Now they want to do so after the child is born. It seems the left is now showing us new lows of human depravity. Not only do they want to kill the unborn at any point during a pregnancy but now they want to kill babies after they're born. The sanctity of human life means nothing to these people unless a serial rapist pedophile on death row and these people are in control of our nation.
Here's a link to the article.
And a few quotes from it.

"California policymakers who make up the “Future of Abortion Council” just dropped a bombshell. They intend to not only codify the killing of unborn children throughout all nine months of pregnancy but to decriminalize killing newborns days or even weeks after birth."

“For years, pro-life advocates have argued there is no moral difference between ending a child’s life days before birth or days after birth. California’s pro-abortion legislators now seemingly agree,” said Jonathan Keller, President of California Family Council. “A political culture that justifies killing millions of children in the womb is now declaring open season on unwanted newborns. Every Californian must oppose this heinous bill.”
How about if we just "abort" the legislators who want to pass this stupidity? Would anybody actually miss them?
My dad used to drown kittens if Cookie was out whoring around and got prego.

Modern women are doing the same to their children. Disgusting depravation.
Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
How about if we just "abort" the legislators who want to pass this stupidity? Would anybody actually miss them?

A very appealing idea!

Here are few quotes from on of Rush Limbaugh's monologues.

It’s been 20 or 30 years that they’ve pretty much been able to get away with whatever without any real accountability. I don’t know how many times I’ve told you… I was telling somebody earlier today, “There are so many times… I can’t count the number of moderate Republicans that came up to me, ‘You gotta get these Republicans to stop talking about abortion! We’re gonna never win election again! (sputtering)

“‘We’re — we’re — we’re — we’re social liberals and fiscal conservatives, and you gotta get them to shut up!'” I mean, everywhere I went, whenever the Republicans lost an election, it was assumed that was why. I always said to them, “Let me tell you something. If we’re not willing to stand up for life, what the hell else are we gonna be able to have any value in?” I tried to tell ’em that it was about so much more than abortion.

"If you don’t have a government that is willing to stand up for life wherever it is, particularly of its own citizens — and if you have a population that is not oriented in the same direction — then you’re gonna watch the slow devolution of anything of value. If life is not worth fighting for… We all only get one, and if we’re not gonna even engage the battle to snuff out life — if we’re not even gonna be able to engage the people that want to get rid of “undesirable lives” — then what else is gonna fall by the wayside?"

This quote in the above stands out to me the most.
"If we’re not willing to stand up for life, what the hell else are we gonna be able to have any value in?”

Any good and decent person has a hill they're willing to die for. If defending the life of the unborn and born children isn't one of those then what would be?
Well, SaCharlie what do you think about that?
I was hoping this was a bad joke by the Babylon Bee.
I would like to say...just when you think mankind can't sink any lower....but I know it can.
Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
How about if we just "abort" the legislators who want to pass this stupidity? Would anybody actually miss them?

No way!, that's murder........
Prey without ceasing.
What do you think Chuckles?

Come on man don't be shy, explain to us why killing babies is a good thing.
Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
How about if we just "abort" the legislators who want to pass this stupidity? Would anybody actually miss them?

Nine days, nine weeks...nine decades. What difference does it make?
Have you wondered why God led the Hebrews out of Egypt then told them to enter Canaan and kill every single person there? They were worshiping Molek who they believed required human sacrifices. They were throwing their living children into the temple fires. I can't help but believe that the time will come when God will do the same to leftists as he did to the Canaanites.
Everyone with half a brain knew this was coming. Old people are next.
Watched one of the crime shows on YouTube the other day, meth addict woman from Utah killed 6 babies as soon as they were born. She birthed them at home, wrapped them up hid them in rubbermaid totes.
Neighbors, even teen daughter didn't know she was pregnant due to being skinny -strung-out on meth.
Husband was in prison for producing meth.

When they were sentencing her, ''a few life terms'', I thought of the fact that so called doctors do this every day. Blue state liberal schitbagz want to extend the time until well after birth of a newborn baby. Keep the baby, kill the POS that doesn't want the baby.
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Watched one of the crime shows on YouTube the other day, meth addict woman from Utah killed 6 babies as soon as they were born. She birthed them at home, wrapped them up hid them in rubbermaid totes.
Neighbors, even teen daughter didn't know she was pregnant due to being skinny -strung-out on meth.
Husband was in prison for producing meth.

When they were sentencing her, ''a few life terms'', I thought of the fact that so called doctors do this every day. Blue state liberal schitbagz want to extend the time until well after birth of a newborn baby. Keep the baby, kill the POS that doesn't want the baby.

All it takes is a state license to be a legal murderer.
This nation is coming to a fullness of depravity.
God will be very justified when He does what He's going to do. The pagans sacrificed their children to demons.
There were times when Israel "sod their children" during famines.
The world today kills them for birth control. This is done with the approval of those who's position is to protect the fatherless and punish the evil.

"The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted."

The innocent suffer the most.
[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
While truly depraved, this would never survive a legal challenge. The State has an interest in the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. This is located in the 10th Amendment. Such legislation would run against this. Where I suppose it could get tricky is if Roe v Wade is overturned and such decisionmaking is, in my opinion, appropriately returned to the states. Under such a hypothetical the state in question may attempt to amend its constitution to pave a way forward but I believe the general outrage would amount to political suicide for anyone who supported it and would die in the court anyway. Beyond that I would not weep if a abortion docs started getting whacked again.
wish someone could point out just what it is about babies that turns liberals into homicidal maniacs.
Sarcasm, Contempt, Satire, Ridicule - ON

Straight to heaven and never vote democrat.......................

Sarcasm, Contempt, Satire, Ridicule - OFF
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
wish someone could point out just what it is about babies that turns liberals into homicidal maniacs.

Good question.

I have always been pro-life but two things have seriously reinforced my convictions over the years.
No. 1 - Witnessing the birth of my own four children.
No. 2 - I am adopted. I was lucky enough to get a chance and I’m thankful for that.
Millions of others haven’t.
I became prof life when I saw our daughter's face on the ultrasound. I knew in that moment balls to bone I would kill for her and give my life for her. Nothing has changed.
Originally Posted by JTrapper73
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
wish someone could point out just what it is about babies that turns liberals into homicidal maniacs.

Good question.

I have always been pro-life but two things have seriously reinforced my convictions over the years.
No. 1 - Witnessing the birth of my own four children.
No. 2 - I am adopted. I was lucky enough to get a chance and I’m thankful for that.
Millions of others haven’t.
When my 1st was born, fathers had to stand at the door looking in, no farther. When my 2d was born, they'd changed. I was not only holding my wife's hand but when they cut the cord, the doctor handed him to me first.

About that adoption - It can cost anywhere from 20 to $50k to adopt a child these days. It's simply beyond the reach of many good families who would be great parents. If the government was serious about getting these babies adopted, they'd find a way to subsidize or lower the cost.
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?
Notice that the ones who favor abortion have already been born. They're not at risk. Someone has to stand up for the one who would be killed.
When abortion first became legal, I looked at it as an alternative to backstreet abortions that were barbaric at best. Since I could not have children, I never cause anyone else to face that issue. Today I am no longer on the sidelines. I vote for and support pro-life issues and candidates.
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
wish someone could point out just what it is about babies that turns liberals into homicidal maniacs.

That’s easy. A child means the end to their do anything that makes them feel good lifestyle. It’s the height of selfishness IMO.
Originally Posted by bluefish
While truly depraved, this would never survive a legal challenge. The State has an interest in the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. This is located in the 10th Amendment. Such legislation would run against this. Where I suppose it could get tricky is if Roe v Wade is overturned and such decisionmaking is, in my opinion, appropriately returned to the states. Under such a hypothetical the state in question may attempt to amend its constitution to pave a way forward but I believe the general outrage would amount to political suicide for anyone who supported it and would die in the court anyway. Beyond that I would not weep if a abortion docs started getting whacked again.

I did think partial-birth abortion would pass.
But it did !
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
About that adoption - It can cost anywhere from 20 to $50k to adopt a child these days. It's simply beyond the reach of many good families who would be great parents. If the government was serious about getting these babies adopted, they'd find a way to subsidize or lower the cost.

Long time ago I worked for Howard Miller Clock Co. they were self insured and would pay out the same for an adoption as they would a birth, there were a lot of children adopted to people that worked there over the years.

My wife works for an adoption agency and the .gov does nothing but make it hard and expensive to adopt.
Rock Chuck and 12344 mag cut right to the core of the issue.
...to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves AND our posterity.

Much of the nation is absolutely clueless....................
Originally Posted by Mr_TooDogs
My dad used to drown kittens if Cookie was out whoring around and got prego.

Modern women are doing the same to their children. Disgusting depravation.

The same people pushing for infanticide are the ones that would put you in jail and throw away the key for offing a kitten.

Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?

I can follow your logic, but the ease of evading the consequences of poor decision making in this society is a core problem. That has to be rectified. Besides, we can't tolerate the furtherance of the devaluation of human life...that's fundamental.
Liberal thinking: Make potential adoptive parents pay through the nose for a baby. If they can't afford it, kill the kid.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?

I've seen your point expressed before and to me it's insulting and racist. But for a minute just look at it in another perspective. The children you describe, even though coming into this world in not so good of circumstances still deserve the same chance at life as you and I have had. Who's place is it to say you get a pass and can live or you don't because of who you were born to.

Now closer to home, for me. A little over 60 years ago I was likely conceived in the back seat of a car. To this day I have no idea who my dad is. While I was growing up my mom and stepdad relied on welfare because of the terrible habits they took up. To their last day on earth they were that way. That life I knew back then never was something I wanted. As I got older I worked. I never got arrested and have never used illegal drugs. I've lived what some call the American dream. I'm so thankful I got a chance at this life and to try to do my part in promoting something good and decent and to contribute something. These babies you describe may very well end up being bad people but they deserve the chance to at least try to do good. Who knows maybe one of them might find the cure for cancer or some other great feat in life or they may just grow up to be good citizens. Who are we to condemn them before they even get to try. By the way, my first president to vote for was Ronald Reagan.
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?

I've seen your point expressed before and to me it's insulting and racist. But for a minute just look at it in another perspective. The children you describe, even though coming into this world in not so good of circumstances still deserve the same chance at life as you and I have had. Who's place is it to say you get a pass and can live or you don't because of who you were born to.

Now closer to home, for me. A little over 60 years ago I was likely conceived in the back seat of a car. To this day I have no idea who my dad is. While I was growing up my mom and stepdad relied on welfare because of the terrible habits they took up. To their last day on earth they were that way. That life I knew back then never was something I wanted. As I got older I worked. I never got arrested and have never used illegal drugs. I've lived what some call the American dream. I'm so thankful I got a chance at this life and to try to do my part in promoting something good and decent and to contribute something. These babies you describe may very well end up being bad people but they deserve the chance to at least try to do good. Who knows maybe one of them might find the cure for cancer or some other great feat in life or they may just grow up to be good citizens. Who are we to condemn them before they even get to try. By the way, my first president to vote for was Ronald Reagan.

I can agree with all that, and Reagan was the first POTUS that I got to vote for also. Guess I'm just a cheap, one way SOB because I don't want to support anyone. And I know I don't owe anyone anything.
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
Originally Posted by Jim1611
Originally Posted by TrueGrit
I'm pro life, but damn glad that abortion is legal and available. Black and or welfare babies make up the majority of abortions in the US of A. We already have big problems now in this country. And if it wasn't for abortion we'd be over run with deadbeats and freeloaders and just another third world country. It's only a matter of time anyway, but why rush it?

I've seen your point expressed before and to me it's insulting and racist. But for a minute just look at it in another perspective. The children you describe, even though coming into this world in not so good of circumstances still deserve the same chance at life as you and I have had. Who's place is it to say you get a pass and can live or you don't because of who you were born to.

Now closer to home, for me. A little over 60 years ago I was likely conceived in the back seat of a car. To this day I have no idea who my dad is. While I was growing up my mom and stepdad relied on welfare because of the terrible habits they took up. To their last day on earth they were that way. That life I knew back then never was something I wanted. As I got older I worked. I never got arrested and have never used illegal drugs. I've lived what some call the American dream. I'm so thankful I got a chance at this life and to try to do my part in promoting something good and decent and to contribute something. These babies you describe may very well end up being bad people but they deserve the chance to at least try to do good. Who knows maybe one of them might find the cure for cancer or some other great feat in life or they may just grow up to be good citizens. Who are we to condemn them before they even get to try. By the way, my first president to vote for was Ronald Reagan.

I can agree with all that, and Reagan was the first POTUS that I got to vote for also. Guess I'm just a cheap, one way SOB because I don't want to support anyone. And I know I don't owe anyone anything.

I don't want to support the entitlement way either. It's not just that though. Look at all the leaches we support in Washington D.C. that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They just dress nicer and look cleaner than the inner city creep but are doing more harm.

if the baby can be "aborted" up to one month after birth.... will the child be given a birth certificate until then ? With a child's name and father listed on it ?

If at day 28, the mother decides that she wants to go thru with the post birth "abortion", what will the "procedure" be called, and how ill it be coded for the billing department ?? and who will set the price for the "procedure".

So will insurance companies be billed for the prenatal care, cost of the the birth and then post natal care.... and after all that.... be billed for the "post birth abortion" ?

If you are issued a birth certificate... would you then issue a death certificate for the 28 days you were alive ?
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