I am going back a ways but I was trapping in Northern Maine when Loring AFB in Limestone was still in operation. I was somewhere between Portage Lake and Perham and all was quite when out of nowhere a fighter jet went blasting right over me just above the treetops. Scared the bee gee bees out of me as it happened so fast and it was so loud.

Tom Cruise/ Top Gun requesting a fly by smile


A big squatch came by me at 10 yards.
Originally Posted by Hammer2506
A big squatch came by me at 10 yards.

A friend saw one while horseback riding when he was young and he still has nightmares from it. He's been a marine and repossessed cars, pretty tough guy in his words but he was shook up telling me about it.
Originally Posted by Hammer2506
A big squatch came by me at 10 yards.

White house?
Nothing really, I don’t have head games or boogeyman issues.

But lightning while in a climbing stand can be un-nerving or surprise widow makers falling.
Had a jet fly over me from behind once while sitting on a hill in the desert. Made me jump! He probly laughed his azz off.

I am horrible scarred by bein' raped by a female banshee.

Scarred for life.

Most "scared" I've been I guess would interrupting a sow bear feeding in a landing in tall grass while I was on the way to a creek for the timber company I worked for. Especially when she turned and huffed and junior ran up a tree and I could no longer see her.

No firearm as we were not allowed to carry at work,
On stand 2 hrs before light and something is growling at me in the dark. To this day im not 100% sure what it was but i was young and it scared the chit out of me
The minute I realized I was lost!
Originally Posted by Fireball2
Had a jet fly over me from behind once while sitting on a hill in the desert. Made me jump! He probly laughed his azz off.


This only mine was at night I was looking for A Bobcat I had shot at up on Mountain Pass this right off of I-15 at the Cal Nevada border when this fighter jet swooped out of nowhere came up over the hill I was looking around on with a flashlight. Startled the living hell out of me. It was obviously headed toward Nellis AFB just east if Las Vegas maybe 60 miles away. Then you have your assorted UFO sightings from 40 + years of Predator hunting at night
Originally Posted by RS308MX
The minute I realized I was lost!

I’ve actually been that high before....on 60 acres.
never been scared of chit.
Originally Posted by gunchamp
On stand 2 hrs before light and something is growling at me in the dark. To this day im not 100% sure what it was but i was young and it scared the chit out of me

I knew someone had to have a Sasquatch story!!!
Didn't we do this a few weeks ago?
Originally Posted by Stophel
Didn't we do this a few weeks ago?

Wabigoon starts a walter brennan thread every 2 months 😃
Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by RS308MX
The minute I realized I was lost!

I’ve actually been that high before....on 60 acres.

Jeff zero on five acres.
Originally Posted by stxhunter
never been scared of chit.

Me neither. I never got myself into a position in the woods that I didn’t feel I could handle or overcome. I’m pretty confident about my abilities, I go prepared and I’m resourceful enough that I usually feel as though I’d be pretty damn comfortable if I got “lost”....I’ve never gotten lost enough that I didn’t know where I was and I’m afraid that I’d like it if I did. 😁

Now I can’t say that about the ocean. There have been a few times on the ocean where I found myself having some serious negotiations with the good Lord. I’ll admit to being “highly concerned”, not scared.
Epic floods in Northern California, late 1990's. Were were in the corner of a 2-ft deep flooded almond orchard, off the Sacramento River. The flooded section was maybe 30 yards wide. We were **slamming** woodies and mallards.

Straight across from us, a massive buck crashed into the orchard, and came right at us. It covered 30 yards in 4 jumps (it seemed), and jumped between us and out of sight, missing us both by feet.

Pretty quick rush.
Not scared per se, but had my attention watching horses on full radar alert and seeing a bears eyes reflecting in the spotlight and crashing branches.

Another was lightning at medium elevation at what seemed like within reach for ten minutes before getting back to camp.

Let me see, being shot at in Vietnam. Two unscheduled helicopter landings on wildfires. Burnt the emblems, and melted paint and headlight covers on wildfires. Trees falling around me at night on wildfires. Cougar screaming at me in the dark, walking into a pack of wolves in the dark, My wife's heart attack, liberals, and people who want to take away my guns., Did I miss anything ???
A grizzly certainly got my attention as she came boiling dead on for a caribou I was field dressing, I didn’t have a gun 🤷🏻‍♂️

My client had a ruger #1 in 7mm mag.

I asked him “how fast can you shoot, reload & shoot again? “

He replied : I’m afraid we’re fixing to find out

Taught me to leave my weapon behind 🤦🏼‍♂️
There ain’t no hell on earth than that of a wildfire. I was an urban/suburban/city firefighter EMT and even tried my hand in law enforcement but I’ve never witnessed forces so powerful and indifferent to life than that of a wild land fire that’s ripping through stands of ponderosa and lodge pole pines. I was young and invincible, ambitious to get as much experience, knowledge and as many resume building certifications and licenses as possible. I took Wild land firefighting 1 & 2 (1990ish) because I figured I never know when that information might prove valuable to me and save my life or the life of someone else. At that time in my life I figured it could save my life but more likely I’d be of more value to my crew and my knowledge would most likely benefit them and they were my brothers, my family....

After getting my Wildland FF 1&2 I knew without a doubt that I’d go into a million fully involved structure fires before I volunteered for a full time wildland gig. We had wildfires in my district or mutual aid which were uneventful. We supported crews in Eastern Washington and on the Tyee fire but I covered the structures and people in town.

Wildland firefighters have my deepest respect and admiration! I felt like I wasn’t defending anything except mismanaged forests and trees, forests with incredibly high fuel loads that needed to burn. I couldn’t rectify the effort and danger with the need for the very thing I was attempting to “contain”. Fire is necessary for healthy forests. I’ll defend (defendable) structures and lives (including stock) from it but in rugged country I’ll leave it to burn.....or call in air....or leave it to more enthusiastic folks. I hate seeing lives lost from a crew that got caught in a burnover while digging fire lines, wrapped in the fire shelter as their sarcophagus. The training films and mistakes of good people served as morbid but effective training. It also made me think that some things just aren’t worth it. For me unhealthy forests that have been mismanaged by the liberals and the courts are not worth the risk.

Sorry for the tangent.

ETA....those were my feelings and reasons 30 years ago and they’re still true today.....perhaps even truerer. 😁
Funny...a couple months ago had a couple of fighters break the sound barrier right above my house at about 3am. Pretty loud and alarming!!!

Aside from that...had some wolves get social and a mama bear get close with her cubs in tow but that’s about it
I almost schit myself once. Couldn’t make it back to camp where I left the TP. Ripped the front pocket off my hoodie.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by stxhunter
never been scared of chit.

Me neither. I never got myself into a position in the woods that I didn’t feel I could handle or overcome. I’m pretty confident about my abilities, I go prepared and I’m resourceful enough that I usually feel as though I’d be pretty damn comfortable if I got “lost”....I’ve never gotten lost enough that I didn’t know where I was and I’m afraid that I’d like it if I did. 😁

Now I can’t say that about the ocean. There have been a few times on the ocean where I found myself having some serious negotiations with the good Lord. I’ll admit to being “highly concerned”, not scared.
been some times offshore I didn't know if we would live, a hell of a lot different than being on dry land.
being 100 miles offshore with a boat taking on water can be unsettling but I knew when we got underway it would be sucked out, but the other people thought we were going to sink. Brian and I were like we can catch a few more fish.
Originally Posted by stxhunter
never been scared of chit.

Most scarred I ever got was from stepping into a concealed rotted pine stump hole. No fun at all.

Most scared was getting lost in a swamp and not finding my way out before dark. I mean utter black darkness, no vision at all. Only guidance I had was hearing the occasional car go by on Highway 31 which was around a mile away and I knew that was west of where I was. By the time I found my way out and back to the truck my waders and clothes were shredded from the blackberry briars, along with my arms. I was a bloody and filthy mess, cold and wet and never as happy in my life to get home to a warm shower and heater.
Just read the whole thread, god damn... 😂😂
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
A grizzly certainly got my attention as she came boiling dead on for a caribou I was field dressing, I didn’t have a gun 🤷🏻‍♂️

My client had a ruger #1 in 7mm mag.

I asked him “how fast can you shoot, reload & shoot again? “

He replied : I’m afraid we’re fixing to find out

Taught me to leave my weapon behind 🤦🏼‍♂️

Buddy and I, and a coastal brown bear near a moose kill. Bear bawling and snarling like a psycho crazed maneater about 20 yards through the alder thicket as we're unarmed dumbassed 15 year olds... Never to be forgotten.
Ain't never been seriously "scarred" while in the woods or prairies.

Not even really "scared".

Worried maybe the time I fell on a snowy slope and my left leg contorted like a pretzel and as the foot ended up between my shoulders, I heard pop, pop! Mot a good sound when hunting by oneself on a 60,000 acre ranch. My silver 77 Corolla was across a big coulee and just a silver pinprick on the horizon. Nearest farmhouse was nearly as far away with several tight stock fences in the way. 1989, no cellphones (there wasn't coverage there anyways). After the pain died down some, I rolled off my leg. It seemed whole, not broken. I stood up and while not pleasant, I could hobble on it. I hunted my way back to my car. Drove the standard transmission Corolla for the rest of the day, but didn't find the mule deer buck I was looking for.

In 1991 on the same ranch, we were hunting for doe antelope during a very heavy snowfall. We had driven through a small badland area that is questionable for sinkholes when dry and not snow covered. So when I filled out final tag, it was snowing harder with little visibility. We didn't want to retrace our steps and go through the badland, so we left the ranch to head through the community pasture to get to a highgraded county road. No vehicle compass and we thought we were choosing the right trails. We ended up back at the Milk River canyon. We turned around and hustled back as even our tracks were nearly filled in. We made to the road without mishap, but when all you see is a white wall, you do wonder if you will make it out before running out of gas.
I don't panic I'd have your back. the people who know me, know this is true.
Snake encounters and I've had several over the years, the most exciting of which came when I reached under a load of lumber and realized I had hold of a snake. I heard a noise like rattling when I went to pick up the bundle of 2 x 4's and thought I had ahold of a rattle snake. I managed to set the lumber down without getting bit and investigation proved the snake to be a hog nose or puffer snake which makes a hissing noise. Puffer snakes are non-poisonous and basically harmless, but the sound is convincing when you can't see what you've got hold of.
A bullet!
Would you believe a grouse? grin
I was walking in to my stand in flintlock season about 1/2 hour before daylight.
It was damn cold out, and I was walking on an old road in the woods, which had a 3 foot bank along the edge. I stopped to take a breather. I didn’t want to break a sweat in that cold.
So I’m standing there in the dark, minding my own business maybe about 2 minutes or so, when a damn grouse exploded off that bank over my shoulder! eek
Everybody knows that rush sound a launching grouse makes, but in the dark, over your shoulder and past your ear, it’s a helluva wake up!
I came upon a group of hot forest Nymphs and me with no condom. Then I thought, when is the next time I'm going to have the chance to bang a few forest nymphs.
Originally Posted by gunswizard
Snake encounters and I've had several over the years, the most exciting of which came when I reached under a load of lumber and realized I had hold of a snake. I heard a noise like rattling when I went to pick up the bundle of 2 x 4's and thought I had ahold of a rattle snake. I managed to set the lumber down without getting bit and investigation proved the snake to be a hog nose or puffer snake which makes a hissing noise. Puffer snakes are non-poisonous and basically harmless, but the sound is convincing when you can't see what you've got hold of.
I've caught lots of snakes, some big rattlers. caught my first moccasin when I was 6, remember my mom and aunt chasing me with hoe's telling me to drop it. I got it back to the creek and let it go.
Two things, meeting a mama bear and her cubs in the woods, some fool putting three slugs into the tree I was sitting under.
You guys are a heck of a lot tougher than me, I've been scared a few times in the woods. The worst was when I head branches breaking, a thump and a big sigh when my son fell out of his tree stand. But then again I was really scared when I ran into the drivers side door of the game wardens car at night in a old jeep swamp buggy. I was a kid not even old enough to legally drive riding around the ranch at night with permission and no guns.
One of three things that made my heart beat a tad faster. The time I got woofed at by a bear while sitting in the dark, the time I accidently snuck into the middle of a pack of sleeping coyotes and the turkey that got down off of roost hitting every branch on the way down just as it was breaking daylight. Damn turkey sounded like someone dropped a bowling ball out of the tree right next to me.
Originally Posted by Sharpsman
A bullet!

That's what scarred me the most too. Caliber size one at the top of the calf, much bigger one at bottom, and third one on the ankle.
I have been out in heavy woods when the wind came up, 40 to 50 mph gusts, widow makers crashing all around. That was freaky.
I cut my finger in the woods when I was a little kid with my pocketknife. That only slightly scarred me.

Now, dealing with people who can't spell really scars me...
Got the [bleep] startled out of me once. I opened the door to a shooting house in south Alabama and there was a buzzard siting in the chair. Darn thing just hopped on past me and flew away.
Bobcats and their screeching always gets my attention pretty quick.
pea soup fog rolling in about 5:30 AM when i was on top of an unfamiliar mountain navigating via GPS when i lost the gps in thick brush. couldn't see 20 feet and couldn't tell when i was going up or down. 'ol bessy bellowing for her morning milking waaaay down in the valley was the only way i knew which way was which. learned a couple of lessons that day. keep the gps on a lanyard and always have a compass.
Hunting Elk at a drop camp wall tent in the Bob Marshall . Outfitter warned us about it being a bad year for bears. The wolf population was up right before the started to allow hunting. Saw lion tracks not far from camp. We got pretty messed up one night and decided it would be fun to stand outside and blow a rabbit squeezer for about 15 minutes. Hit the little ridge below the camp with a spotlight and saw eyes everywhere. I didn’t sleep a minute that night. In my drunken state I was convinced I was either going to be mauled and drug off or shot by one of the other idiots in the tent who were now sleeping with loaded rifles.
Originally Posted by MichieD
I came upon a group of hot forest Nymphs and me with no condom. Then I thought, when is the next time I'm going to have the chance to bang a few forest nymphs.

Always good to have some k-y wif you also.
Originally Posted by RS308MX
The minute I realized I was lost!

I can relate to this.....once in the Bob Marshall wilderness area and once in the Rockies of Colorado. The idea of spending the night alone in the mountains is quite disconcerting.
Was maybe 13 and fishing a pond at night. Had a big pissed territorial beaver following my row boat around tail-slapping at me. Close enough I could feel the spray a couple times. But I couldn’t see it and had no idea it was a beaver doing that. I thought for sure it was a Squatch following me down a shoreline whipping rocks at me that would be too big for any human to throw that far. Pop laughed his ass off when I got back to camp truly terrified.
Outside of that, I did get turned around in a piece of woods I thought I knew like the back of my hand. That was a unique kind of panic. Didn’t last all that long and I got my [bleep] together. But I understand now how people can come unhinged.
Also, boating, yes. On sea or lake. Whether a 30’ Grady or a 16’ Lund, there are times when the water is too big for the boat, and that sucks.
Son and I were deer hunting on Kodiak Island. We had each shot a deer and were carrying the boned out meat in our backpacks. Headed back to camp and a blinding snow storm started. After awhile we realized we had walked in a circle and on top of our tracks was an enormous brown bear track, estimated it was a 10 footer for sure. Pulled out the compass and made a beeline for the beach watching our backs the entire time. Even the 375 H&H I was carrying felt small.
Here in MS, no critters to hurt you other than a snake. Or maybe a boar hog.

What’ll get me is stepping in a covey of quail pre-dawn.

Stepping on a grouse while sneaking through the woods.
Originally Posted by ingwe
Now, dealing with people who can't spell really scars me...

Eye feel you're pane....
Originally Posted by elkmen1
Let me see, being shot at in Vietnam. Two unscheduled helicopter landings on wildfires. Burnt the emblems, and melted paint and headlight covers on wildfires. Trees falling around me at night on wildfires. Cougar screaming at me in the dark, walking into a pack of wolves in the dark, My wife's heart attack, liberals, and people who want to take away my guns., Did I miss anything ???

Covid wink
Originally Posted by Whttail_in_MT
Originally Posted by ingwe
Now, dealing with people who can't spell really scars me...

Eye feel you're pane....

Unless he meant “scarred”, as in leaving a mark, or as in traumatized, etc. In which case, his spelling would be correct and your reading comprehension poor.
Was headed to my tree stand at dark thirty one morning and a covey of quail flushed at my feet.....really got my heart going.
Shawl Lady on LZ Saunders and her upper human silhouette buds watching me around tree trunks behind me going into area 50 on post.
Eerie azz schit.....
Sat at the base of a big ole oak till daylight with the hammer cocked,set trigger pulled, ready to rock.
Got the fugg outta their after daylight.....

Homie aint never walked in that spot in the dark alone ever since.

Walked in their one morning with slumlord years after.
set him up about 3 400 yds north of the tree peeker area.
I hit the ridge even further north.

He was making fun of me about it all.

Big meanie. ........

Jumped off a rock ledge into the mouth of a cave in West Texas. The damnest noise and "something" black bouncing off the cave walls coming fast at me. For a split second I could not comprehend what happening and it was pretty scary.

A buzzard was in the cave eating a dead goat and I obviously scared him as much as he did me.
Got between a momma black bear and one of her cubs one time. She charged the tree I was sitting in. I fired a quick shot through the bottom of the stand somehow missing her and my feet. Luckily she bailed out and took off down through the woods. As fast as she was coming, I'd have never gotten another shell in the rifle.
Woods have never scared me, but grizzly definitely are the ones that give me the most anxiety.
I was in 3rd grade reading a book about Bigfoot at about 9:00 at night. Dad hadn’t got home yet from combining sunflowers, so it was just me, mom, and my younger sisters. I had just read that Bigfoot makes a Erie scream and all the sudden the dogs start going nuts barking at something in the tree grove behind our house. Well the barking really had my attention when all the sudden a coon or some other critter started squealing and growling back at the barking dogs. Needless to say I was convinced Bigfoot had taken up residence behind our trailer house. Mom didn’t seem to take the whole matter real serious and that really made me question her intelligence. Anyway, I was normally out with my BB gun wandering around the trees whenever possible, but I didn’t work up the courage to go back where the dogs had been barking for about three or four days and when I did the safety was off on my crosman 760 and my finger was on the trigger. Lol
Bitter cold day, and my Lab and I were taking a woods walk. She ran out onto a frozen irrigation pond and broke through. She couldn't get herself out and soon stopped struggling. I found a stout tree limb and, breaking the ice in front of me, waded out to her, about 50' out. By time I got to her, the water was almost up to my pits, but with every step, I was expecting to go in over my head. By the time we got home, my clothes were frozen like a suit of armor. Didn't really feel scared until we got home and I started thinking about the "what ifs."
In East Texas one summer many ages ago, my date and i drove out into the woods to park on a warm moon lit night with the windows down. She had her left arm around my neck as i sat slouched down in the drivers seat while we swapped spit.

Just as i came up for air and glanced ahead she raised her left hand by my face to pull me back for more. The peripheral movement of something inside the window by my head....

Then there have been plenty of snakes. As a kid, walking from my cousins through a scope of woods to Grandads out in the country at night when I got to the trap pasture gate and when i grabbed the top oak plank and suddenly realizing my hand was full of a big moccasin or chicken snake .....

Black bear coming at me while elk hunting after it stood up over a huge broke necked cow it was eating and threatened me and i shot it with an arrow and instead of running off it charged me from uphill as i waved my bow and little belt hatchet before falling and rolling and flopping and giving its death moan....

Which brought the big freaking bear to show up and circle downwind, as i reloaded, to catch our scent before coming for me...shot that biotch with an arrow too and PTL it finally turned and left after stopping to reconsider a little bit while i was jumping up and down screaming and hollering and shaking my bow and little hatchet overhead. Felt i was so happy it was like floating on air untill i realized it was adrenalin high and i had to sit a while and suck air to calm down a while before heading back to camp in the dark.
A female sasquatch. Needed eye bleach after that.
I've been startled by rattlesnakes, nearly stepping on a coyote once in the desert east of El Paso (not sure if the coyote was more surprised, or I was), and stuff like that. I've been concerned about situations I've found myself in such as getting caught in a lightning storm while backpacking into the Chiricahuas in southern Arizona, or getting my pickup stuck in the snow in the mountains in Nevada.

I do recall being genuinely scared when I was about 12 years old, camping in the mountains with my dad, a pair of uncles and a cousin all of whom were older than me. A bear came into camp shortly after we bedded down. We were sleeping in the open on a ground tarp and the bear was helping himself to our groceries maybe thirty feet away. I was pretty sure at least one of us was gonna be barschidt pretty damned soon. All we had for breakfast the next day was spuds, but I was really jazzed about all of us having survived an encounter with a bear. I thought we were all Davy Crockett that morning.
Originally Posted by jaguartx
In East Texas one summer many ages ago, my date and i drove out into the woods to park on a warm moon lit night with the windows down. She had her left arm around my neck as i sat slouched down in the drivers seat while we swapped spit.

Just as i came up for air and glanced ahead she raised her left hand by my face to pull me back for more. The peripheral movement of something inside the window by my head....

Then there have been plenty of snakes. As a kid, walking from my cousins through a scope of woods to Grandads out in the country at night when I got to the trap pasture gate and when i grabbed the top oak plank and suddenly realizing my hand was full of a big moccasin or chicken snake .....

Black bear coming at me while elk hunting after it stood up over a huge broke necked cow it was eating and threatened me and i shot it with an arrow and instead of running off it charged me from uphill as i waved my bow and little belt hatchet before falling and rolling and flopping and giving its death moan....

Which brought the big freaking bear to show up and circle downwind, as i reloaded, to catch our scent before coming for me...shot that biotch with an arrow too and PTL it finally turned and left after stopping to reconsider a little bit while i was jumping up and down screaming and hollering and shaking my bow and little hatchet overhead. Felt i was so happy it was like floating on air untill i realized it was adrenalin high and i had to sit a while and suck air to calm down a while before heading back to camp in the dark.

][Linked Image from i.postimg.cc][/url]
first time I heard a bobcat at night I was just a teenager, I thought someone was strangling a woman

also one time I was fishing near Georgetown SC in the evening and walked between a gator up on land and the water. He let me know I was blocking his path to the water, I was more than happy to get out of his way.
Originally Posted by renegade50
Shawl Lady on LZ Saunders and her upper human silhouette buds watching me around tree trunks behind me going into area 50 on post.
Eerie azz schit.....
Sat at the base of a big ole oak till daylight with the hammer cocked,set trigger pulled, ready to rock.
Got the fugg outta their after daylight.....

Homie aint never walked in that spot in the dark alone ever since.

Walked in their one morning with slumlord years after.
set him up about 3 400 yds north of the tree peeker area.
I hit the ridge even further north.

He was making fun of me about it all.

Big meanie. ........


This one is the most interesting! Can't believe you didn't send slummy right into the heart of it...for research purposes.
When I was bow hunting this past November and someone texted me and told me that Biden won!

The realization that sooner or later I had to go back to work
Originally Posted by Mr_Harry
Originally Posted by Whttail_in_MT
Originally Posted by ingwe
Now, dealing with people who can't spell really scars me...

Eye feel you're pane....

Unless he meant “scarred”, as in leaving a mark, or as in traumatized, etc. In which case, his spelling would be correct and your reading comprehension poor.

Yep. Leg caught a loose piece of barbed wire while running through the woods once as a kid. Ripped my shin to the bone about 5 inches. Country Dr was afraid to use anesthetic as i had asthma and was allergic to horses so he sewed it up with me hollering.
Having the smell of blood on me and a pack of coyotes in a frenzy and fighting with each other right outside my 2 man pup tent, while bowhunting in southwest CO. I had just killed an elk w my bow, while backpack hunting in the San Juan National Forest. Packed the meat back to my campsite and strung it up high. During the Middle of the night, Coyotes came in making all kinds of racket, right outside my tent. Sounded like they were fighting And growling with each other. I yelled through the tent walls and they finally scattered. But the same scenario repeated itself 3 times that night. I had no fire arm but slept with my hunting knife by my pillow and a broad head tipped arrow in my hand. I am sure my blood soaked backpack, in which I carried the meat back to camp, was quite the attractant. I had never feared for my safety while hunting till that night. I was concerned about black bears coming into camp, but never even thought about coyotes.
He give ya a bullet to bite on? 😃

Forrest Gump braces after that? 😀
I've had a momma bear popping her jaws at me while her cub was up a tree. I was about 20 yards away.

Another time I was walking in the dark and I walked by a wild willow shrub, real thick one, and on the other side of that bush something let out a real low, gutteral growl. Could not have been 10 feet away. Always assumed it was a cougar but man o man my radar was beeping on that one. I was after a big bear I knew to be in this thicket but don't know if that was him or someone else.

A friend and I flew into a remote lake in Alaska to fish for pike for the weekend. Pilot dropped us off near some high ground we could pitch our tent on. We found an old ax and later found an aluminum boat overgrown with brush along the shore line. Huckleberries were on and bear sign everywhere. Saw some browns on the flight in. Used the ax to cut a pole to push ourselves around the shallow shoreline in the boat and caught hundreds of pike up to 3' long. So many our backs ached from pulling them in. Blood all over the bottom of the boat and us. Next morning about 4 am we hear a bear splashing around down by the boat. A little later he came up to camp and was circling the tent. Only had a 10" Bowie knife, no gun. Thought maybe our luck had run out. Turns out the splashing noise was a beaver and who knows what was breathing outside the tent. LOL Dumb kids.

Had a couple close calls due to weather. One hunt it rained 17" in 3 days, lots of fog, hard to navigate around the mountains. Another got turned around on Broken Top in Sisters, Oregon in a blizzard. I would have been fine but the girlfriend I had at the time panicked. On top of that she was slowing me down. Finally found our way out but my fear was that I was going to be the cause of someone else dying. Very unsettling.

Had a close call in some cliffs once, slippery moss and blacktail deer hunting.

Been traumatized a few times wish I hadn't shot an animal at the bottom of a canyon or so far from the truck in steep terrain and swore I wouldn't do it again, but by next year all that's forgotten LOL.

Been startled too many times to count by something coming into camp at night and knocking things over. One camp buddy and I were convinced we had a bear coming in at night so we left out a cup of pudding with a trailer camera on it. About 2 am a doe comes in, gobbles up the pudding and helps herself to the potatoe chips (salt). Another camp had something wake me up in the middle of the night by shaking the RV. Dog woke up and I turned her loose on it, but she ran back to bed shaking. Never seen her shy away from chasing anything up to and including bear and cougar. Don't know what it was.

Went to a buddies cousins house in Alaska in winter. One way in by land was impassable in winter, the other way had to cross a frozen lake. It was the time of year you didn't know which way was safe. Tried the land route first and lost control on an icy hill. Truck carreened down the mountain sideways until it slid to a stop with 4" between the passenger door and a big birch tree. Not a scratch on either of us. Had to chain up all four to claw our way back up that mountain, schit just a flyin. Came in the next weekend and took the frozen lake route. Family was all out on the lawn watching us when we drove up. They told us we were the first to try it that winter and they were pretty sure we weren't going to make it. We could feel every pound of that old Fords weight on the trip back across the lake. That one gave me the willys for sure.
When I was 12 my father caught me out in the woods with two girls.
On reflection, even though I’ve had some dicey encounters w bears. 9-11 was unsettling. Was in the middle of nowhere up the tikchik River via motorboat, w a moose hunting client, met up w my amigo that was floating down river w his two clients.

Called my broker via Sat phone to get an update on my positions. He told me we were under attack via the WTC terrorist actions.

Then when the skies went empty it was eerie. Had never experienced that before. Of course my wife was unsettled by the events just like everyone else & she was home w 3 kids all 10 or under. She wanted me home & for a few days I had no idea how I was gonna get there.

My poor client was a wreck, he was already on pretty significant amounts of anti depressants. When he received the news from me he went down hard over it. Thought once or twice he might be thinking about ending all his pain.

With everything else going through my head I could just envision me being the first guide to bring back a dead client.

I felt bad for the guy but he had me on pins & needles till we got back to Dilly & I could get shut of him.
Originally Posted by Reba
When I was 12 my father caught me out in the woods with two girls.

How scared would he have been if you had been with 2 boys? 😬
I cut my hand gutting a deer, and got a pretty good scar from that.
I had the loudest most un woods wise client ever shoot a big boar black bear, which promptly ran into the dog hair along the river. I gave him instructions to sit tight and not to come in there for any reason as I didn’t want him getting chewed up or us shooting one another.

I’m easing along on high alert picking out the blood trail when all the sudden a loud crack behind and to my left. I whirl around safety off and rifle coming up, ready to let one fly. And the dude had somehow managed to silently sneak right up on me all the while videotaping! He probably had some good footage of the muzzle of a 458 and a bunch of cussing!
Had a moment where I thought my 79 year old granny dress wearin maw kettle English teacher embodied several old men on this thread.
Flying into Fort Francis for a customs clearance on a fishing trip with five of us in a heavily loaded Beechcraft. The guy who owned the plane was use to the big 3,000 foot multi directional runways like O'Hare, not the single strip 1,500 footer up there in Canada. We took off like he always did without standing on the brakes and revving the engines and we were too slow and out of runway when we had to lift off. It was the first (and last I hope) time that I ever heard a stall horn. Pine trees at the end of the runway were looming large and we must have clipped them going over. Five sets of very wide eyeballs that time. Scared and mentally scarred.
I'm not sure that "scared" is the right word, but twice moose have come after me and caused me enough concern to haul ass faster than I'm used to. Luckily for me, both were content to watch me haul ass. One was a cow browsing on some willows along a stream. I was working my way downstream fishing, saw her, and made an arc around her. Got down below and the next thing I know I hear her bellowing and trotting toward me. Then I heard her calf, I'd gotten in between. The other was a bull with two cows.

And there was one time I was side-hilling along a steep shale slide above a river that was over my head deep, in the mountains in March. It was rimmed with ice and the bank was steep enough that I'd have to swim a ways to get to a place where I could climb out. The shale gave way under my feet and I started sliding, that was the longest few seconds, until I stopped just short of the water.
While chucker hunting in southern Idaho I stepped on a rattlesnake. Absolutely scared the schiit out of me!
I think I set a world record for standing broad jump--in reverse!
Once, walking along a dark footpath, I found an old shack, and in behind was a spot on the ground that was always wet. That night, as the moon shone through the trees, I could hear men screaming, and then an evil laugh. I know I ain't goin' back into them woods at night.
Walking through the edge of a waist deep crp field in the moonlight heading to my stand two hours before daylight, (early bow season). Tripped over an emu laying in the grass, it jumped straight up and let out a squawk like nothing I've ever heard. I thought I'd awakened the devil himself. This was in Western Oklahoma, a few farmers had released these God awful creatures when the market fell out. Before that nothing really concerned me walking in the dark except skunks and rattlesnakes.
Working Security unarmed at the LA county fairgrounds during a car show this thing is huge and sprawling I was surrounded by a half dozen hard core cholo gang banger types giving me grief over me telling them where to park. You know their strapped high and crazy after 7 or 8 minutes of heated debate with these fuqks they finally complied. It was a little unnerving. This was a part time gig that paid well and was put on 8 times a year
I fell a few years ago on a hill side (go figure in WV). As I slid down hill I caught my left foot on a sapling and really pulled my front thigh muscle. It hurt like when I tore the quadricep tendon off of my knee cap. I thought I was going to have to be carried out. I just pulled the muscle pretty bad but it was a scare.
Bombing full throttle on my snowmobile tracking caribou across a muskeg lake on a -30 grey day on the NW Alberta/British Columbia border 100 miles from the nearest town and not realizing there was a stretch of open water in the middle of the lake before i was on it.
1981 i was 17 ,hunting deer near Thorndike Maine.i was walking down a trail,and i stopped next to a little island of brush that the trail kinda split around,and something EXPLODED out of it,i had my Marlin 336 30 30 cocked and to my shoulder with the open sights on the flash of white tail i saw.I didn t pull the trigger,all i saw was a flash of white tail and a flash of brown.no antlers.Till this day i don t know if i missed out on a " beginers luck "giant buck or not.
It sure scared the living crap out of me,my hands wouldn t stop shaking from the adrenaline dump.I ve thought about this alot over the years,but i have to stand behind my decision not to shoot,no clear target,don t shoot.
One time, at band camp....
Half a dozen of us young teenagers camping back in the woods, when in the middle of the night a couple Screech Owls decided to make us poop our drawers and run for home.. What an ungodly sound they made.
I looked into an old decomposed root cavity from about 3 ft and there was a black bear moving therein. Did 200 yds in 9 seconds flat and then remembered I had my 7 Mag along.
Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by renegade50
Shawl Lady on LZ Saunders and her upper human silhouette buds watching me around tree trunks behind me going into area 50 on post.
Eerie azz schit.....
Sat at the base of a big ole oak till daylight with the hammer cocked,set trigger pulled, ready to rock.
Got the fugg outta their after daylight.....

Homie aint never walked in that spot in the dark alone ever since.

Walked in their one morning with slumlord years after.
set him up about 3 400 yds north of the tree peeker area.
I hit the ridge even further north.

He was making fun of me about it all.

Big meanie. ........


This one is the most interesting! Can't believe you didn't send slummy right into the heart of it...for research purposes.

Same area about 2 yrs prior probably 900 yds as the crow flies up on that ridge.
I found a clorox jug with the # 13 painted on it full of ants.
A big ole pentagram border made out of rocks about 20' in diameter
With a fire pit in the middle.
Never thought much of it other than some freaks out in the middle of nowhere on FTCKY doing some stupid satanic worship schit.
Before they gated up all the back access roads into the back 40 training areas.

I basically dont hunt south of pyror trail in area 50 anymore.

South side of sukchon dz road in area 21 is another place I have heard of from other hunters over the years about eerie schit going on .

Lots of 1790,s to 1800,s homesteads and revolutionary war land grants on FTCKY.
Oldest gravestone I have seen was a 1810 death in one of the many cemetaries on post.

Everything got imminent domained in 1941 IIRC.
I've been startled more than a few times, felt spooked, etc., but the only time I truly felt scared was when I got caught on top of a small mountain with a fast approaching lighting storm. By the time I gathered my crap, it was too late. Strike right behind me. Scramble off the cliff, and start tearing ass down the ridge, intent on making the truck 1.5 miles away. Strike on the ridge in front of me. Drop into a draw, another strike in front of me. Like I was being freakin' targeted.

Hoofed it back up to where I knew there was a nice overhang. Dropped equipment, hid out under there for about 45 minutes in what turned out to be the most freakishly intense lighting storm I'd ever been around. Thought I was going out on that one. A well used family campsite that we use at the base of the mountain sustained 3 strikes to the ponderosas, exploding two of them. In all the 25 to 30 years we used that site before, I was aware of two trees which were struck.

It took a lot of years for me to get past that. Was a long time there where even a hint of a flash would send me running for cover. Any hint of lighting or thunder for miles after that sent my skeered azz to the truck to sleep or hideout more than a few times after that. Kid took a pic of me around campfire one night shortly after, with me unaware. The flash from the camera and resulting jump put a crick in my neck that lasted weeks.

Fug lighting. Used to enjoy a good lighting show. Not any damn more.
Originally Posted by montanabadger
I cut my hand gutting a deer, and got a pretty good scar from that.

Yep, glad I had some napkins and electrical tape. I’ve used the elec. tape more than once for cuts, always have some with me.
Originally Posted by Brokenarrow
Walking through the edge of a waist deep crp field in the moonlight heading to my stand two hours before daylight, (early bow season). Tripped over an emu laying in the grass, it jumped straight up and let out a squawk like nothing I've ever heard. I thought I'd awakened the devil himself. This was in Western Oklahoma, a few farmers had released these God awful creatures when the market fell out. Before that nothing really concerned me walking in the dark except skunks and rattlesnakes.

I had an encounter involved these satanic birds myself that was pretty creepy. Was hunting in a big flat stretch of crumbled shalerock at the surface where the only thing that would grow was hawthorns, and they were thick, you could get lost in there only 100 feet from a road on a flat overcast day. I take a little stand sitting against the base of a tree. I can hear rustlings in the leaves, all around me, getting closer. Whatever it is there's more than one and they're circling me. Then i see some WTF legs and next thing that nasty little head on its stalk with those flat, bloodred doll's eyes, blank and dead looking, like glass eyes. Same deal, someone had let a bunch go. Anyways, it was a real twilight zone of an experience.
Originally Posted by Theo Gallus

Originally Posted by andrews1958
I am going back a ways but I was trapping in Northern Maine when Loring AFB in Limestone was still in operation. I was somewhere between Portage Lake and Perham and all was quite when out of nowhere a fighter jet went blasting right over me just above the treetops. Scared the bee gee bees out of me as it happened so fast and it was so loud.

Tom Cruise/ Top Gun requesting a fly by smile


I was stationed there from 1988-1993 when the based closed. I worked at the Fighter Intercepter Squadron. Fun to work on and watch.
Ever have a pheasant bust out flying when you just about stepped on it?
Back in the early 1970's I was deer hunting in PA and had a turkey bust out flying from the edge of the laurel that I just gotten to. Just about dropped my rifle. My heart beat a little faster too. Them things is big!
I’ve got a pretty good scar from cutting the schiet out of my thumb while out in the woods.
Cow moose treed me once. Thought i was was gonna freeze to death. She finally gave up and saved her life. Mt Spokane.
Big waves... small boat


Grizzly bears

In that order
Climbed into an elevated box blind one cold morning, was dark and couldn't see much. As I closed the door something jumped onto my head which sent me in a whirling panic. Damn squirrel kept running down my shoulder, across my back and back up the other shoulder back onto my head as I was spinning around throwing my hands all over the place and generally screaming like a girl. Keep in mind that it's dark and I don't know what kind of demon animal is attacking me. The sumbitch finally jumped to the ledge around the windows and I started throwing punches at it while it kept running around the ledge which ran around the entire interior of the blind. It finally squeezed out of the blind through its hole in a corner along the ledge. Despite the ruckus I shot 2 does out of the blind about 45 minutes later.
Originally Posted by Techsan
Climbed into an elevated box blind one cold morning, was dark and couldn't see much. As I closed the door something jumped onto my head which sent me in a whirling panic. Damn squirrel kept running down my shoulder, across my back and back up the other shoulder back onto my head as I was spinning around throwing my hands all over the place and generally screaming like a girl. Keep in mind that it's dark and I don't know what kind of demon animal is attacking me. The sumbitch finally jumped to the ledge around the windows and I started throwing punches at it while it kept running around the ledge which ran around the entire interior of the blind. It finally squeezed out of the blind through its hole in a corner along the ledge. Despite the ruckus I shot 2 does out of the blind about 45 minutes later.

Damn that's friggen terrifying..... reminds me of Christmas Vacation movie.... smile
Been scared many times on both water and land. Lightning strikes feet away, high winds with trees coming down all around, pot farmers waving guns, taking on water in a little boat ocean fishing, getting caught in a tornado on the river spinning around, coming face to face with a big black bear named Scar, the time my uncle was beat in the face with a rifle butt by a crazy hunter and helping him down the mountain as a boy, the propane explosion in the camp trailer, the UFO...
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