My wife & I were going to meet friends for dinner yesterday afternoon and as we approached a 4 way intersection a car turning left stopped so we could pass by, suddenly pulled into our lane. We were a little early as we wanted to pick up a few shopping items in town before meeting for dinner. I decided to take the 2016 Jeep Wrangler as we needed a few bags of chicken feed. I tried to swerve and miss the car, but it hit us in the left rear wheel area, next thing were spinning & sliding backwards, smoke from my tires everywhere. I thought we were going to roll but she stayed upright. Don't know what the guy was thinking, because he was originally stopped to turn. He had a Ford Focus which is destroyed, nose torn off, plastic chit 100 ft. up the road, left front wheel dangling & pitched way out. I put my spare on, my son brought another spare from home, with both rears changed we were able to drive home. She shakes a little bit now so don't know what damage is done to the drivetrain. Insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow to give her a look. We're both ok, but I hate it when dinner plans get ruined.
You didn't get the incident investigated? Happy that you both survived.
That sounds like a bummer good you both are ok.
Was the other driver headed to a debate by chance?
You walked away from it unhurt. They make new Jeeps every day. They don't make a new you or your wife.
Lady township cop showed, did a quick report on her in car computer, did a generic printout with an accident incident#, & told us if we want a full report that it will cost $15. She was gone in less than 1/2 hour.
Glad you were able to walk away. What did the other driver say?
Bummer, but just glad your both ok.
The other guy apologized a bunch of times, Just made a mistake I guess. Could have been a lot worse.
Wife and I got hit much the same way, but the guy ran a stop sign.
I learned that if you have to get hit - the place to do it is right in front of the fire station!
I believe those fellers were jerking our doors open before we quit spinning!
"Are you OK, are you OK?"
Well at least you got something for your insurance company to file on assuming the other driver has insurance.
The car can be fixed. Could have been worse. Happy you both are safe.
Glad you're all ok. Vehicle can be repaired/replaced.
Back in the late 1970's in Oakland California we got T-boned in an intersection by a big Dodge van that appeared out of nowhere from downhill and ran a stoplight. A little Datsun station wagon was way outclassed weight-wise. He hit us just about at the left rear wheel area after I saw him coming and accelerated just enough to keep from getting hit in the driver's door. I was able to drive away after doing a little caveman body work on the wheel well and putting a spare tire on. The real drama happened at a local hospital emergency room where I took my wife to get checked out for injuries. She was in an exam area between two groids who had been in a knife fight- - - -separated by only flimsy cloth curtains! They were still yelling at each other and promising to continue the fight as soon as the cops took the handcuffs off and turned them loose!
Nimblehunter: Thank goodness you both survived!
If that 2,016 Jeep is "totaled" go find one of the amazing four door Jeeps with the factory diesel engine and the eight speed automatic transmissions.
I hosted an out of state Hunter from October 1st through 15th for an Antelope scouting and then Hunting and that diesel Jeep of his absolutely amazed me!
Again glad you weren't hurt.
Drive defensively and slowly!
Hold into the wind
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Wife and I got hit much the same way, but the guy ran a stop sign.
I learned that if you have to get hit - the place to do it is right in front of the fire station!
I believe those fellers were jerking our doors open before we quit spinning!
"Are you OK, are you OK?"

The fire dept around here responds to folks smoking meat in their back yards. Or at least neighbors calling about me smoking meat and thinking our house was burning down.

I hear all the sirens, two fire trucks pull up beside hte back yard. I have a 6' wooden privacy fence. One fireman walks up, all I see is from his mustache on up. He asks, "What's for lunch?"
Originally Posted by mark shubert
Wife and I got hit much the same way, but the guy ran a stop sign.
I learned that if you have to get hit - the place to do it is right in front of the fire station!
I believe those fellers were jerking our doors open before we quit spinning!
"Are you OK, are you OK?"
Happy birthday Mark!
Been in a few wrecks and I was always ask by the police if I wanted to issue the other guy a ticket. I always declined as I did not want the guy to have to pay twice for his mistake (one with his insurance company and again with the court)
Anyway in one case were I was hit from the rear while at a stop light, the cop pulled me aside and told me to always issue a ticket, that it would protect me later if they changed their story about how the wreck happened. Sure enough, a few years later the wife was hit and it saved our bacon. Guy changed his story and tried to sue us, when we went to court, the judge looked at who was ticketed and dismissed the case.
Glad there was no serious injuries. It’s still aggravating tho.
Insurance scam. They are after personal injury settlement from the insurance co., and maybe for vehicular damage.

Much the same (well, exactly) thing happened to me some years back. Cop gave us both "Failure to avoid an accident" ticket, which my insurance lady just laughed at. I only realized what was going on after the investigating officer spent 45 minutes talking with me (without any accusations), which seemed very odd. Without directly saying anything, he let me know these were low-lifes, already on LEO radar. An hour or so later I recalled a 60 Minute segment on this type thing, mostly in CA and the West Coast. "Light bulb"!

I decided to take it to court a few weeks later . Whattaya know - the officer ( who assigned the court date) was at Quantico for some training.... smile. Citation dismissed. He knew where he was going to be on that date.

Sure enough, a month so later they tried to claimed some additional car damages from "hitting the curb". Both insurance companies called me, and I pointed out that there was no curb involved - and I had pictures,which I offered to share..

I'd bet that they also went after some (noin-existant) personal injury money, which may or may not have been settled just to get them out of the insurance co's hair.
glad it's just a ding.
Glad things worked out, it is irritating as hell.
Originally Posted by pullit
Been in a few wrecks and I was always ask by the police if I wanted to issue the other guy a ticket. I always declined as I did not want the guy to have to pay twice for his mistake (one with his insurance company and again with the court)
Anyway in one case were I was hit from the rear while at a stop light, the cop pulled me aside and told me to always issue a ticket, that it would protect me later if they changed their story about how the wreck happened. Sure enough, a few years later the wife was hit and it saved our bacon. Guy changed his story and tried to sue us, when we went to court, the judge looked at who was ticketed and dismissed the case.

Never heard of that. In NC if you fail to yield right of way and cause an accident you are getting a ticket. Since when did the cops start letting citizens determine if they write a ticket or not.
At least half teens/twenties/thirties are mentally ill sheep.
Originally Posted by BuckHaggard
Originally Posted by pullit
Been in a few wrecks and I was always ask by the police if I wanted to issue the other guy a ticket. I always declined as I did not want the guy to have to pay twice for his mistake (one with his insurance company and again with the court)
Anyway in one case were I was hit from the rear while at a stop light, the cop pulled me aside and told me to always issue a ticket, that it would protect me later if they changed their story about how the wreck happened. Sure enough, a few years later the wife was hit and it saved our bacon. Guy changed his story and tried to sue us, when we went to court, the judge looked at who was ticketed and dismissed the case.

Never heard of that. In NC if you fail to yield right of way and cause an accident you are getting a ticket. Since when did the cops start letting citizens determine if they write a ticket or not.

Don't know, the above happened 25 or so years ago.
Glad you weren't stupid enough to be riding bicycles. wink
Originally Posted by Raeford
Was the other driver headed to a debate by chance?

Good to know that you both are okay!
If you had put on the " Oh my God sweetheart , are you ok??? I love you so much I don't know what I would do without you"".. You would have stood a much better chance of getting laid tonight.... Remember what Eric Holder said,,
"Never let a crisis go to waste." Glad you all are ok, even the guy who turned in front of you.
Was it a knee grow? It's always the knee grows.
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