Nothing could be more perfect!


[Linked Image from static.thenounproject.com]

It pays to be at the headwaters
This is right up their alley,and just wait,its gonna go downhill from here.Newscum,Schit for brains,and the wicked witch of san Fran has really led the people ( illegal aliens) of Cali to the brink.The brink of drinking piss and calling it hr,20 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤒😣😡
Democrat Liberals poop where they sleep AND drink, evidently.
No biggie, Israel has been doing that forever. It’s what you do when water is in short supply.

I have read that by the time it reaches the Gulf, by volume all of the water in the Mississippi has been though wastewater treatment plants seven times over. Dunno the truth of that but if true it does illustrate a principle.
Competing with the Wuhan Market in attempt to generate the next world wide epidemic proportion disease outbreak requires a lot of schit.
It's all about the parts per million.

Most municipal water systems nationwide include a percentage of "treated" water in with their fresh water supply. Well, what do you think "treated" means anyway?
I did a job for the city of Visalia,Ca..... we moved a couple million yards of dirt for new settlement ponds. The head guy there was kind of giving us a tour one day of the final filtration step, all kinds of crazy UV lights, chemicals, and filters...... at the end he opened a faucet and took a drink lol. Said he tested water from tons of sources.... local rivers, pools, etc, and their water was 100% safer lol 🤣

There is also a big business in "sludge". The solid waste dries on big concrete leaching pads and when it reaches the acceptable moisture content it is sold to farmers as fertilizer...... if I remember correctly, it can only go on non-food crops like alfalfa and other hay crops.... probably cotton too.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I have read that by the time it reaches the Gulf, by volume all of the water in the Mississippi has been though wastewater treatment plants seven times over. Dunno the truth of that but if true it does illustrate a principle.

Most likely true but..

Here in Florida the waste water from treatment plants is used for irrigation in various ways.

After it's filtered through earth, diluted by rain fall then naturally mixed with groundwater, surface water or shallow aquifers it eventually ends up back in drinking water wells

I'm gonna guess that or sumtin similar is what accounts for their 7 X's theory.
Also, some of these cities without AG uses for the treated water have a real issue getting rid of their treated water..... in my water district, all the treated water goes to irrigation. Even with the ag use, I notice a lot of new sub-divisions are being built with a "non" potable water system for landscape irrigation.
Originally Posted by hardway
There is also a big business in "sludge". The solid waste dries on big concrete leaching pads and when it reaches the acceptable moisture content it is sold to farmers as fertilizer...... if I remember correctly, it can only go on non-food crops like alfalfa and other hay crops.... probably cotton too.

“Only go on non-food crops?” Why would a Liberal make a new rule and then abide by it?
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I have read that by the time it reaches the Gulf, by volume all of the water in the Mississippi has been though wastewater treatment plants seven times over. Dunno the truth of that but if true it does illustrate a principle.
Seven times over sounds kinda hard to by, but I’d have no trouble buying 3 or 4 times by volume. Awful lotta towns along the Miss, from Minnesota to Baton Rouge.
Just the same though, considering all, I’ll stick with good old well water!
Figuring who runs the government and who they’re hiring in the name of wokeness. I have no doubt that this is in time make Camp Lejune water sound like Koolaid.
I mean the good Koolaid, not the punch Jim Jones used!🙈
Originally Posted by Reloder28
Originally Posted by hardway
There is also a big business in "sludge". The solid waste dries on big concrete leaching pads and when it reaches the acceptable moisture content it is sold to farmers as fertilizer...... if I remember correctly, it can only go on non-food crops like alfalfa and other hay crops.... probably cotton too.

“Only go on non-food crops?” Why would a Liberal make a new rule and then abide by it?

You calling me a "liberal"?
You surely know what gets spread on cornfields around here?
Pigchit and Chickenchit!
Somebody spreading cow manure on fields I have no problem with.
But the sludge from those pig farms gives a horrible odor, and that liquified chicken hit will literally burn your eyes for a mile downwind!
I believe China has been using human waste fertilizer since the ‘70s.
How many rocket loads of fresh water have been sent to the International Space Station?
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..
Nature has been doing all this for millennia.............
Originally Posted by JeffA
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..

I don’t know about processed human chit but over on the coast, feral hogs getting into lettuce and other crops has been linked to salmonella outbreaks.
Originally Posted by hardway
Originally Posted by JeffA
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..

I don’t know about processed human chit but over on the coast, feral hogs getting into lettuce and other crops has been linked to salmonella outbreaks.
turning manure into the soil where microbes can break it down is a lot different than dropping manure on top of plants that can't be sanitized.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
No biggie, Israel has been doing that forever. It’s what you do when water is in short supply.

I have read that by the time it reaches the Gulf, by volume all of the water in the Mississippi has been though wastewater treatment plants seven times over. Dunno the truth of that but if true it does illustrate a principle.

They been doing that in Californicate for decades!
Wastewater treatment is 2 stage. Primary and Secondary.
Primary is removing solids. Secondary is removing "other" stuff through filtration and natural decomp.
Traditionally, after Secondary, plant discharge is chlorinated (disinfected?) and returned to a natural waterway. Lake, river or stream.
Cali came up with a third stage back in the 80's and 90's. It's called "Tertiary". Instead of dumping the plant discharge back into a waterway, it's put back to the head of the water treatment plant!

Before you go, "EWWW!!!", remember this, the water you drink today is the same water that was here when 🦕 dinosaurs roamed the earth, indiscriminately pooping and peeing in lakes, rivers and oceans!
EVERY drop of water on this earth was here a million years ago!
There is NO new water on earth, only reclaimed! 😉
Originally Posted by JeffA
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..

Because it isn't clean, if the human waste fertilizer is treated such as malorganite i see nothing wring withit. the water you are talking about is treat and is cleaner than the water from the river, lake, reservoir that the drinking supply is taken from.
It's not important in over-all news. California's slaves have MANY and MUCH more important threats to deal with, but they won't

How do we know they wont?

If they would they would not be in the troubles they are in now, with it getting worse every week.

Slaves are slaves because you overtake their minds. Once that's done their bodies follow and if done effectively the slaves themselves then defend their slavery because their lack of acknowledgment of their personal responsibility for that condition is so overwhelming that only a whipped dog's attitude is offered as defense. "I can't do anything"!!!!!!! By convincing themselves of that line.........they get to be right and their masters can keep power and gain more every day.

But if you can't, why whine and compline? Just accept what you accept as you are told to do ------------- or don't accept.

There is no 3rd option.
Arent we all just drinking what the next town up river is shîtting? (If your water treatment draws from the river)

Our 36” intakes are 30 miles downstream from Nashville
The problem with today's sewage is the chemicals used for cleaning, or other chemicals poured down the drain, like Liquid Plumber, Comet, various soaps, etc. Human waste is used as fertilizer in Asia for centuries. Urine can help certain plants. It is the chemicals, mercury, lead, etc. Are the chemicals filtered out properly?

What antibiotics and growth hormones are given to cattle, chickens, etc? What goes down the drain at doctors offices or hospitals? Some stuff is burned, but. Atlanta dumps their sewage into the Chattahoochee River and pays a fine every year instead of treating the sewage. It is not safe to eat the fish almost all the way to Columbus, Ga. Destroyed Lake West Point for fishing.

California has water shortages in part because they destroyed some dams so fish can swim upstream although they built ladder steps for fish to jump to get upstream. Same in Washington and Oregon, then all of them gripe about water shortages.

Build desalinization plants like they do in the Middle East to make fresh water out of sea water, but they don't want to spend the money except give the money to illegals. Liberalism is a mental disease. Karl Marx was considered a mental case in England and was institutionalized for a while. Wonder why?
Apparently this is old technology, and as such I have often wondered if it's not terribly hard to do this, why is it so difficult to desalinate seawater? We can shake out the unspeakables in waste water, so why is salt so difficult or expensive?
Here in the land of fruits and nuts, they have spent mega billions capturing water from the northern mountains and piping/canaling it south for lawns and swimming pools...the latest is Sites Res. at 4.5 billion, it should be done in '26. It seems the environment is important...until the water is for LA basin or Buck Owens country.
All water except rainwater has sewage in it. The Mississippi is the sewer for at least 1/3 of the population. There are plenty of households that still discharge directly into the lakes and streams. Water from Montana to Pennsylvania makes its way to New Orleans which is the rectum of the USA. We are blessed with about 50 inches of rain a year and seldom have to use water from another source. Our roof is metal and we catch about 20 to 25 gallons every time it rains. The system water we use for dishes, bathing, clothes washing, et cetera.
As tested its required to be drinkable before being discharged as I understand it to start with

I prefer to never get water from a public system and we have not since appx 79 iirc.
This will shock some of you, but I actually opened up and read the Guardian article!!! Reclaiming Wastewater

It's pretty well written. The idea of reclaiming wastewater for drinking has been around quite awhile. I looked at some of the pilot programs back in the early 80s, including the one north of Denver. The technology is pretty well proven, the big hurdle has been something that the article mentions: "California’s new rules require the wastewater be treated for all pathogens and viruses, even if the pathogens and viruses aren’t in the wastewater. That’s different from regular water-treatment rules, which require treatment only for known pathogens...".

Trying to prove there are no dangerous viruses is very difficult, almost impossible by lab testing, so you have to use treatment methods that don't let viruses get thru. They give a hint in the article: "In fact, the treatment is so stringent it removes all the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good – meaning they have to be added back at the end of the process." That usually means either distillation or reverse osmosis. Most likely reverse osmosis since it takes less energy and is less expensive. By the time its finished it probably is closer to pure water than what they pulled out of a well, river or reservoir to begin with.

For those that say why not just desalinate ocean water - it takes around three times as much energy and cost to get drinkable water from seawater as from wastewater. In other words - there are fewer impurities in the water that comes out of a modern sewage treatment plant than what comes out of the ocean.

Yeah - I'm retired now, but a couple of my professional fields were in wastewater management and drinking water supply/treatment systems.
Originally Posted by MartinStrummer
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
No biggie, Israel has been doing that forever. It’s what you do when water is in short supply.

I have read that by the time it reaches the Gulf, by volume all of the water in the Mississippi has been though wastewater treatment plants seven times over. Dunno the truth of that but if true it does illustrate a principle.

They been doing that in Californicate for decades!
Wastewater treatment is 2 stage. Primary and Secondary.
Primary is removing solids. Secondary is removing "other" stuff through filtration and natural decomp.
Traditionally, after Secondary, plant discharge is chlorinated (disinfected?) and returned to a natural waterway. Lake, river or stream.
Cali came up with a third stage back in the 80's and 90's. It's called "Tertiary". Instead of dumping the plant discharge back into a waterway, it's put back to the head of the water treatment plant!

Before you go, "EWWW!!!", remember this, the water you drink today is the same water that was here when 🦕 dinosaurs roamed the earth, indiscriminately pooping and peeing in lakes, rivers and oceans!
EVERY drop of water on this earth was here a million years ago!
There is NO new water on earth, only reclaimed! 😉


Over 20 years ago I went out on Construction Job Sites and the Gen Con would tell all of us do not drink the water out of the Pink PVC Pipe.

This water was reclaimed water for Irrigation (watering grass and plants).
When the wind would blow you got sprayed with that water.

Then years later I worked on a project inside a Water Treatment plant and got talking to one of the head guys for the Plant.

He told me that in a couple days I was gunna see some real disgusting looking trucks leave the Plant.

Well a coupe days later there were the trucks loaded up with what looked like brown jello all jiggly on the trucks.

That head guy came out and talked to me as the trucks rolled by.

He told me that the brown jello was one on the most fertile substances on earth and they could not produce enough of it for the demand.

They add it to a lot of stuff.
Miracle Grow is way down on the list of the users.

We drink water from streams when we go camping.
Fish ,Deer, Elk and all kinds of other critter piss and crap in those waters.

Nature has a way of taking care of it in time.
So from what I've learned here so far is that it's all old used crap anyway so WTH, might as well scoop it up outta any ditch.
@ 7mmbuster

"... Just the same though, considering all, I’ll stick with good old well water! ..."

Underground, water moves approximately "one foot per year".
Don't care how deep your well is, the water down there has been on the surface at some point in time! 😳

FACT: "IF" you could spread ONE quart of water evenly across the surface of the earth, you could NEVER retrieve another quart of water that didn't have at least ONE molecule of the original quart!
Originally Posted by MartinStrummer
@ 7mmbuster

"... Just the same though, considering all, I’ll stick with good old well water! ..."

Underground, water moves approximately "one foot per year".
Don't care how deep your well is, the water down there has been on the surface at some point in time! 😳

FACT: "IF" you could spread ONE quart of water evenly across the surface of the earth, you could NEVER retrieve another quart of water that didn't have at least ONE molecule of the original quart!
You are right. Unless it is distilled water it has piss and poo in it from the last few billions years. It just gets used over and over. Air is the same.
@ funshooter

"... We drink water from streams when we go camping.
Fish ,Deer, Elk and all kinds of other critter piss and crap in those waters. ..."

Ever get a case of "Beaver Fever"?
There is a critter that lives in the intestine of warm blooded animals. Llamblia Giardia! NASTY little bugger that is passed in the feces of, especially, the beaver! Ergo, the name! "Beaver Fever"!
Once ingested, your stomach acid desolves it's calcium coating, releasing the little bugger into YOUR warm gut!
Diarrhea, fever, nausea, etc.....and in extreme cases, death!
But if you hunt, hike, fish, outdoor in the west, you're probably VERY away of this!
If you're NOT aware of Beaver Fever, learn about it before drinking out of a "pure mountain spring"!

....and yeah! I've flopped down on my belly and drank a million (?) gallons out of whatever water source I was near! The resilience of youth and ignorance!

After 9-11, our water department was worried sick that terrorists would poison our water supply at the treatment facility.
Well, our treatment facilities operate at a bare minimum of 10 million gallons per day (MGD)!
You would need SEVERAL semi loads of even cyanide to give anybody more than mild stomach discomfort!
All three of our treatment facilities had two separate plants. One had three. If you only needed 10 MGD, you shut down the other plant!
Originally Posted by JeffA
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..

I won't claim expertise but I remember the lecture I had to sit through when I got to Korea. Do not drink the local water or eat local vegetable as they veggies were fertilized with human waste, which also trickles down into the water. My CO was in the hospital with something affecting his liver from eating on the local economy. Damned if I can remember what it was called.
Edited to add: Hepatitis. Thank you google.
California politicians have been telling their constituates for years to eat shiit. Now they can drink it.
Originally Posted by PJGunner
Originally Posted by JeffA
So who has the expertise to explain why it either is or isn't OK to grow edible plants, produce, fruits in human compost aka biosoil..

I won't claim expertise but I remember the lecture I had to sit through when I got to Korea. Do not drink the local water or eat local vegetable as they veggies were fertilized with human waste, which also trickles down into the water. My CO was in the hospital with something affecting his liver from eating on the local economy. Damned if I can remember what it was called.
Edited to add: Hepatitis. Thank you google.

If I'm not mistaken, you can also add "cholera" to that list.

Water, the elixir of life!
But like mushrooms, you BETTER know what you're doing!
This is a huge desalination plant in Saudi Arabia. I saw it many times from the air during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. CA government is too stupid to invest in them.
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
California has water shortages in part because they destroyed some dams so fish can swim upstream although they built ladder steps for fish to jump to get upstream. Same in Washington and Oregon, then all of them gripe about water shortages.

Not even a drop in the bucket…. The few tiny dams they have removed probably didn’t equate to 1/10 of a percent of our water storage….. the real issue is “urban sprawl”….. there are more city people voting for more sub divisions and golf courses and less votes for AG use.
Originally Posted by DaveinWV
This is a huge desalination plant in Saudi Arabia. I saw it many times from the air during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. CA government is too stupid to invest in them.

In the U.S., over 400 municipal desalination plants have been opened since 1971.
Most are in California, Florida and Texas


Tampa Florida
[Linked Image from tampabaywater.org]

San Diego California
[Linked Image from cdn.kqed.org]
It's not a mandatory program, it only allows various water companies to follow that route under strict guidelines and regulations (both state and federal). California is also not the first, Colorado was first... and we are only slightly ahead of Arizona, Nevada, Texas and Florida. As to the safety and purity of our water, would match it to any in the country... we damn sure haven't had to revert to store bought bottled water.

And where's that store bought water come from?
Originally Posted by JeffA
And where's that store bought water come from?
We have a water bottling company here using Municipal tap water...
When sugar is "burned" in the body 6 carbon, 12 hydrogen, and 6 oxygen atoms (per sugar molecule) get mixed with 6 oxygen molecules (O2) to produce carbon dioxide and water. One simple case of new water being made all day, every day.

Oryx in the Kalahari Desert will likely never see frank water their entire lives. Their only source of water is from the carbs being broken down into simple sugars. There are many more examples of reactions producing water as a byproduct. To say water is not made (and used) every day is absurd.
This is a recent decided case against Arrowhead bottled water that has been going on for decades. Apparently and from what I remember they never even had a license to operate up there.


What'll they approve next? Light beer? Canadian whiskey? I shudder to think about it.
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
How many rocket loads of fresh water have been sent to the International Space Station?

Not many. They been drinking toilet water for the most part. 🤪

Most folks don’t understand that our waters, both surface and ground water, are far from the purity most imagine. The chemistry is revolting on the best of days.
Jeff treated sludge, from lo metal, Activated Sludge plants, is mostly used on lo sugar crops, all disposal is regulated. Nothing worse than disposal on cow pastures and seeing the cows come running!

40 year Water and Wastewater operator, with a degree in [bleep]!

Most wastewater plants discharge treated wastewater into a stream in the lower 48, and downstream is where most of Water Plants get their water for the Water plant.

Rivers and streams that are not overloaded with pollution or BOD are quite capable of treating organic waste.
Originally Posted by kk alaska
Most wastewater plants discharge treated wastewater into a stream in the lower 48, and downstream is where most of Water Plants get their water for the Water plant.


That's why I didn't care for the tap water in Louisville when I was in college. Everyone from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati had shìt in it before it got to me.

Here at home I get to take a dump in Nashville's drinking water.
Originally Posted by hardway
Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
California has water shortages in part because they destroyed some dams so fish can swim upstream although they built ladder steps for fish to jump to get upstream. Same in Washington and Oregon, then all of them gripe about water shortages.

Not even a drop in the bucket…. The few tiny dams they have removed probably didn’t equate to 1/10 of a percent of our water storage….. the real issue is “urban sprawl”….. there are more city people voting for more sub divisions and golf courses and less votes for AG use.
The easy way to say that is .................

there are too many people.

And thanks for pointing out the dam thing. I can't recall one dam removal project that involved storage of water for any significant population center..yet.
Originally Posted by MikeL2
This will shock some of you, but I actually opened up and read the Guardian article!!! Reclaiming Wastewater

It's pretty well written. The idea of reclaiming wastewater for drinking has been around quite awhile. I looked at some of the pilot programs back in the early 80s, including the one north of Denver. The technology is pretty well proven, the big hurdle has been something that the article mentions: "California’s new rules require the wastewater be treated for all pathogens and viruses, even if the pathogens and viruses aren’t in the wastewater. That’s different from regular water-treatment rules, which require treatment only for known pathogens...".

Trying to prove there are no dangerous viruses is very difficult, almost impossible by lab testing, so you have to use treatment methods that don't let viruses get thru. They give a hint in the article: "In fact, the treatment is so stringent it removes all the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good – meaning they have to be added back at the end of the process." That usually means either distillation or reverse osmosis. Most likely reverse osmosis since it takes less energy and is less expensive. By the time its finished it probably is closer to pure water than what they pulled out of a well, river or reservoir to begin with.

For those that say why not just desalinate ocean water - it takes around three times as much energy and cost to get drinkable water from seawater as from wastewater. In other words - there are fewer impurities in the water that comes out of a modern sewage treatment plant than what comes out of the ocean.

Yeah - I'm retired now, but a couple of my professional fields were in wastewater management and drinking water supply/treatment systems.


stop trying to make sense here.

It's not allowed
Originally Posted by BeanMan
It pays to be at the headwaters

Bad news for you BeanMan, Colorado was the first state to allow this.

From the linked article...

"California would be just the second state to allow this, following Colorado."
Originally Posted by Colorado14er
Originally Posted by BeanMan
It pays to be at the headwaters

Bad news for you BeanMan, Colorado was the first state to allow this.

From the linked article...

"California would be just the second state to allow this, following Colorado."
Pretty sure Michigan adopted it 3-4 years ago.
They are always in need of water, maybe a pipeline from nearby states could be constructed to send them more waste water.
They are always in need of water, maybe a pipeline from nearby states could be constructed to send them more waste water.

You know, just to help out.
Originally Posted by MikeL2
This will shock some of you, but I actually opened up and read the Guardian article!!! Reclaiming Wastewater

It's pretty well written. The idea of reclaiming wastewater for drinking has been around quite awhile. I looked at some of the pilot programs back in the early 80s, including the one north of Denver. The technology is pretty well proven, the big hurdle has been something that the article mentions: "California’s new rules require the wastewater be treated for all pathogens and viruses, even if the pathogens and viruses aren’t in the wastewater. That’s different from regular water-treatment rules, which require treatment only for known pathogens...".

Trying to prove there are no dangerous viruses is very difficult, almost impossible by lab testing, so you have to use treatment methods that don't let viruses get thru. They give a hint in the article: "In fact, the treatment is so stringent it removes all the minerals that make fresh drinking water taste good – meaning they have to be added back at the end of the process." That usually means either distillation or reverse osmosis. Most likely reverse osmosis since it takes less energy and is less expensive. By the time its finished it probably is closer to pure water than what they pulled out of a well, river or reservoir to begin with.

For those that say why not just desalinate ocean water - it takes around three times as much energy and cost to get drinkable water from seawater as from wastewater. In other words - there are fewer impurities in the water that comes out of a modern sewage treatment plant than what comes out of the ocean.

Yeah - I'm retired now, but a couple of my professional fields were in wastewater management and drinking water supply/treatment systems.

MikeL2 - VERY well written sir! ....and spot on!

Desalination works very well on large military vessels and those stupid cruise ships I suppose.

We had one plant that used Ozone (O3) as a primary disinfectant. Ozone is a spectacular disinfectant, and super expensive to generate, but it isn't very hardy. We still had to use chlorine and ammonia to create a chloromine to meet Cl2 residuals at the far reaches of the system.
Ozone is a strong enough oxidizer, that most impurities in the raw water were destroyed before they ever got to chemical treatment and filtration areas of the plant. The savings in coagulants still didn't offset the onsite Ozone generation costs.
Originally Posted by TBREW401
They are always in need of water, maybe a pipeline from nearby states could be constructed to send them more waste water.

That's why Lake Mead is almost dry and the Colorado is no more than a dry gulch leaving Arizona. Californicate is sucking it dry.

Where most of Americans are concerned about their electricity bill as their most expensive utility, in CA, their water bill is their biggest concern.
I'd rather drink Bug Light...
Originally Posted by MartinStrummer
@ funshooter

"... We drink water from streams when we go camping.
Fish ,Deer, Elk and all kinds of other critter piss and crap in those waters. ..."

Ever get a case of "Beaver Fever"?
There is a critter that lives in the intestine of warm blooded animals. Llamblia Giardia! NASTY little bugger that is passed in the feces of, especially, the beaver! Ergo, the name! "Beaver Fever"!
Once ingested, your stomach acid desolves it's calcium coating, releasing the little bugger into YOUR warm gut!
Diarrhea, fever, nausea, etc.....and in extreme cases, death!
But if you hunt, hike, fish, outdoor in the west, you're probably VERY away of this!
If you're NOT aware of Beaver Fever, learn about it before drinking out of a "pure mountain spring"!

....and yeah! I've flopped down on my belly and drank a million (?) gallons out of whatever water source I was near! The resilience of youth and ignorance!

Best water I ever Drank was on a Boy Scout Hike up to Kings Peak Utah.

Warm summer days and Ice cold flowing water in the stream next to the trail.
I was around 17 back then.
Those were good times.

I'm sure we drank somethings piss in that water but back then you never thought about it.

That water was way better than drinking that crappy City water at home.
They tried it 20+ years ago. Somebody named it "toilet to tap"
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