The founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Pathetic.
T- Ball Joey........
As usual........
Unbelievable is all I can say.
Originally Posted by Mike_S
The founding fathers must be spinning in their graves. Pathetic.

“I told them, IF you can keep it!”
Benjamin Franklin
Everything is prepared for the squinty eyed pos.

But, don't worry, folks. He's held to account by his handlers. If he doesn't call on the correct trained seals for questions, he doesn't get his pudding.
Originally Posted by local_dirt
Everything is prepared for the squinty eyed pos.

But, don't worry, folks. He's held to account by his handlers. If he doesn't call on the correct trained seals for questions, he doesn't get his pudding.

I hope Joeys handlers are giving him these to help him make pee pee also.....
Candy and colors!!!!
Perfect for Jacrispy Joey to get water in addition to his sippy cup....

Just amazing
So, who is the real acting president ?? Rice and who ?

i suspect a guy with a rather dark complexion and george soros.
He doesn't seem to care who knows that he has handlers directing every aspect of his presidency for him, i.e., he's not actually the president. A cabal of leftist, corporatist, globalists, are, i.e., the very people who arranged to steal the election from Trump and Trump voters.
I think Biden is inept and in over his head but see nothing wrong with him acknowledging the direction he is given by staff, just like most Presidents. I don't think this makes him LOOK weak and ineffectual; he IS weak and ineffectual. I think this may have been him attempting to find humor in his situation. Let's face it, Donald Trump was the first president since Reagan who actually said what he thought and his comments were refreshing even if embarrassing. Just as it was with Trump, Biden's supporter will acknowledge no wrong and will attempt to accent the positive; if they can find any. GD
Of course they're all narcissists but It's hard to believe that anyone could be so self serving as to put himself through this painful self abuse. One wonders if he's being blackmailed. He certainly has given enough reason for it over the years of stealing taxpayer money. Komallia is truly stupid and narcissistic enough because she sees herself as some sort of prom queen. Same with Joe's pitiful wife and actually the entire democrat party. They truly are an embarrassment to the human race let alone our government. The scary thing is the people that are fine with it.
I'll bet a nickle against a dollar that those reporters, that biden was told to call on, had prepared questions, given to them by his handlers. Very similar to hillary clinton being given the questions before the debates with Trump
Originally Posted by Oldman03
I'll bet a nickle against a dollar that those reporters, that biden was told to call on, had prepared questions, given to them by his handlers. Very similar to hillary clinton being given the questions before the debates with Trump

He showed up with notecards for his meeting with Putin.

His entire day - including questions AND answers is scripted.
I don’t think people really are okay with it. The media is so in the tank for Biden you just don’t know. But people are talking. I’ll give you an example that surprised me.

So this week my kid, mostly at the insistence of her mother, is as 9th grader helping out with a robotics camp at her school for the younger kids. The helpers, are all in high school and as a 9th grader my daughter is the youngest one and she didn’t really know any of the other kids. To top it it off, most of them are black and Mexican kids too, so she was a fish out of water for a few days until she made friends.

Anyway I was driving to drop her off yesterday and we were listening to the radio. They were playing a Biden clip and I remarked about how embarrassing it was that he was president. She remarked that the kids she had been hanging out with this week were making fun of him too. They were watching clips and laughing about what a senile dumbass he is. First I was surprised that teenagers even cared enough to make fun of him. Then, as my daughter said, “Yeah, and they’re mostly black and Mexican kids too.”

I don’t think there is one single sane person in this country who thinks Biden is okay. But you wouldn’t know it because the media is insanely biased and there are about 27 million bots and paid Chinese influencers on Twitter singing his praises.

I think we are in an era equivalent to when their used to be jokes all over Moscow and the Soviet Union about the ancient and decrepit Soviet leaders like Brezhnev and and Andropov while Pravda sang their praises.
Top of the morning to you sir, I hope all is as well as can be with you and yours.

As I've said on a number of occasions, my personal experience with dementia was a slow descent with my late Mother for several years and then for another 6 plus years with my late Mother-in-Law. In both instances we were the closest family and primary care givers until they required extended care.

Because your US politics and leadership has such a profound effect on Canada and truly the world, I try to stay abreast of the situation south of the medicine line and thus was watching the Democratic primaries. There were a couple times even then I turned to my good wife and opined that Biden was showing the signs of early onset dementia I'd missed in my own Mother.

Now, with the benefit of experience, I know what I'm looking at, you know?

The ability to read seems or better said in our experience stayed longer than the ability to remain on track in a conversation. Thus it is logical that they give as much written instruction as possible.

Before leaving this and based on what I know now, I believe that anyone involved who knowingly would do this to someone they know has early onset dementia should be sent straight to Hades with a 50lb bag of cheap charcoal under each arm.

Anyways, we have our own issues up here with PM Shiny Pony being a hand puppet for someone as well, as throughout his life he's shown to be less than top shelf material to say the very least.

Interesting times we find ourselves in for sure sir, but all the best to you regardless.

Dwayne -

Thank you. I agree with your post 100%

Watched that disease take my biggest mentor in my grand parents about 3 years ago. It's the same with Biden only more dangerous.
Originally Posted by Teal
Dwayne -

Thank you. I agree with your post 100%

Watched that disease take my biggest mentor in my grand parents about 3 years ago. It's the same with Biden only more dangerous.

Same here with Dear Mother.

When you've seen it up close and personal, you know it instantly when you see it again.
Originally Posted by kwg020
So, who is the real acting president ?? Rice and who ?


Nothing is ever said about it that I can remember, but Dr. Jill probably has much more influence on him than some of his handlers. Remember Wilson and FDR, wives were shadow presidents.
One thing I’ve noticed is that he has really lost the ability to inflect with his voice. It mostly sounds the same, like he is yelling, or whispering. The old Biden was a dumbass, but he had the ability to be wry or sarcastic or self deprecating. He was, for all his faults, a practiced and effective communicator. Now, he is Grandpa Simpson.
So every aspect of his briefings is scripted?
Originally Posted by 1minute
So every aspect of his briefings is scripted?

Ear piece implanted in his head and crib notes. Plus he has a shut down button for when he is saying the wrong things.
Originally Posted by 1minute
So every aspect of his briefings is scripted?

Yes, via teleprompters. Plus there is a lot of speculation with justification from some very knowledgeable people that Beijing Biden is wearing a tiny transceiver "bug" in his ear and receives his talking points from one of his masters. If you notice how he pauses for several seconds when he loses his thoughts in the middle of a sentence, he's lost and waiting for instructions relayed through his ear "bug."

When he goes "off script," that is when his dementia is glaringly obvious. He's as lost as a goose in a snow storm.

I'm also extremely familiar with Alzheimer's Dementia. My wife suffered from it and died from its complications a little over a year ago. I am very well acquainted with the symptoms of Alzheimer's and its terrible effect on a person. Beijing Biden is dying from it. Alzheimer's Dementia takes no prisoners.


C'mon man!
Next thing he'll be looking up eyes aglaze saying:

"for your eyes only Joe, don't know what means but I don't want to get in trouble so"
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