t want this individual in the state that he is in currently in the care and custody of my child,” Dodd said.

Especially since coaches drive buses.

“There’s obviously a danger with someone who could possibly be under the influence of narcotics who is in control of our children in a motor vehicle,” Dodd said.

Dodd said the bottom line is that crimes like this won’t be permitted.

“We have a duty to protect the children,” Dodd said. “This type of behavior can’t be tolerated.”

The charges are misdemeanors, and Stallings bonded out the same day.

The allegations of domestic abuse are still under investigation.
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I think the S very well might hit the F after the election if Trump wins.
But these Antifa types will overplay their hand. They run wild in Portland and Minneapolis, cities run by Libs where none of the civilians have guns.

They get out here into the country they will be in for a very rude awakening.

Simon, I hear you. My rural friends in NC will not tolerate such rudeness.

Those antifas won't know what hit them.
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Not a good article. Muddle-headed and mixed up.


Some here think the author is referring to antifa but he's not. He's talking about "home grown" redneck revolt ie. good ole' boys and their meth head kids attacking the farmer/rancher/prepper down the road.
Lots of dangerous hornets nests in rural counties.

Some of those nests are packed with lye/lime.
Google “Kulaks”....
Appalachia may be riddled with meth heads but it's also riddled with non-meth head rednecks[phuggers that can shoot deer in the ear at 100yds in the dark with a .22].
Those pukes really don't want to come out here.
Drug abuse is a huge problem throughout the country and is present in most communities. Non drug users are out of the loop and are not aware of the depth of the problem until it occurs w/in their family or social group. All social factors increase w/ population density. Rural folks tend to be more self sufficient but an apocalyptic breakdown of society will exempt no one.

It is fun to imagine a problem that we can solve w/ a gun. Many here would be rendered combat ineffective as soon as their meds ran outgrin

mike r
Originally Posted by lvmiker
All social factors increase w/ population density. Rural folks tend to be more self sufficient but an apocalyptic breakdown of society will exempt no one.

It is fun to imagine a problem that we can solve w/ a gun. Many here would be rendered combat ineffective as soon as their meds ran outgrin

mike r

....or toilet paper...or beer... or gummy bears....or...
Originally Posted by kaywoodie
Nous sommes tous des sauvages!

Mais oui. Certainment.
In south Louisiana we have pockets. New orleans of course is a chit hole. Outside of major cities we really dont put up with that kinda bs. I live in a neighborhood with bunch of good ole boys that kinda welcome the challenge should it come to that. Antifa wouldnt make it here. One way trip.
Around here we know who most of the dope heads are or have a good idea. Our sheriff does too. He also knows who of us he can trust with his back. Trust me it's like that allot of places and if push come to shove he'll have allot of help. Most of these dope heads are a few steps away from prison anyway and their demise will not be a sorrowful event. As for what comes from the cities. I doubt they will find any mercy to be had.

A good friend of mine used to live in Colorado and he was a deputy, years ago. Word got out that some biker group aimed to come to town and make a wreck of things. The local tv news interviewed the sheriff and he announce he had 60 extra deputies he had just sworn in and the first bike across the bridge coming into town was going to be the beginning of a road block since the rider would be dead from some bullet that came from town. Nothing ever happened.

In reading these threads on this subject I detect allot of pent up anger against those that want to destroy America and freedom. That might be hard for the haters of America to contain.
Originally Posted by Raeford
Appalachia may be riddled with meth heads but it's also riddled with non-meth head rednecks[phuggers that can shoot deer in the ear at 100yds in the dark with a .22].
Those pukes really don't want to come out here.

Besides, there's not as much cool stuff to loot. They might steal a tractor.

They will just try to burn rural America to the ground in a fit of hate.
Won't happen. If it did, it would be very short lived. City folk do not understand country folk.
The dopers around here party all night and sleep until noon. The neighbors know who they are, and they already know where to dig a hole and save the community some money and jail space if they ever chose to act up. Nobody would notice, or care, if a few meth heads just disappeared.
Originally Posted by Bristoe
The author exaggerates the drug problem in rural America. Yes, there's drug problems in rural America but it exists in pockets. It's not as if the entire place is swimming in meth and opiates.

Pretty sure they don't advertise in the local paper.
Originally Posted by gregintenn
Won't happen. If it did, it would be very short lived. City folk do not understand country folk.

The article's point is that there are knowledgeable radicals who recruit country folk into the left. He does not give numbers but he does raise some good points.

The picture of the antifa person in syria was very interesting.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
Originally Posted by lvmiker
All social factors increase w/ population density. Rural folks tend to be more self sufficient but an apocalyptic breakdown of society will exempt no one.

It is fun to imagine a problem that we can solve w/ a gun. Many here would be rendered combat ineffective as soon as their meds ran outgrin

mike r

....or toilet paper...or beer... or gummy bears....or...

Wait, these enhance my shooting skills?! laugh
Lots of one way in/one way out places here. We also have front end loaders.
We are training/prepping (to whatever degree) in a time of plenty. The time of dying is coming, and then we will only have who we can trust. Combat veterans here are ahead of the curve.
That article is pure fiction.
You city guys ever see the movie “Deliverance”?
Just like the old adage, "You get the gunfight you get....not the one you planned and trained for." "You will get the civil unrest, insurrection, etc that you get. It probably won't look anything like what all these jokers with their crystal balls predict.
Bought some more hogs and lime. Going to have plenty of bacon.
Most of my friends have always been bikers, military guys, and rednecks. Many of them used drugs or drank, if not now, in the past. All of them have been on our side of any conflict. I have spent considerable time in the homes of poor folks in the country where several generations were in the home. Teen pregnancy and substance abuse were the norm. Most of these people, were I to come banging on their door at 3 a.m. with sirens coming down the road behind me, would hide me and do their best to help me. None of them tolerate much from “foreigners”. All of them vote like I do. This guy who wrote the article points out what may well be a valid threat in some places. He hasn’t a foggy clue about the Ozarks and people here.

People have gone missing in the Mark Twain National Forest for years. It isn’t the place to make a nuisance of yourself. And it is not leftist friendly. At all. Recruiting out here might land the recruiter on a missing persons list. Just because your neighbor out here gets food stamps does not mean some leftist is going to be able to get anywhere with them. Sounds weird, but country folks around here can get all kinds of welfare, have drug habits and a record a mile long, and still vote Republican. Talk to them a while, you find out some of them hate the left more than you do. It’s a strange dynamic, but that’s hillbilly country. Antifa’s gonna have a fun hike in the woods, when they have rednecks who bowhunt all the time(because they feed their kids that way and are felons who can’t get caught with a gun)stalking their commie azzes. The author is right, the country can be a rough place. But he is all wet in who he thinks it will be rough on.
If you want to know about drug abuse in rural America, read "Dreamland" by Sam Quinones.
Originally Posted by gregintenn
You city guys ever see the movie “Deliverance”?

Fireballz did.

He been walking the woods ever since.

Originally Posted by rickt300

Check out Anderson county, Texas, that place is swimming in meth and other drugs.

Not just there.
It's everywhere I've ever been, every county
has dope trouble.
Every state in the US I've been to has dopers.
We will until we're willing to do something
about it and stop pretending it's harmless

Good read with many facts.
Sounds like a lot of BS
It's not only the guns that are loaded.....................................
"5. Get Training. This is the urgent one. Whether its from a course I’m running, or one of the many run by fellow American Partisan contributors and trainers such as Sam Culper or JC Dodge, you owe it to yourself to learn from those that have the real-world bona-fides in their specific areas of interest. In fact, JC Dodge has a course coming up just after the election- go train with him. "

Every one of those training groups or "militias"or SHTF "clubs" is infiltrated by an FB EYE agent or other "security" type LEO agencies.


I don't buy it (and that is one of the typical reasons for this type of stuff - it sells - something). So who are the drug addled, poor, rural redneck going to revolt against. Are they going to revolt against their neighbors - I doubt it. Or are they going to hitchhike into the suburbs or towns (which in our case is 30 miles away) and do what?. And that town is all of 20,000. We do have some poor - usually an elderly widow. I don't see them joining Antifa. We have some younger and middle age druggies, like all communities, but they aren't highly motivated, and are typically relatively lazy. A lot of people in our rural areas are middle class, retired or nearly so. Some have lived here for generations, but many have come to the rural lifestyle in the last 20-30 years. What they have in common is wanting to be left alone and to have no near neighbors. They are hard working (you generally have to be if you live rural, because there is always something that need to be done), relatively smart, and willing to help out when needed. And they are all armed. Even the elderly widow.
logger nails it, around here, even the tweakers and dope smokers have pretty traditional values.
Yeah, but....

The problem with rural areas is that they are basically empty. There are almost more people in DFW alone than there are in Arkansas and Oklahoma combined. Those two largely rural states would have six to eight million hungry people a short drive, hell, even just a few days walk from them in any sort of SHTF situation. And as they say, quantity has a quality all of its own.
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
If you want to know about drug abuse in rural America, read "Dreamland" by Sam Quinones.

If you really want to know about rural America you live there, you know the folks, good or bad. If you're good, others will respect you, even your innocence, & warn you of the bad. Paying attention helps, & get's you respect.

Reading a book might tell you what I just did, otherwise? Live there, fit in, & learn. Or......................
Originally Posted by flintlocke
logger nails it, around here, even the tweakers and dope smokers have pretty traditional values.

JFC! tweakers and dopers share your values! you phuggin hillbillies have to quit interbreeding.

mike r
Many years ago I was an LEO in a small Iowa town. We got word the local redneck dope smoking idiots were going to tear up a local bar because they did not like the owner. The chief went to Des Moines and bought some tear gas canisters. I had a red smoke grenade I had "borrowed" from the National Guard. The plan was as soon as the bartender called we were going to converge onto the bar and throw in the smoke grenade and a couple canisters of tear gas. Then, we were going to do our best to hold the doors closed until we thought we had them plenty gassed and smoked up.. Unfortunately, the Chief told a father in law of one of the red neck dope smoking punk instigators and the rumble did not go off. But, we got into our patrol cars that night loaded with tear gas and smoke grenades.

Unfortunately, there is not near enough tear gas and smoke grenades in patrol cars in 2020. Too many pansy mayors and too many unemployed attorneys waiting to cash in. Yes, I blame the democrats.

Jest about every farmer and or rancher has one of these........

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

Originally Posted by Dave_Keith
Jest about every farmer and or rancher has one of these........

[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^plus, dozer, track hoe, hogs, lime by the ton, 5-6 thousand gallons red diesel..........grin
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”
Originally Posted by Raeford
Appalachia may be riddled with meth heads but it's also riddled with non-meth head rednecks[phuggers that can shoot deer in the ear at 100yds in the dark with a .22].
Those pukes really don't want to come out here.

I don't think the average person realizes just how dark it gets out here at night, and, we're not afraid of the dark. In fact, we like the dark.

Dumbass article. NC Scount sounds like one of those fatass skittles ninjas who get all their training from video games.
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

Yep, bet there's a few here that could give him tips on business, marketing AND "training" cool
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

Originally Posted by gonehuntin
American Partisan
By NC Scount
October 28, 2020

There’s a common misconception in the Survivalist community. “I’ll retreat…get away from the major population centers…work to live off the grid…and let the urban hellholes rot.”

Well…about that.

Rural living is, for all intents and purposes, a better way to live. We’re more in tune with the natural world by and large, not in spite of it, and for the most part the lifestyle lends itself well to harder people used to doing without. And for people like me, there’s nothing that replaces the generations-deep connections to your homeland. The people there are your people- and in spite of differences, there is a deeply ingrained love of place. It is home.

Sounds good until the problems begin to bubble up. The first issue is questioning exactly how many in those rural areas are actually self-sufficient. That answer is probably few. And the rates of addiction and substance abuse is in turn shockingly high, correlated with the inevitable poverty rate. This was not by accident. The trailer-hood is a thing. Opioids were dumped on our population by Big Pharma, just as with the rise of decentralized meth manufacturing two decades earlier, and the crack epidemic which made its way into rural America just the same as the well-publicized urban epidemics during the 1990s. Home invasions and thefts are the norm.

No, not quite the retreat paradise the suburbanites had envisioned…is it?

Dusting off the old sociology coursework, I’d argue rather convincingly that this creates a populace primed for violent revolution. Decades of institutionalized poverty have created a primed pump. This in turn is a reality that one group on the Left whole-heartedly is attempting to exploit (albeit self defeated at times): Redneck Revolt.

Redneck Revolt is active in spaces in which white supremacist groups also often recruit, including country music concerts, flea markets, gun shows, NASCAR events, rodeos and state fairs. Chapters provide firearms and first aid training, food and clothing programs and community gardens and host needle exchanges, potlucks and educational events.

Interesting bit there. While the Left is no stranger to infighting, at a possibly even worse level than their counterparts on the Right, Redneck Revolt admittedly is correct in focusing on rural areas as a vanguard for fomenting revolution. This is reflective of the strategy employed by Che Guevara’s opinion on the same from his work Guerrilla Warfare. They are seeking to exploit the social and economic realities for their benefit. While the gun community snobs look down on guys with inexpensive gear, cheap weapons and optics, and a general lack of cool-guy bravado, they wholly embrace it. Its a more effective recruiting model than belittling a guy to whom $20 may mean the difference between if his kids eat why he can’t afford a NightForce and BCM AR-15.

This creates a serious potential in the rural areas. For all those I’ve personally heard claiming ‘that can’t happen here’, I argue that not only can a rural area be overrun quickly, but, without training and networking small isolated homesteads are easy pickings for a small team of determined attackers. With only one or two real trigger pullers in a home and little to no warning against a force that likely is well equipped with enablers such as night vision and thermal, you’d be easy pickings in the event that big balloon goes up.

So this begs the question as to mitigating this threat.

1. Take every opportunity to get to know your neighbors and bring something of value to the table. Understand that if you’re an outsider to a rural place, you’ll be exactly that for years. Rural folks are slow to warm up to new people. Be quick and receptive to taking advice and rare to give it yourself.

2. Take every opportunity to embrace the tradition of a place. The Left abhors tradition and the authority inherent in it. They exist to destroy it, viewing it only as an oppressive force maintaining status and social domination. Celebrate traditions and be a fixture in Church.

3. Stop saying ‘it can’t happen here.’ It absolutely can, and likely will, post-election. A normalcy bias exists, especially among rural areas and so-called retreatists, that they’re somehow exempted from all this. You’re not. The Left has been laying the groundwork for their revolution for well over 100 years and despite a few setbacks, plan to steamroll ahead.

4. Build an off-grid communications network. This is invaluable for early warning and critical for rural defense. Reliance on phone networks is problematic for a lot of reasons but central to that is its inherent fragility. I’ve been re-running old American Partisan communications articles on Brushbeater to refresh that knowledge,but nothing replaces training. Get some.

5. Get Training. This is the urgent one. Whether its from a course I’m running, or one of the many run by fellow American Partisan contributors and trainers such as Sam Culper or JC Dodge, you owe it to yourself to learn from those that have the real-world bona-fides in their specific areas of interest. In fact, JC Dodge has a course coming up just after the election- go train with him.

The next seven days in America will tell us much about the shaping of our future as a nation, but the days after it will tell us much more. The Left sees an opportunity, and while many on the Right have completely written off the threat posed to rural areas by Redneck Revolt, I contend, with a substantial amount of history to back it up, that for rural areas the threat may very well be the highest.

Be a hard target.

This entire article is total BS! From a life long Okie, bred and born in the Sooner State, "trailerhood" applies only to the 90% of Oklahoma Sooner football fans!

[Linked Image from kwtv.images.worldnow.com]

BTW, Oklahoma has had a law on the books, for decades, that was designed to prevent criminal doctors from ordering copious amounts of opioid medications to their personal clinics, under a single patient's name, thus allowing them to sell the vast remnant of medications on the black market.

There is a drug/alcohol problem because of the people who abuse the substances, mitigated by those who tolerate the resulting consequences. Examine the impact of drug abuse and the corruption that allows it on societies in which it is not tolerated: ex. Singapore. The Darwinian model would eliminate the losers and make the world a better place. Tolerance is a weakness embraced by modern, sheltered humanists who will soon be azz raped by the barbarians.

Not many drugees in Israel or the Taliban, living on the edge leaves little room for the losers to thrive.

mike r
I can't speak for other parts of the country, but if there is ever a shooting war where I live, it'll be the government against the citizens. No Antifa bullsheit would last 10 minutes here.
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

Originally Posted by mirage243
I can't speak for other parts of the country, but if there is ever a shooting war where I live, it'll be the government against the citizens. No Antifa bullsheit would last 10 minutes here.

Even in this liberal [bleep] liberal [bleep] know where they're safe.
Dave Keith called it.
Backhoes, excavators big John Deere's and Massey's.
Plus we all know how to fabricate and weld.
If it gets that wound up, I think us country boys may have a trick or two up our sleeves.

If it's that bad, I ain't burying any of them. Stack em like cord wood with the brush rake. That way there will be no confusion on what's coming to the next round.
Originally Posted by RUM7
Dave Keith called it.
Backhoes, excavators big John Deere's and Massey's.
Plus we all know how to fabricate and weld.
If it gets that wound up, I think us country boys may have a trick or two up our sleeves.

If it's that bad, I ain't burying any of them. Stack em like cord wood with the brush rake. That way there will be no confusion on what's coming to the next round.

Mount those fuqkers on sticks lining the freeways! Worked for Ivan.........
Originally Posted by kaywoodie
Nous sommes tous des sauvages!

When we need to be, yes...
You guys know what a hammer mill is? They used to use them around here for grinding hog feed. It ran off a tractor pto. Not far from here a guy was murdered, maybe 40 years ago and his body was never found. Most everyone knows he was run through the hammer mill and fed to the hogs. You run a few of the antifa boys through one of them and post that video on facebook then watch and see what happens. I doubt they'll have much appetite for coming around and maybe even lose their taste for bacon!

[Linked Image from nbc-2.com]

POLK COUNTY, Fla. – Detectives have arrested two brothers and one woman for the triple-murder that happened last Friday.

Tony “TJ” Wiggins, 26, his girlfriend Mary Whittemore, 27, and his brother William “Robert” Wiggins, 21, were picked up at a Lake Wales trailer park after detectives tracked them down via a dollar general receipt found at the crime scene.

A search of the trailers uncovered ammunition that matched what was found at the crime scene. Detectives say the three had mismatched stories in the interview process.

Robert Wiggins admitted to being in the Dolar General store with his brother and girlfriend where they were in line behind one of the victims, Damion Tillman.

After leaving, he said his brother TJ Wiggins told him to turn down a road that was not on their way home. On that road, two trucks passed and the brothers turned around to follow them, reports say.

Robert Wiggins followers the trucks to Lake Streety Road in Frostproof. Robert says he stayed in the truck with his Whittemore while TJ approached the driver of one truck, Keven Springfield, punching him and accusing him of stealing his truck.

Victims, Brandon Rolins and Damion Tillman, exited the other truck ad got involved in the confrontation.

TJ Wiggins then shot all three victims, according to Robert Wiggins’ statement to police.

After the killings, the three suspects then allegedly went to Mcdonald’s and ordered 10 cheeseburgers and two McChicken sandwiches.

Tony “TJ” Wiggins has been charged with first-degree murder, tampering with evidence, and possession of a firearm/ammunition by a convicted felon.

TJ Wiggins has racked up over 200 felonies throughout his life.

William “Robert” Williams has been charged with tampering with evidence, and accessory after the fact.

Mary Whittemore has been charged with accessory after the fact of a capital felony.

The Buffalo News Admits the Unmentionable: Nearly All Fatal/Non-Fatal Gun Violence in the City (And America) Is Perpetrated By Black people

The Buffalo News was just capable of admitting those responsible for gun violence in the city – disproportionately impacting black people in Buffalo – are black. Not white supremacists, not white separatists, not white nationalists, not those clinging to white privilege nor maintaining systemic racism or implicit bias, but black people shooting other black people in the city of Buffalo.[Surge in gun violence disproportionately hits Buffalo’s Black residents, Buffalo News, October 2, 2020]:
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I think the S very well might hit the F after the election if Trump wins.
But these Antifa types will overplay their hand. They run wild in Portland and Minneapolis, cities run by Libs where none of the civilians have guns.

They get out here into the country they will be in for a very rude awakening.

I think Trumps NSA has helped LEO take a fine bead focused on the deep states instigators and lieutenants directing from behind the front lines and they will be quick to go down under Trump's insurgency teams leaving the stupiď, starry eyed rabble to scramble for cover and survival subsequent to the bullets arrival after we see the real 2A revival.

My concern is they will resort to guerilla warfare sporadically attacking lone civilians traveling our nations highways hauling necessities by truck on nterstates in an effort to shut our cities down.
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.

Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

Originally Posted by mirage243
I can't speak for other parts of the country, but if there is ever a shooting war where I live, it'll be the government against the citizens. No Antifa bullsheit would last 10 minutes here.


That seems logical to me. Why would Antifa want to burn Cuzzinfukk, Montana or Schitswitch, Kentucky? What would it gain them?

Seems more likely to me that any future confrontation in rural America would be with state or federal agencies who are implementing an "assault weapon" roundup or some other nefarious Commie crap, under color of state or federal law...
Originally Posted by duck911
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.


Know who and where the enemy is in your backyard.
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

That does not make it wrong.

I'm not saying what he says is correct, but simply because he has training to sell and thinks people should take it does not make his opinion wrong.
Originally Posted by duck911
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.



The only thing you’re gonna attack, is a d i l d o.

"Deliverance" was filmed in the North Georgia mountains.
That area is between us and Atlanta. If they get thru Rabun County
there won't be much left to deal with.
Originally Posted by windridge
Originally Posted by kaywoodie
Nous sommes tous des sauvages!

When we need to be, yes...

This quote goes way back to at least the late 17th century. When it was found scrawled on a piece of wood in an abandoned colonial French river camp by the Sieur de LaSalle. No sign of anyone. No evidence of a fight. Like they simply vanished into thin air.

The common thought was they all simply went "native".
you ever trick or treat in rural America?

you drive 20 miles that takes 2 hours and you get 5 pieces of candy, 2 apples, a popcorn ball and 8 people telling you why you're a sinner for wearing a clown costume

I see anarchists treating rural America like african americans see halloween. You go where the candy is.
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by mrfudd
The point of the article was to get you to sign up for the author’s “training”

Originally Posted by mirage243
I can't speak for other parts of the country, but if there is ever a shooting war where I live, it'll be the government against the citizens. No Antifa bullsheit would last 10 minutes here.



Same here. I'd likely never see one. The Cubans would disappear them all first.
from the article:
“TJ Wiggins has racked up over 200 felonies throughout his life.”

There it is !
I think we’ve found the problem !
I've seen them out at soco
They're pounding sixteen penny nails
The truckers on the interstate
Have been known to ride the rails
The sweat is beating on the brow
Can't keep these fellas down
'Cause those damned blue-collared tweekers
Are runnin' this here town

I knew a man who hung drywall
He hung it mighty quick
A trip or two to the blue room
Would help him do the trick
His foreman would pat him on the back
Whenever he would come around
'Cause these dammed blue-collar tweekers
Are beloved in this here town

Now the union boys are there
To protect us from all the corporate type
While curious george's drug patrol
Is out here hunting snipe
Now they try to tell me different
But you know i ain't no clown
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Are the backbone of this town

Now the flame that burns twice as bright
Burns only half as long
My eyes are growing weary
As i finalize this song
So sit back and have a cup o' joe
And watch the wheels go round
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Have always run this town
Originally Posted by shaman
I'm about 60 minutes by car from downtown Cincinnati. I've also got the OHio River between me and downtown.

Somebody asked me: What are you going to do if they invade your place?

My answer: I used to keep a big community tank. There were always a big fish that hid back behind the rocks. You'd never see him out, but if you put new fish in the tank, everything would be cool until the lights went out. The next morning, the big fish would be fatter and the new fish would be gone. When I drive out to the farm from town, I pass all these little white farm houses and empty-looking doublewides and such, and I figure each one has a big fish living in it. I've got nothing to worry about. I live on the dead end of a county road that comes from nowhere and ends at my tobacco barn. I look out the back and my neighbors are over a mile away. If any trouble does come down the road, all I have to do is hide out in the woods with one of my deer rifles and pick off whatever dares to step onto the front porch. KYHillChick owns a 30-06 and can hit a milk jug at 450 yards with it. I'll let her shoot the fat ones, and I'll take the skinny ones.

That's a pretty good analogy actualy.
There are lots of Mormons here and they're well known for keeping a couple years of food in storage. If the SHTF, everyone knows who has the food and they'd be primary targets. Yes, many are well armed but they can only hold off a bunch of invaders by themselves for a limited time. Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation.
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation.

I consider it bait.
Being allowed to run wild in the city and loot and burn is not the same as being in the rural. Just saying...........
"Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation."

Five armed bad guys show up to steal the food. The first one get shot right in the chest with a Swedish Mauser. Are the other four up for a gunbattle, or would they run away and seek an easier target?
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation."

Five armed bad guys show up to steal the food. The first one get shot right in the chest with a Swedish Mauser. Are the other four up for a gunbattle, or would they run away and seek an easier target?

depends on how hungry they are
Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation."

Five armed bad guys show up to steal the food. The first one get shot right in the chest with a Swedish Mauser. Are the other four up for a gunbattle, or would they run away and seek an easier target?

depends on how hungry they are

I've heard this for most of my life ie. the desperation of hungry people. And it does show its ugly head at times but remember, hungry people are just that, hungry, not well fed which means not at full capacity let alone "operator" strong.

If hungry people were such a threat, Somalia would rule the world.
“Populace primed for violent revolution” will induce a sleeping giant primed for equal retaliation.

Fire with fire, tooth for tooth, eye for an eye.
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.

Or you could read historians. Think Napoleon and Hitler attacking Russia. And so totally winning.
Well yes, I do have a pump. I should take the plug out. Maybe add an extention tube?
Originally Posted by las
Well yes, I do have a pump. I should take the plug out. Maybe add an extention tube?

I thought the same as soon as I saw the title.
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation."

Five armed bad guys show up to steal the food. The first one get shot right in the chest with a Swedish Mauser. Are the other four up for a gunbattle, or would they run away and seek an easier target?

Better yet swap that swede for an AR, shoot all of them in the face and make a pile of jerky.

Suburban boys can survivegrin

mike r
I've been on an old Stevens pump shotgun kick lately. Seems to me like a sequence such as the following would effectively scatter an unwelcome crowd.

I am in to old military guns but I must admit there are advantages to modern guns. What if, I get the first guy in the chest with a 139 grain bullet from the Swede at 2,400 fps, and the second guy I get in the back. The other three get away. That is pretty good, isn't it?
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.

"The Alamo!" going down in your front yard is a losing proposition.
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
I am in to old military guns but I must admit there are advantages to modern guns. What if, I get the first guy in the chest with a 139 grain bullet from the Swede at 2,400 fps, and the second guy I get in the back. The other three get away. That is pretty good, isn't it?

Hell yeah it's good. I have always thought that backshooting was underappreciated.

mike r
I need a draw bridge, already got fierce crawdads in the water
Originally Posted by slumlord
I need a draw bridge, already got fierce crawdads in the water
Great to see you back good buddy.
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by szihn
No war in history has been won on the defense. Only those that attack win wars.
Remember that, because it's going to be vital to understand.

"The Alamo!" going down in your front yard is a losing proposition.
Not if you're going down on Halle Berry.
Originally Posted by SBTCO
Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by simonkenton7
"Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation."

Five armed bad guys show up to steal the food. The first one get shot right in the chest with a Swedish Mauser. Are the other four up for a gunbattle, or would they run away and seek an easier target?

depends on how hungry they are

I've heard this for most of my life ie. the desperation of hungry people. And it does show its ugly head at times but remember, hungry people are just that, hungry, not well fed which means not at full capacity let alone "operator" strong.

If hungry people were such a threat, Somalia would rule the world.

alot to be said about 4 somalians in a 23' boat taking over an oil tanker on open seas

I don't think either of our analogies is comparable.

5 armed men showing up at someone's house with the intent to take whatever is inside is going to be a problem, no matter how well you are trained. The idea of shooting one and the rest scatter may be valid, or it may be miscalculated and 4 return fire.....or they just set your house on fire which is the anarchist M.O. to begin with
The scenarios I'm seeing here seem to mostly involve mindless hordes advancing in someone's open front yard like the zombies in The Walking Dead - arms outstretched and going "UrrArrUrrrrrUaaaarrrr".

Recently there was post about a couple of guys - Marines currently or recent IIRC - getting attacked by a mob of Antifa. The Antifa boys had organization, good command and control, well practiced hit and run tactics by individuals, even aerial reconnaissance with a drone to provide up to the second intel on their intended victims.

I wouldn't count on stupid people advancing into your guns or running away at the first shot. There's a good chance those looking to steal what you have might be well organized and even have military training and actual combat experience. If nothing else, the survivors of the first zombie like frontal assault are going to be a lot more circumspect and sneaky for the next one.

Not saying there aren't ways to defend a fixed position against a small force, but the best way to guarantee defeat is to underestimate the enemy.

Besides, this whole dumbass mob coming willy nilly in the open isn't how it will play out with me. I envision something more like me standing on top of a pile of corpses, a Tommy gun firing 60 round bursts in one hand, a Bowie knife in the other with its blade buried in the chest of my 97th victim, my torn shirt revealing bulging, rippling muscles while a fantastically stacked, scantily clad female clings to my legs....

Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
The scenarios I'm seeing here seem to mostly involve mindless hordes advancing in someone's open front yard like the zombies in The Walking Dead - arms outstretched and going "UrrArrUrrrrrUaaaarrrr".

Recently there was post about a couple of guys - Marines currently or recent IIRC - getting attacked by a mob of Antifa. The Antifa boys had organization, good command and control, well practiced hit and run tactics by individuals, even aerial reconnaissance with a drone to provide up to the second intel on their intended victims.

I wouldn't count on stupid people advancing into your guns or running away at the first shot. There's a good chance those looking to steal what you have might be well organized and even have military training and/or actual combat experience. If nothing else, the survivors of the first zombie like frontal assault are going to be a lot more circumspect and sneaky for the next one.

Not saying there aren't ways to defend a fixed position against a small force, but the best way to guarantee defeat is to underestimate the enemy.

Besides, this whole dumbass mob coming willy nilly in the open isn't how it will play out with me. I envision something more like me standing on top of a pile of corpses, a Tommy gun firing 60 round bursts in one hand, a Bowie knife in the other with its blade buried in the chest of my 97th victim, my torn shirt revealing bulging, rippling muscles while a fantastically stacked, scantily clad female clings to my legs....

dang it Jim,

you're spoiling it for everyone!

this thread is the apocalypse version of "what would you do if you won the lottery?"
Update 01NOV20: Look at the millions leaving Paris and the millions about to leave London: where are they going? Out into the 'countryside' with not much of a plan. What if those kind of lockdowns hit American cities - that will probably result in urban rot invading the outer suburbs and 'countryside' and a resulting crush on local resources?

Continue this discussion.
Originally Posted by Jim in Idaho
The scenarios I'm seeing here seem to mostly involve mindless hordes advancing in someone's open front yard like the zombies in The Walking Dead - arms outstretched and going "UrrArrUrrrrrUaaaarrrr".

Recently there was post about a couple of guys - Marines currently or recent IIRC - getting attacked by a mob of Antifa. The Antifa boys had organization, good command and control, well practiced hit and run tactics by individuals, even aerial reconnaissance with a drone to provide up to the second intel on their intended victims.

I wouldn't count on stupid people advancing into your guns or running away at the first shot. There's a good chance those looking to steal what you have might be well organized and even have military training and actual combat experience. If nothing else, the survivors of the first zombie like frontal assault are going to be a lot more circumspect and sneaky for the next one.

Not saying there aren't ways to defend a fixed position against a small force, but the best way to guarantee defeat is to underestimate the enemy.

Besides, this whole dumbass mob coming willy nilly in the open isn't how it will play out with me. I envision something more like me standing on top of a pile of corpses, a Tommy gun firing 60 round bursts in one hand, a Bowie knife in the other with its blade buried in the chest of my 97th victim, my torn shirt revealing bulging, rippling muscles while a fantastically stacked, scantily clad female clings to my legs....

More likely you would be ignored, get a festering tooth and wither away in bed.

That or run out of meds, it is the way things work...generally.
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
There are lots of Mormons here and they're well known for keeping a couple years of food in storage. If the SHTF, everyone knows who has the food and they'd be primary targets. Yes, many are well armed but they can only hold off a bunch of invaders by themselves for a limited time. Their stored food will be a liability, not a salvation.

Do you look for the houses with Mormon flags or do they have angels on their roofs?
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Update 01NOV20: Look at the millions leaving Paris and the millions about to leave London: where are they going? Out into the 'countryside' with not much of a plan. What if those kind of lockdowns hit American cities - that will probably result in urban rot invading the outer suburbs and 'countryside' and a resulting crush on local resources?

Continue this discussion.

You make a good point. When this Chinese flu fear first took hold around here, here is a population of 688 and about 85 miles from St. Louis, the locals did buy more than normal but it was the people from St. Louis that emptied the stores. Some of them were just here to buy all they could then haul it back to St. Louis and sell it at a much higher price. Our family owned grocery store caught on to this and put a stop to it. Dollar General, not locally owned, let them do whatever they wanted. It will be worse the next time as these slugs now know where to come. I imagine if you could have a private conversation with Trump he'd admit this is one reason he wants to avoid these lockdowns.
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