My good old mom worked at the Navy Yard in South East Washington DC throughout world war two. She worked a second job in the evenings and walked home from work. Walked everywhere actually! She said that she was never afraid except one night there was a pack of stray dogs that got to snapping at her.

You young wipper-snappers just don't realize what the world was like before this generation. It was a LOT different.

Our major cities are now defacto war zones with all the murders and gang bangers. The "don't snitch" movement has turned entire sections of cities into places where the rule of law has been nullified. So said the DA on that documentary I saw on TV.

It doesn't have to be this way.

The DC cop who used to play poker with my dad openly admitted that he used to chase pimps down into back alleys and beat em black and blue. Run em off. They got the message and it didn't clog up the courts and jails. That would have been in the late 50's early 60's. He quit the force when they made em stop doing that.

The sad thing is... we take it for granted that lawlessness and murder and violence is just the way it is and you can't do nothing about it. With that mentality you have lost before you get started.
White flight.
No one wants to admit it or say it out load (hell, I'm uncomfortable with the idea and I KNOW it's true), but the beginning of the end of the society and life we once knew (and wish we could recover) was inevitable after the late 1950's and through the 1960's.

The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

Any area that has a high percentage of "undesirables" who believe they have legal/political protection from any control.....will soon become a "war zone". That's why small town/rural areas in middle America are still great places to live......not enough "undesirables" to screw up the system.

Am I advocating a return to segregation and oppression of "undesirables"??.....no. If you allow the "government" to oppress ANY group, even if you agree with the results obtained......you are well on the way to the "government" oppressing ALL citizens and groups......even the ones YOU belong to.

There is no good solution to th problem, but that's why we are seeing the things we see tday. It never happened as long as there was segregation and un-equal rights for "undesirable" groups....FACT!

What you are seeing today in the inner cities is the future of ALL America if these "undesirables" continue to gain political power......so go to the polls and VOTE!! If you want to see the future, look at what's happened in Africa with the end of colonial control in the 50's and 60's......a cess pool that just keeps getting worse.
You hit that on the head and through the board, add to that the laywers who will sue at the drop of a hat and you have the break down of our society in a nut shell.
Not quite right.....everyone wants to curse and blame the "lawyers" for the lawsuits and criminal decitions that we don't like. The lawyer is just doing his job......defending or representing his client in the best way possible and doing whatever it takes to WIN!! That's exactly what I'd want from my lawyaer if I was in court.

The problem that everyone keeps dodging is not with the lawyers or judges.....it's with the jury of our "peers" that makes the decitions of guilt or inocence and awards the "compensation" in civil trials.

Look in the mirror if you want to see the villan in courts.......it's US. Everyone is so concerned about being "politically correct" and so willing to make massive judgements against the "evil" big corperations to the "little" individual" that causes the problem.
I am the furthest thing from PC walking this planet, I am not talking about real lawyers I am talking about the ambulance chasers who will track down their clients and say we got aus a million dollars here just sign here and give me my third and we are good to go. No worries if it is right or wrong and so good people have to watch everything they do for fear of being sued.
The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

What? There was no crime before minorities??? No prostitute, thief and drug-ridden London slums for CENTURIES??, no Irish gangs doing the same in New York??

The problem is folks here have no experience with all-White societies, I do, I spent my childhood in working-class England before the WOG invasion.

Today I'd look at modern Russia.

She said that she was never afraid except one night there was a pack of stray dogs that got to snapping at her.

Same thing 'cept the dogs walk on two legs. Any time a group "packs up" mob mentality takes over and you have the bad side of anarchy.
I don't think race, skin color or nationality has that much to do with it. It's the mentality they carry. It's the culture they project from that mentality.

Ya gotta quit babying people along. Quit pandering to them. Quit giving them preference. Quit making it advantageous to segregate themselves. Quit making their segregations appear attractive. Stop favoring them. Start making people stand on their own two feet and be productive and independent. Give them something to take pride in other than culture and attitude and behavior and decadence and everything else they segregate themselves with.

It's how people view themselves that's the problem. Teach them a better way. Stop giving to them and stop giving in to them. Stop paving a way for them and make them stand up.

You can't legislate equality. It has to be taught.

You will notice I did not mention race, skin color or nationality. That was on purpose as what I said works for any group that chooses to semi-isolate itself. Yes there are white & Asian gangs out there also. As you said, it is an attitude no matter the ethnic make up.

If we would quit the "your OK & there are no losers, you are entitled" PC bullscat in the schools, teach kids how to LEARN and fail them if they don't do the work things would be much better. Everybody can't make the team and play every game and still win.
Look in the mirror if you want to see the villan in courts.......it's US.

In theory this is true but in actual practice it's not. Reason being that 'we', those of us who possess some common sense, rarely get on juries. It goes back to lawyers who load juries with those of an entitlement mentality because the attorneys know they can be easily swayed into making unreasonable conclusions and judgments.

In Lowndes County, Alabma (85% black) a black guy went to sleep while driving at 3 AM and ran off the road causing injuries that crippled him. They sued GM and the jury awarded him $300,000,000 in damages.

Another driver in Jackson county, Alabama hit a slick spot on a rainy day and wrecked. He filed a claim under his uninsured motorist coverage on his insurance policy (it was a one vehicle accident). State Farm denied it since no other car was involved. They sued and his attorney found some of his buds who claimed they also skidded in the same place that day and that oil dripping from other cars had caused the slick spot. Since there was no way to know if all the other cars were insured it was decided that they were not so State Farm had to pay the guy $50,000.

It's easy to cuss insurance companies and most people think that since insurance companies have lots of money and the poor driver was hurt let's just give him something. They don't stop to realize that insurance companies, like governments, don't actually spend their money; it's all the insured's money from the get-go.
But Mickey, you are trying to use common sense. Haven't you heard about this yet?

"Obituary for Common Sense"
Today we mourn the passing of an old friend by the name of Common Sense. Common Sense
lived a long life but died from heart failure at the brink of the millennium. No one really
knows how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
Common Sense selflessly devoted his life to service in schools, hospitals, homes, factories and
offices, helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and foolishness.
For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense. He
was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as to know when to come in out of the rain,
the early bird gets the worm, and life isn't always fair.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn),
reliable parenting strategies (adults are in charge, not kids), and it's okay to come in second.
A veteran of the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression, and the Technological Revolution,
Common Sense survived cultural and educational trends including feminism, body piercing, whole
language and "new math."
But his health declined when he became infected with the
�If-it-only-helps-one-person-it's-worth-it" virus. In recent decades his waning strength
proved no match for the ravages of overbearing federal regulation.
He watched in pain as good people became ruled by self-seeking lawyers and enlightened
auditors. His health rapidly deteriorated when schools endlessly implemented zero tolerance
policies, reports of six year old boys charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, a
teen suspended for taking a swig of mouth-wash after lunch, and a teacher fired for
reprimanding an unruly student. It declined even further when schools had to get parental
consent to administer aspirin to a student but cannot inform the parent when the female
student is pregnant or wants an abortion.
Finally, Common Sense lost his will to live as Lifetime Values became contraband, churches
became businesses, criminals received better treatment than victims, and federal judges stuck
their noses in everything from the Boy Scouts to professional sports.
As the end neared, Common Sense drifted in and out of logic but was kept informed of
developments, regarding questionable regulations for asbestos, low flow toilets, "smart" guns,
the nurturing of Prohibition Laws and mandatory air bags.
Finally when told that the homeowners association restricted exterior furniture only to that
which enhanced property values, he breathed his last.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his
daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by three stepbrothers: Rights,
Tolerance and Whiner.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
Remarkable Obituary

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr. Sense had been
with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were
long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in
out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common
Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and
reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).

His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations
were set in place- Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing
a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouth-wash after lunch; and a teacher
fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to
administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became
pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband;
churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup
of coffee was hot. She spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial

Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife Discretion;
his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My
Rights and Ima Whiner. Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing.

a thriving society must have a sound family structure to grow and prosper. everything begins with the family. through welfare and numerous other social programs, we have reshaped our society into one which not only doesn't need a father, but is penalized (financially) when a father is in the household. regardless of what else we might do to float the ship, we will continue to founder until the family unit is complete and functioning as God designed. ymmv

Good post TexasRick.......I agree with you.

Originally Posted by DixieFreedomz
My good old mom worked at the Navy Yard in South East Washington DC throughout world war two. She worked a second job in the evenings and walked home from work. Walked everywhere actually! She said that she was never afraid except one night there was a pack of stray dogs that got to snapping at her.

You young wipper-snappers just don't realize what the world was like before this generation. It was a LOT different.

Our major cities are now defacto war zones with all the murders and gang bangers. The "don't snitch" movement has turned entire sections of cities into places where the rule of law has been nullified. So said the DA on that documentary I saw on TV.

It doesn't have to be this way.
Tell that to the ACLU, the PC police and liberals everywhere..

The DC cop who used to play poker with my dad openly admitted that he used to chase pimps down into back alleys and beat em black and blue. Run em off. They got the message and it didn't clog up the courts and jails. That would have been in the late 50's early 60's. He quit the force when they made em stop doing that.
Yep.. The good ol' days (sigh)

The sad thing is... we take it for granted that lawlessness and murder and violence is just the way it is and you can't do nothing about it. With that mentality you have lost before you get started.
I think the cops would love to do something about it but there's too many laws and too many 'groups' protecting gang-bangers' 'rights'...

Where's Charles Bronson when you need him?? laugh
Originally Posted by MColeman
Look in the mirror if you want to see the villan in courts.......it's US.

In theory this is true but in actual practice it's not. Reason being that 'we', those of us who possess some common sense, rarely get on juries. It goes back to lawyers who load juries with those of an entitlement mentality because the attorneys know they can be easily swayed into making unreasonable conclusions and judgments.

You're dead on Mickey. Everbody should have jury duty, and there should be no picking and choosing.

Of course, this subject was thoroughly discussed before, and the lawyers told us we was all stupid.........

I have to disagree with your post. While I don't think that corporations are the root of all evil, we know what the Bible says is. And that is the corporations main and avowed goal. The information and technology available today to people is amazing. While the internet is a huge tool for freedom, it also allows any new trick some politician or businessman comes up with in order to steal from those not as intelligent or as crooked, to be instantly broadcast to all those with any of the same tendencies. There are several lawyers who I like on here. All lawyers are not bad. However allowing whoever is able to buy the best lawyer who then is the one who is not necessarily the best able to argue to law but rather who has the best connections, to be the final arbiter of who wins a legal case, is another outgrowth of all this.
Good post hotsoup.......I agree with you.
Originally Posted by DixieFreedomz
The sad thing is... we take it for granted that lawlessness and murder and violence is just the way it is and you can't do nothing about it. With that mentality you have lost before you get started.

Try walking through the inner city with a .45 on your hip--the police will harrass/arrest you before they mess with the gangbangers..............

We have been indoctrinated into believing the government will take care of us--to the point we take pride in our government permission slip to carry a pistol in our pocket, or disarming us when we fly on public transportation.

Making yourself a target tends to bring out the bad guys........

Originally Posted by Plinker
Good post hotsoup.......I agree with you.

I agree with hotsoup too........

Originally Posted by hotsoup
a thriving society must have a sound family structure to grow and prosper. everything begins with the family. through welfare and numerous other social programs, we have reshaped our society into one which not only doesn't need a father, but is penalized (financially) when a father is in the household. regardless of what else we might do to float the ship, we will continue to founder until the family unit is complete and functioning as God designed. ymmv

I'm not sure I agree a family is penalized financially when the father is in the home. Maybe if he's a deadbeat bum, but, otherwise I can't think of a situation where this would be true anymore. Once, when welfare was more prevalent and easy, it might have been, but believe those days are past.

I agree the family is the cornerstone of civilization but what do we do? It becomes hard choice/tough love time and most don't have the stones for that. For those women who pop kids out without regard for their ability to support them, will we remove the kids from that mom and have her sterilized? Will we have a government agency work with her to see the kids are taken care of and she begins using contraceptives effectively? How about a church or other group like acorn, if we believe the government incapable?

Most of the "conservatives" on this board would do nothing. Don't take their money to find a solution. It's not their problem. I don't like the thought of my money being used by those who manufacture their own problems, either but the fact is this is everyone's problem and we will rise or fall based on our ability to effect a viable solution.
Where's Charles Bronson when you need him, eh? laugh

There comes a question from all of this, at least to me. We can blame whoever we want, cops, judges, corporations and so forth. We can also blame the ignorance which keeps these little cankers thriving in the midst of such economic engines as Detroit. (OK, I'm being flippant) Anyway, the question is what do we do about it? One thing clearly demonstrated that what we (the collective) has done is fail. Do we keep repeating the failed attempt or get over our insanity?

On a personal level, not living with this at the moment and don't expect to. If I am wrong however, I will not tolerate it, even if it leads to a warm embrace with an attorney. Everyone has standards, that's mine. Keep your chitt in your ghetto and out of my life...then we'll get along for the time being.
Originally Posted by TexasRick
No one wants to admit it or say it out load (hell, I'm uncomfortable with the idea and I KNOW it's true), but the beginning of the end of the society and life we once knew (and wish we could recover) was inevitable after the late 1950's and through the 1960's.

The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

Any area that has a high percentage of "undesirables" who believe they have legal/political protection from any control.....will soon become a "war zone". That's why small town/rural areas in middle America are still great places to live......not enough "undesirables" to screw up the system.

Am I advocating a return to segregation and oppression of "undesirables"??.....no. If you allow the "government" to oppress ANY group, even if you agree with the results obtained......you are well on the way to the "government" oppressing ALL citizens and groups......even the ones YOU belong to.

There is no good solution to th problem, but that's why we are seeing the things we see tday. It never happened as long as there was segregation and un-equal rights for "undesirable" groups....FACT!

What you are seeing today in the inner cities is the future of ALL America if these "undesirables" continue to gain political power......so go to the polls and VOTE!! If you want to see the future, look at what's happened in Africa with the end of colonial control in the 50's and 60's......a cess pool that just keeps getting worse.

Or put a simpler way, minorities have been taught they don't stand a chance, they are in a hopeless situation, they are victims of race and injustice.

This manifests anger and violence
as much as we all love individual rights, over indulging in that has led to some of our social ills.
"It's all about me" does not make for a good society.

Finding that perfect mix of societal rights, versus individual rights is the trick. We are not there yet.
The day we took God out of everyday life, removing morality from public discourse, and replacing family with government "help", is the day the U.S. began it's steepest social decline. Thank you Madeline Murray O'Hare. Turns out it was working pretty good.
Originally Posted by bender
The day we took God out of everyday life, removing morality from public discourse, and replacing family with government "help", is the day the U.S. began it's steepest social decline. Thank you Madeline Murray O'Hare. Turns out it was working pretty good.
Exactly right.
Some very valid and good points here, but I believe it all boils down to what bender just posted above.
The Welfare mentality, a sue happy society, and the liberal movement and add in the race card and the slave mentality of the blacks that you owe us a living because some of our ancestors where slave and the growing drug trade and you have the problems across America we have today. The young think, why should i get a education and a job when all i have to do is sell drugs, get welfare and do nothing. I don't see this getting better just worst.
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by bender
The day we took God out of everyday life, removing morality from public discourse, and replacing family with government "help", is the day the U.S. began it's steepest social decline. Thank you Madeline Murray O'Hare. Turns out it was working pretty good.
Exactly right.

I agree with this also, but this present day lunacy also exists because we FUND it; thinking it was moral to do so, because even ethical people think money is all that Haiti needs....
I was in UAE a few years ago and had to catch a plane about 2:30 am. While riding to the airport in a taxi, I saw a young couple pushing a shopping cart full of groceries through an area of about 6-8 empty square blocks. The roads were there, but no buildings of any kind and no lights. I made the statement to the driver that they wouldnt be out like that in the US. He said he had lived in the US and agreed with me. I asked about the crime in Dubai, and he said it was almost non-existent. He said if they were robbed and no one was hurt, they would just 'cut off one of the robbers hands' for the FIRST OFFENSE. If someone was hurt, then it would be up to the judge to decide how severe the punishment would be.

Dont get me started on the penal system in the US... it sucks!
Yeah, let's emulate the Muslims. I bet their women ain't all uppity either.
We need more "Clint's" like in the movie Grand Torino.
People have short memories. Large cities have been war zones for the past 500 years, it's just better publicized now thanks to electronic media. Read up on the Irish gangs in New York and Boston during the 19th century, and don't forget the Mafia problems in the 1920's and 30's in Chicago. It's a different world in these large cities than what most of us are used to dealing with. Any time you have large populations of poor young men crammed into a small area you're always going to have a jockeying for power, it's human nature. I'll agree that today's major gang ethnicities, blacks and latinos, tend to be a bit more violent than some past gangs, but not by much. The sicilians were running people through meat grinders a long time ago.

As much as we like to think that this is a new problem, it's really not. The main players have changed a little, but the essence is the same. It just gets more publicity now that there are TV cameras everywhere and we have a subset of the population that's fascinated with sitting around watching these cop shows where they go around rousting gang members.
Good post. LBJs "Great Society" jump started the situation we've got today.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

What? There was no crime before minorities??? No prostitute, thief and drug-ridden London slums for CENTURIES??, no Irish gangs doing the same in New York??

The problem is folks here have no experience with all-White societies, I do, I spent my childhood in working-class England before the WOG invasion.

Today I'd look at modern Russia.


we're not talking about Russia....obviously in Russia, the criminals are Russian.

"major cities" and "inner city" and "urban" are just PC code for blacks and Mexicans. The War Zone label is really not applicable to those major cities which happen to have an overwhelmingly white, US citizen population, nor even to the white portions of overwhelmingly minority cities.

I live in a 2/3 blacks city....in one of the nicer "urban" neighborhoods in America. But there are places less than two miles from my house I wouldn't walk at night without a rifle squad for backup.

unfortunately, Bird, it is a black/mexican thing....the black murder rate is, like eight times the white rate in the US. You can do your liberal two step around that, and blame whitey, or slave owners that have been dead for a hundred and fifty years, but that's the fact.

Originally Posted by Barkoff

Or put a simpler way, minorities have been taught they don't stand a chance, they are in a hopeless situation, they are victims of race and injustice.

This manifests anger and violence

Spot on.
I worked in Dallas for a few years,Oak Cliff,Cockerel Hill,and Fair Park. These areas are very high crime and were populated by Black folks and Mexicans. Most Mexicans took care of their homes. Most Blacks lived in filth... There was tremendous tension between these two groups and you could actually feel it.
The entitlement mentality was almost exclusively a Black thing. The family is not a big part of the American Black Culture. The family is very important to the Mexicans. I'd be willing to bet that the percentages if single moms is way higher among Blacks than any other ethnic groups...
Until the Black community steps up and away from welfare,quits having bastard children,and works hard for the American Dream,inner cities will always be a dangerous place to be.
I know I'm generalizing,but I have first hand experience. Glad I got out...
The issue is not segregation or civil rights but how the liberals catered to and sucked up to this new voter base after civil rights got them on the voter roles. The welfare mentality is what caused the problem, not racism, segregation or attainment of basic rights. I've long said the republicans freed the slaves and the democrats put their chains back on them.

I got a black man living across the street from me. I'd cover his back any day. He's good people. There were a few more living across the street from him and we'd both like to shoot them. Like I said, he's good people.
Originally Posted by BrotherBart
I'd be willing to bet that the percentages if single moms is way higher among Blacks than any other ethnic groups...

I suspect unwed motherhood approaches or exceeds that rate among Native Americans. Per Capita murder rate is likely close or above what you stated as well.
Originally Posted by BrotherBart
Originally Posted by Barkoff

Or put a simpler way, minorities have been taught they don't stand a chance, they are in a hopeless situation, they are victims of race and injustice.
This manifests anger and violence

Until the Black community steps up and away from welfare,quits having bastard children,and works hard for the American Dream,inner cities will always be a dangerous place to be.
I know I'm generalizing,but I have first hand experience. Glad I got out...

Like I say, the only difference is teach them. It can be lain at the feet of public education and media. Government controlled public education and media, that is. In other words, it is as it is because someone wants it that way.

I said the other day in some other thread, slant things in favor of a particular race or nationality and you've created them a slippery slope. They WILL slide down it. That's just the way it is, and government knows it. It was planned. They want serfs living in poverty who're totally dependent on them. They learned by watching Indian reservations. Same thing goes for prohibition of alcohol and drugs. They knew when they started both these exactly what would happen. There's no way it can be denied -- the results we currently endure was someone's desire.

Originally Posted by Steve_NO
You can do your liberal two step around that, and blame whitey, or slave owners that have been dead for a hundred and fifty years, but that's the fact.

Right on, Steve, calling a spade a spade; some just have trouble with the truth.

unfortunately, Bird, it is a black/mexican thing....the black murder rate is, like eight times the white rate in the US. You can do your liberal two step around that, and blame whitey, or slave owners that have been dead for a hundred and fifty years, but that's the fact.

Me??? a Liberal? Funny how you always jump to cliches on these things....

And there ya go with the straw man thing again; where have I ever blamed "Whitey"?? Or slave owners??

Go visit Scotland, (Glasgow, FIVE TIMES the murder rate of tortilla-Brown similarly-sized El Paso) or Limerick over in Ulster (in our own Motherland grin) , ain't too many "people of color" in those places, just sort of reddish-pink like.... grin

[color:#CC0000]THE MURDER CITY[/color]

I figure you just ain't lived anywhere else is all.

Right on, Steve, calling a spade a spade; some just have trouble with the truth.

Expound there Bub, what have I said that is untrue??
Real interesting subject one of the problems is we are now working on third or fourth generation of young ones that were "Spocked" and "Not Spanked!"

I saw an interesting "Town Hall" type meeting on Fox yesterday that Dave Beck was the moderator of with a panel entirely of Black Leaders and Black Audience. It was quite interesting as to the content of the program as all were almost 100% of the participants "Welfare Society" the Democrats have created and how it has set the Afro-American Society back in race relations what with the total breakdown of family and to how the number of children born out of wedlock has increased in the Black Community.

They almost to the man made the statement they didn't see any improvement until the black community stood up and took charge and cleaned up it's act and took responsibility for their actions.

The sad thing is these men will be called "Uncle Toms" by the Black Community just because they are telling it like it is.
I doubt and call on you for a cite for murder rates in Glasgow or Ireland approaching any black ghetto in the US.

My point is not that crime doesn't exist outside the US....my point is that US crime is overwhelmingly committed by blacks...mostly to other blacks....with ghettoized Mexicans and other balkanized immigrants working hard to catch up. If the US had only the crime rate of the native born white population, it would be safer than Luxembourg or Switzerland. Just sayin'

and the liberal label is based on reading your posts for years amigo. at least you're not so far gone that you aren't embarassed by the labell yet. wink
Meanwhile there's them Black folks quietly succeeding on their own hook, the same way the rest of us do.

The folks at this place for example in San Antonio, a major congregation founded by two Air Force Veterans, Pro-Life, Conservative, and staunchly anti-Obama.

You can spot 'em by the Israeli flags, and the 911 Memorial out front. Mostly Black, and of course not much mentioned by the local media...

[color:#FF0000]New Life Christian Center[/color]

The point being of course not to deny that our urban hell-holes are mostly Black/Hispanic...

...but rather to say "so what?".....


Blame it on the people who invented the mechanical cotton picker and chemical weed killers.
I blame the "cultural revolution" that occurred in the 1960's. During the 60's American values and beliefs were reject and nothing substituted in their place. We are experiencing the fruit of everyone being their own little god.

LBJ's Great Society added two additional problems:
1) It caused the destruction of the family unit in the black and lower SES communities

2)The concept promoted by sociologists that everyone is a victim which ulitimately led to today's political correctness, i.e. poverty like all other weaknesses or vices is a sickness for which a person is not accountable.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher

The point being of course not to deny that our urban hell-holes are mostly Black/Hispanic...

...but rather to sat "so what?".....


no, the point isn't something inanimate like "urban hell holes"....and ghettos have plenty of hard working honest people in them, wolves gotta have sheep.

the point is, in response to the thread title, which you might want to reread, the answer is because they're full of blacks and badass Mexicans, who commit crimes at eight or ten times the average for people outside those demographics.

just answering the man's question factually.
and the liberal label is based on reading your posts for years amigo.

Pro-gun, pro-life, pro-truth... always have been. Liberal wouldn't bother me at all if it fit.

OK, back at ya, kindly quote anything I have ever written that is "Liberal".

I figure you just have trouble being wrong is all.

I doubt and call on you for a cite for murder rates in Glasgow or Ireland approaching any black ghetto in the US.

What? You think ALL the Scots in Glasgow are committing those crimes? or just some that live in some areas, sorta like the US. Go visit Glasgow, and walk those special streets grin

Glasgow has been notorious since I was a kid, all the locals would clear out of downtown Blackpool when the Glasgow Toi et. al. came down on holiday.

Of British urban decay, written of a "predominantly White" underclass... sounds sorta famliliar...


The underclass is not a symptom of unemployment, which is lower now than in the 1970s when the underclass was barely identifiable. It is not a problem of endemic racism � the British underclass is predominantly white.

The problem is cultural. The root cause is a combination of changing philosophical ideas ...and the long-term fundamental decay of conservative ideas and institutions in Britain, including a historically unprecedented collapse of belief in marriage and a consequent epidemic of illegitimacy and unsocialised offspring... The consequence ofthis collapse is welfare dependency, rising violent crime, and an over �100 billion bill, hence this subject is now talked about in Britain � it is becoming too expensive to ignore....

There exists a large and increasingly violent underclass because Britain suffers from a vicious circle: the collapse of belief in values (of family, marriage, self-responsibility) has now spread from the elites (where it has done philosophical and political damage) to the working classes (where it has done real physical harm). This is what has bred the underclass and the welfare systemsustains it.

Through the benefits system the welfare state pays the underclass to grow; poor stateschooling cannot compensate for the harm caused by broken homes and absent fathers;inadequate policing cannot suppress the symptoms of crime and disorder. The culture of Britain�s media is dominated by the university-educated who despise Christianity (but have nothing to replace it), and who both despise and mis-understand markets and the role of economic incentives in social life. This distorts public debate on the causes of the underclass or how the harsh consequences (teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, violent crime) can best be tackled....

Unsurprisingly, the decline in marriage as the foundation for raising families continues unabated. In 1993, just over a third � 34.5 per cent � of all births in Britain occurred outside of wedlock, already high by European standards. When Murray looked at the British underclass in 1989, he made a conservative estimate that by 1999, on a linear trend, more than 40 per cent of births would be to single women. He was right. According to the latest figures from the ONS, by 2004, this had grown to 42 per cent (the equivalent US figure was 35 per cent).

It is likely on this trend that the majority of all babies produced in Britain in a decade will be born to single or unmarried mothers. They already are in Wales, and in a host of other places you care to name across Britain: in Sunderland, Newcastle, Manchester, Nottingham, Dundee, Glasgow, Stoke, Norwich, Plymouth, Weymouth and Belfast. In Hartlepool, [color:#FF0000]Blackpool
( grin ), Liverpool and Lincoln, the illegitimacy rates are already over 60 per cent.

See, I expect for you England is mostly a place of Purdey shotguns, touristy pubs and them cool "Confederate Club" ties bought from "exclusive" shops.

Me, I grew up among the future parents of the people described above... grin

the point is, in response to the thread title, which you might want to reread, the answer is because they're full of blacks and badass Mexicans, who commit crimes at eight or ten times the average for people outside those demographics.

What??? These people are doing all that??? grin

[color:#FF0000]NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN CENTER[/color] ....

Oh... you mean not THEM people, but those others (THEM people overwhelmingly own guns at home wink , so I dunno that they qualify as "sheep").

I dunno, using your reasoning here.... 'mongst White folks, maybe Scots are more likely to run in street gangs, do drugs and kill people. I mean the truth in Glasgow cannot be denied.

My point (again) is this... even if they are.... From the standpoint of legality, morality, and society.... ...so what?

he asked a question, I gave the self-evident answer, you don't like it.

what scots do in scotland or ubangis in ubangiland is not relevant to the question asked, nor to the answer. nor is the obvious fact that not all blacks are criminals, or docile victims.
What scots do in scotland or ubangis in ubangiland is not relevant to the question asked, nor to the answer. nor is the obvious fact that not all blacks are criminals, or docile victims.

Sure it is Counsellor, I was exploring the issue of race vs. crime as prsented here. You just ain't seen enough White folks back in our Anglobiland homeland behaving badly is all.... wink


Originally Posted by 43Shooter
Good post. LBJs "Great Society" jump started the situation we've got today.

Absolutely, the Welfare State destroyed the Black family structure by rewarding those who chose to have children out of wedlock in order to secure free income (and math was not their strongsuit). To that you can add the "non-atribution" do what you want culture , eschewing of fundamental Judeo-Christian values based society (no and I don't mean that in a religious way), the castration & vilification of the American male and of course the feminist movement. Once again the democraps leading the way...jorge
what does that have to do with the fact that blacks commit violent crimes at almost ten times the rate whites do in this country?

If they lived in Scotland, they'd probably be doing the same but they don't. I guess the Scots have to take up the slack....but I'd really like to see any stat comparing murder rates in any city in Scotland to any of the Negro wasteland cities of the US....
Greetings from York, Pa. the county seat of york county Pa. with a population of approx. 41,000. Our primary industry is agriculture. In 2008 21 people were arrested for the 20 murders that year.20 of those arrested were black.

From 1996 to around 2006 140 million dollars was spent on S.E. York aka the 'hood. It was a pigsty in '96 and remains so to this day.Multiply that figure across the USA and the dollar amount is staggering. Poor investment return is being kind IMHO.

BILLION$ have been spent on the negro.

It's Whiteys fault.
do any of you really think there is a workable solution to this cundrum of ethnic isolation. i think not this is bore out thru history if not one group against another, what hope would the polititions have to seperate and divide us to their whims and control. world wars are based on this premise.and corporations get fatter and fatter. take a hard look at the near east every ethnic group hates the other.and never a compromise let alone a solution for thousands of years. you cant legislate self esteem, honesty, integrety etc it is taught at home. enough rambling on my part even if you truely had the solution who would listen
It's because waiters and waitresses have piercings and tattoos...
Maybe build a large reservation????
One thing that needs to be taught is to stop calling themselves African-Americans. Ain't one in 10 million ever seen Africa and never will.

You're either an American or you're not.


Originally Posted by stray round
Maybe build a large reservation????

One already exists...

One alredy exsists...

It's called the District of Columbia, Detroit, and Philadelphia just to name a couple of them......
I blame the Dutch..............................
That's funny
Originally Posted by bender
The day we took God out of everyday life, removing morality from public discourse, and replacing family with government "help", is the day the U.S. began it's steepest social decline. Thank you Madeline Murray O'Hare. Turns out it was working pretty good.

Yup. Black, white, brown, whatever. Evil effects us all.
I agree the social welfare system has allowed much of the deterioration to occur. The other problem is jails as minority social clubs, turn jails for all but the most violent offenders into self funding work farms/convict labor gangs and watch the change in behavior. Simple to implement- if a convict wants anything beyond the most basic needs to survive they have to work. If they want television, air conditioning, variety in food, etc, they buy it through work.
which poses the question; if a white person from africa migrates to the u.s.a. has he-she the same affirmative action privaliges as a black that never lived there??? is he-she an african american???
what does that have to do with the fact that blacks commit violent crimes at almost ten times the rate whites do in this country?

Everything, your implied thesis wass that Black and Mexicans commit these crimes because they're Blacks and Mexicans, as in our cities went South (forgive the pun grin) because Blacks and Mexicans moved in. I just provided very good examples of the White folks of my youth back in my native Aglola acting exactly like yer Blacks and Mexicans too.

I submit ya ain't been to the right parts of Aglobistan to get a feel for exactly how Black and Mexican White folks can be. I have a sense of it, I used to have to run away from them Anglobistani Black and Mexican White folks back in Anglobistan all the time when I was a kid grin Some of them called themselves "skinheads" and wore steel-toed Docs.

We already established the illegitimacy rate in my old home town is up to 60% now, and up in Scotland I'll put parts of Glasgow against any city in America.

Furthurmore, I provided a prominent example of Black folks here in America acting very unlike your Blacks and Mexicans. Come to think of it, my wife ain't killed anyone either as far as I know.

Needless to say, 100% of them Glaswegan Scots and Irish who are committing crimes are committing crimes. And 100% of our Blacks and Mexicans who ain't committing crimes aint.

The relevant question is what exactly makes folks act like your Blacks and Mexicans. And how come I have taught so many Blacks and Mexicans who dont? (we even send a few to places like West Point cool )

Parents usually.

So one tell me why Yeman is wanting to blow up Detroit? What did we do to them?
If they lived in Scotland, they'd probably be doing the same but they don't. I guess the Scots have to take up the slack....

A more profound statement then you'd think, and one that puzzles me....

Do ALL societies have an urban underclass?

Originally Posted by rifle
So one tell me why Yeman is wanting to blow up Detroit? What did we do to them?
It's a muslim thing. No one else understands.
Originally Posted by rifle
So one tell me why Yeman is wanting to blow up Detroit? What did we do to them?

Moreover, if they did blow it up, how could we tell?
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Right on, Steve, calling a spade a spade; some just have trouble with the truth.

Expound there Bub, what have I said that is untrue??

The comment wasn't necessarily directed at you Sport, but you do seem to be talking in circles & not making much sense or coherently tying things together.

The discussion was about U.S. cities, not Scotland; last I checked, Scotland didn't have many Latins or blacks, compared to major U.S. cities, & there's really no relavance.

Steve's comment was on the money; I could care less whether or not you agree with it.......facts is facts, some choose to ignore them to their own discredit.

Double post.
Because the people with the brains, the willpower, the money, and the ability to leave already have....meaning the areas have basically been highgraded and all that's left is what you see.

Name a majority white area in the US that's a warzone.
Originally Posted by pod
which poses the question; if a white person from africa migrates to the u.s.a. has he-she the same affirmative action privaliges as a black that never lived there??? is he-she an african american???

He's a whitey. No breaks and no special priveleges.

I've often brought it up that I know REAL African/Americans. Some were black and some were white. They either had dual citizenship or had migrated here legally. None acted the way our American blacks so often tend to. All just scratched their heads, and shook their heads in disgust when the topic came up. Ebonics, the attitude, the culture, the music, you name it, every aspect. Ridiculous to the extreme. They just shook their heads in disbelief. They all wondered why the blacks would act so stupidly and piss away opportunity like they did. My answer was simple, they weren't taught any better. And they're still pissed off because their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents were slaves.

Ethnicity is a red herring in the discussion. Culture isn't. Not saying the facts aren't what they are. I know from growing up next to the res. (where they got a head start on the Great Society), seeing native villages in Alaska, and Detroit (Obama's blueprint for America) that the common denominator is a group of people being told they are de facto, inferior and needing "help". Help turns into dependency on the govt. (which corrupt pandering politicians [redundant, I know] exploit) and a total lack of self respect or even the confidence they can make it on their own.

Anyone who feels that way about themselves will grow more dependent to the point of being unable to imagine life without a check or program. In this environment dependency on family is not needed and its bonds erode. It is a perfect petri dish for drugs, violence, alcoholism, despair, abuse and generalized rot of the human spirit.

I assure you it can be "accomplished" with any group. The answer is withdrawal and it hurts just like work and exercise. It can't be done for them.

That is why our major cities are like war zones.

The system has rightfully been referred to as Uncle Sam's plantation. The underground railway out begins when the sugartit is amputated. It is what will eventually have to happen anyway.
The food wars are coming......
Nah, there's plenty of food.
Read "Winning the Race" by John McWhorter.
Originally Posted by TexasRick
No one wants to admit it or say it out load (hell, I'm uncomfortable with the idea and I KNOW it's true), but the beginning of the end of the society and life we once knew (and wish we could recover) was inevitable after the late 1950's and through the 1960's.

The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

Any area that has a high percentage of "undesirables" who believe they have legal/political protection from any control.....will soon become a "war zone". That's why small town/rural areas in middle America are still great places to live......not enough "undesirables" to screw up the system.

Am I advocating a return to segregation and oppression of "undesirables"??.....no. If you allow the "government" to oppress ANY group, even if you agree with the results obtained......you are well on the way to the "government" oppressing ALL citizens and groups......even the ones YOU belong to.

There is no good solution to th problem, but that's why we are seeing the things we see tday. It never happened as long as there was segregation and un-equal rights for "undesirable" groups....FACT!

What you are seeing today in the inner cities is the future of ALL America if these "undesirables" continue to gain political power......so go to the polls and VOTE!! If you want to see the future, look at what's happened in Africa with the end of colonial control in the 50's and 60's......a cess pool that just keeps getting worse.

You are wrong.

Bill Cosby gave a speach in 2004 that he was heavily criticized for. If I recall correctly it was at a "black" University. He blamed the plight on the inner cities on the minorities themselves. No one forced them to have children out of wedlock. No one forced the men to abandon the children to be raised by the mother on welfare. No one forced them to live in ghettos. No one forced them to live on welfare or work for minimum wage. No one forced them to join gangs and kill each other. It is not the white man doing it to them.

Cosby said that minorities have to take responsibility for themselves. Develop families with both mothers and fathers. If not married and living together, Fathers still have to be involved with the kids and support them. Don't accept that you are destined for welfare/minimum wage, stay in school, go to college etc. No money for college, there are scholarships and there is the military and the GI bill. (my cousin is a dual citizen, and is joining the US Army to eventually pay for his college education). There was probably more, but I think I have hit Cosby's high points.

BTW, my parents conceived me the summer between their grade 11 and grade 12. They were married that November and I was born the following May. They have been married 46 yrs now. They didn't finish high school. My Dad pumped gas or whatever he could. My grandfather built them a shack on the farm that we lived in when they could no longer afford an apartment in town. Once they ran out of gas in town. By checking under the car seats, they came up with 26 cents which was enough to buy gas to get them home. TImes were tough.

They could have been content with what they had and we could still be literally "trailer trash". Dad started working on a government survey crew surveying highways. Soon he was boss of his own crew (he took night classes). He tried farming (so that I could have stable schooling and not be transferred every few months), but there just wasn't enough capital to keep things afloat (plus everything that could go wrong did). Back to surveying and then other things.

Bottom line, Dad eventually obtained his GED, took night classes at the U and obtained certificates. He has made a very adequate living for his wife and 3 kids. All three kids have completed post secondary of some sort, have stable marriages and jobs, kids etc.

Life is what YOU make of it. I like to trot out my story when discussions turn to the natives or the minorities and about how hard they have it. These groups have a lot more ability to obtain a lot more help than my father did. THEY can pull themselves out of the ghetto IF they want to and WORK hard enough. MY DAD DID.

BTW, society began to fall apart in the 1960s with the women's right movement, and also the perception that everyone should "keep up with the Joneses". Now, there are some things that are good that came out of the women's movement. Same pay for same work etc.

Now, combine the woman's desire for careers at the cost of the family, with the need to keep up with the Joneses. Not everyone can be a manager, so if your neighbor the manager got a boat and you got one, but you don't make enough to afford it, how do you do it? Why the wife was talking about a career, I'll send you to work.

What was the result?

Probably most families, both parents work full time, not to keep up with the Joneses, but now days, just to survive. Daycares and TV take care of our children way too much. Families begin to break down under the strain, and eventually, kids don't have the same respect for others, because we don't care for them as well as we should because we are too busy trying to survive, both of us working all the time.

Those are my thoughts.
Time to post this one again.
An excellent read.

A Matter of Principle
by Robert James Bidinotto

The welfare state's destructive impacts on our economic well-being have been well chronicled by free market economists. But the inverted incentives of socialism also play havoc with the moral character of a society. All of the virtues associated with living a productive life are punished; all the vices associated with an irresponsible existence, rewarded.

The result is cultural pollution.

Market economists have long argued that environmental pollution is caused not by capitalism, but by the absence of property rights and market mechanisms. Similarly, cultural pollution is not caused by capitalism; to a large extent, it is caused by the breakdown of capitalism amid the absence of markets. The discipline that comes from market relationships preserves such precious cultural resources as personal character, benevolence, and basic civility. But the welfare state has destroyed that discipline.

Those under age 30 probably can't remember a time when radio and TV stations refused to air gutter-minded "shock jocks" -- or sewer-mouthed cartoon characters - or nihilistic music videos -- or freak shows masquerading as "talk programs," where guests compete in revolting displays of decadence and self-abasement.

There actually was a time in this nation's not-so-distant past when most kids wouldn't use foul language around the opposite sex (not to mention at adults), and when those few who did would get their faces slapped. A time when no one would have dared ask the President of the United States what kind of underwear he wore... and when no President would have dignified such a question with an answer.

It was a time when students referred to teachers by their surnames, teachers refused to pass kids who hadn't met minimum standards of achievement, high school graduates could read job applications, and schools issued students more books than condoms. A time when unmarried girls actually felt ashamed to get pregnant -- even once -- and when unemployed young men actually felt ashamed to apply for welfare. When derelicts didn't use the sidewalks, nor celebrities the airwaves, as public latrines.

During the past four decades, standards of personal taste, language, behavior, dress, and manners have plunged to loathsome levels. Today, we are awash in a cultural tsunami of vulgarity and incivility. From the street corner to the school classroom, from the movies to MTV, belligerent faces stare back at us in defiant challenge to all that is decent and good, virtuous and valuable -- even simply coherent and intelligible.

What is most odious is the fact that the expressions of decadence are so incongruously militant. We behold, daily and in countless forms, bizarre spectacles of self-righteous relativism and crusading nihilism. We are simultaneously revolted and incredulous and bewildered, wondering from what buried cesspool of our national life such pollution has oozed forth.

It would be simplistic to lay blame for this cultural collapse solely at the feet of politics or economics. Ideas rule the world, for better or worse; the militancy of today's nihilists is largely the product of many decades of intellectual corruption. The concerted, ceaseless assault by generations of academics upon the standards, heroes, values, and philosophical premises of Western civilization have undermined our culture's foundations and battered its institutions. The barbarians we see around us have been unleashed and empowered by modern intellectuals who -- like carriers of some deadly spiritual virus -- have sapped our society of its once-vital defenses and immunities.

But to have a broad social impact, ideas good or bad must be transported from the ivory tower into every corner of society. They must be embodied in cultural institutions and transmitted by political programs. So while intellectuals may have opened the faucets, the main pipeline for carrying cultural pollution throughout society has been the welfare state.

The corrupting influences of the welfare state go far beyond the obvious. It isn't just that the National Endowment for the Arts occasionally subsidizes obscenity, or that billions of dollars in food stamps and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks are being cashed in and traded on the streets for drugs and alcohol. It isn't just that AFDC encourages unwed young women to have children, then remain unwed. It isn't just that unearned benefits encourage some people to remain shiftless and lazy.

More broadly, the welfare state also buffers people from any need to behave like civilized human beings.

One of the seldom-recognized benefits of the market system is its great civilizing influence. Socialists often denounce capitalism for promoting "competition, not cooperation." But in fact, the competitive demands of the marketplace reward cooperation and punish anti-social conduct.

To survive and thrive under laissez-faire capitalism, the individual must learn to produce goods and services valuable to his fellow man. Failing to do so dooms him to a miserable and marginal existence.

But becoming productive entails much more than simply learning a skill or creating a product. Whether employee, employer, or self-employed, each individual in a free market must also learn to market himself, his service, or his product. This, in turn, compels him to present himself and his wares in the best light possible, attracting rather than repelling others. Those who learn to cooperate with others will be rewarded by their fellows and flourish; those who don't will remain unmarketable and go wanting.

The welfare state short-circuits this learning and maturation process by buffering people from any need to behave themselves. In the marketplace a foul-mouthed boor will be fired from his job. In the welfare state, nothing he says to anyone will stop his government checks from coming. In the marketplace, an ignorant, illiterate, incoherent young woman has few prospects of getting a job. In the welfare state, she can remain just as she is -- and the checks will keep on coming. In the marketplace, hanging out as a streetcomer tough all day is a short route to homelessness and starvation. In the welfare state, though, such a lout can go home to a public housing project, his rent and food paid for by the same pedestrians he has spent the day menacing and insulting -- and then, perhaps, spend his wee hours in a federally-funded midnight basketball league.

By buffering such offensive behavior from the normal punishments that the marketplace would surely administer, the welfare state has allowed and encouraged the proliferation of a nihilistic subculture. This subculture, in turn, has become its own growing market, with an insatiable demand for the lurid and depraved, fed by unscrupulous panderers in the media, entertainment, and corporate America.

A first step in restoring the quality of our social environment, then, would be to plug the poisonous pipeline of the welfare state.

Mr. Bidinotto, a Staff Writer for Reader's Digest, is a long-time contributor to The Freeman and lecturer at FEE seminars.

Our local newspapers "on the record" section [arrests] is mostly Hispanic names.
I really admire and respect your Dad and Mom. Looks like their kids turned out pretty good too.
Ethnicity is a red herring in the discussion. Culture isn't.
I fully realize, understand, and have seen it true that folks can rise above their raising. However, there seems to be a recurring theme of troubling issues in predominatly black areas and countries. I hope it does not remain so for much longer. Hundreds, if not thousands, of years should be long enough.
Originally Posted by BrotherBart
Originally Posted by Barkoff

Or put a simpler way, minorities have been taught they don't stand a chance, they are in a hopeless situation, they are victims of race and injustice.

This manifests anger and violence

Spot on.
I worked in Dallas for a few years,Oak Cliff,Cockerel Hill,and Fair Park. These areas are very high crime and were populated by Black folks and Mexicans. Most Mexicans took care of their homes. Most Blacks lived in filth... There was tremendous tension between these two groups and you could actually feel it.
The entitlement mentality was almost exclusively a Black thing. The family is not a big part of the American Black Culture. The family is very important to the Mexicans. I'd be willing to bet that the percentages if single moms is way higher among Blacks than any other ethnic groups...
Until the Black community steps up and away from welfare,quits having bastard children,and works hard for the American Dream,inner cities will always be a dangerous place to be.
I know I'm generalizing,but I have first hand experience. Glad I got out...

I've worked in those exact same places and lived close to there. Grandma and Grandpa lived in east Dallas and Grandpa worked right down by where Kennedy was shot. Back in the 60's it was so bad down town that Grandma said the negros would shove old white women out into oncoming traffic if they were in the way. During my short time working there, I was almost shot, had the window broken out of my car in an attempt to steal the stereo and was in a near-riot. All of South Dallas is dammed dangerous due to it being nearly entirely black-unless somehow things have changed for the better in the last twenty-or-so years.

Excellent post & personal story.

The reason that the ones who cause most of the problems in this country don't do what your family has done is that all the entitlements make it (falsely) too easy not to do that.

They are entitled to a good life, to prosperity, to a new car, to have 8 kids by 8 different men, to a house they can't pay for, & the list goes on.............all on the public's money.

It's become the standard for a way of life for most blacks & latino's in inner cities, not all, just most.

Three books that are REQUIRED reading:

1. The Sovereign Individual
2. Atlas Shrugged
3. The War After Armageddon

It's all there and yes, my friend, the food wars will come as every city only has 2-3 days food in it and when it's gone the mobs will come looking for yours.

You may want to read about what was happening in Weimar Germany before Hitler took over.......

Think of Haiti w/o the USA being here. Or the 100s year war.
Nobody is taught history anymore because if they actually studied it, it would scare the crap out of them.

Bet all the folks in Rome in 475 AD were thinking "it can't happen here" too..... LAFFIN
The comment wasn't necessarily directed at you Sport, but you do seem to be talking in circles & not making much sense or coherently tying things together.

The discussion was about U.S. cities, not Scotland; last I checked, Scotland didn't have many Latins or blacks, compared to major U.S. cities, & there's really no relavance.

Steve's comment was on the money; I could care less whether or not you agree with it.......facts is facts, some choose to ignore them to their own discredit.

Talking in circles? How so? By pointing out I grew up with pretty much the same thing in lilly White circles?? And where did I disagree?

We post what we know, I grew up where I did, and have been living and working here for the past two decades in a lower income, higher crime area of this big city.

For the most part guys over this side of the Atlantic don't got a friggin' clue; my chances where I live of being subject to unprovoked felony assault or felony aggravated assault are but a fraction of what they could be over there.

Furthermore, I had made my living these past few years pushing the best and brightest. We had our post-Katrina crime wave like most ever'body else when some of 'em were settled here. Had a girl come to see me today with her full ride to Baylor U., one of them kids who is just a joy to be around. Suprised the Hell outta me a couple of years back to find out she was a Katrina refugee.

Guys start talking about the big cities etc etc etc.... I immediately start recalling names and faces.

You nailed our core problem, the break down of the family unit. Until the late 50's or early 60's it was unusual to have a single parent family. In the inner cities it has become the norm to have men running around with various women & fathering children. The mothers found out through our failed welfare system that the more fatherless children,the more they received to buy drugs & alcohol. Some of the fatherless children had learning disabilities & didn't want to attend school & convinced the others it was cool to skip & be arrogant. Our society attempted to solve this problem by spending more & more money to graduate mostly literate students to say nothing of the close to 50% that quit & began to live off street crimes. One only has to look at D.C. next to where I live. Either the worst or among the worst school systems in our nation with the highest per student expenditure. Many teachers can hardly wright & they stay in the system. On the day each month welfare checks are received the liquor stores are packed & drug pushers are lined up on every street. For many years I worked in down town D.C. & it was like visiting a freak show on the drive in & out. As was stated by other posters the system perpetuates its self. I see no solution any where in the future. No politicians are ready to make the difficult decisions to start correcting the problem. Our once proud nation is decaying from within.
I guess I missed the series of white race riots across this country in the 60's and 70's.......

Again I'll ask. What majority white area is a warzone as mentioned in the OP?
I spent a nice vacation in Scotland last year. FYI according to the UN (whatever that is worth) Scotland is the most dangerous FIRST WORLD nation today. Of course, since most UN members are just out of the trees, "dangerous" may equate to having running water.
Again I'll ask. What majority white area is a warzone as mentioned in the OP?

A war zone?

What, you think nobody lives their whole life and grows old in the ghetto? The fact is, most people do. Do you think that everybody wakes up there expecting to die that day?

OK, I know this thread has been beat to death but this Old Country across the pond stuff is fascinating to me.

Prob'ly unimaginable to some that White folks can act this way....

Dublin, 2006

The people who took part in the rioting were largely drawn from the urban poor, mostly disenfranchised young men from impoverished estates around Dublin, people who normally have no political voice whatsoever, people who rarely vote, who are disorganised, who live in communities that have been ravaged by poverty and drug and alcohol abuse, people who many of those who live lives of privilege and relative comfort write off as 'scumbags'...

O'Connell street was a building site and bricks, paving stones, barricades and oil cans were neatly arranged all along it, almost like an ammunition dump for rioters. Combine that with the proximity of many of the poorest residential areas in the city where the Gardai (Police) are feared and hated and the reasonable number of destitute drug users who you will find around O'Connell street on an average Saturday and you had a ready supply of people and ammunition for a proper riot and that was what we saw. There were probably no more than 200 people who were involved in the initial onslaught, but hundreds more joined in as the fighting made its way down O'Connell Street. Local youths could be seen coming out of side streets phoning their mates and as the fighting progressed more and more people joined in. I'd estimate that over a thousand people took part in the events in one way or another. Every time that the riot squad managed to advance a few metres, they would have to leave a line of police to guard any of the side streets that they had passed as more and more locals came out to see what was happening. There were crowds massed all along the side streets and most of their sympathies appeared to lie with the rioters...

Behind the lines of the rioters, looting broke out. Although I didn't observe it, witnesses report that several women from the inner city were seen filling bags full of shoes from the shops and engaging in a bit of 'discount shopping'. The police were not even nearly in a position to do anything about it. They had lost control of the city and were mostly just trying to protect themselves as the riot was now almost entirely an anti-police and anti-state affair....

The riots were an expression of the anger of the most marginalised sector of Dublin's urban poor, they had no real political point other than an expression of that rage.

Living on welfare? Violence? Drugs? Booze? I think prob'ly the Irish have a genetic predisposition for this sort of thing, leastways that was the common belief in England fer years...

Open borders/drugs, and
Punishment that isn't punishment enough.

Jail/prison should be hell on earth to spend time in, and the death penalty should be liberally enforced.
Originally Posted by NathanL
I guess I missed the series of white race riots across this country in the 60's and 70's.......

Again I'll ask. What majority white area is a warzone as mentioned in the OP?
Since some would obfuscate an easy question, the obvious answer in the USA is none exists.
Nice to talk about theory and history. I'm sure all the Jews martching into the ovens knew a lot more about history and theory than did the Nazi Thugs killing them. Diito those killed by Stalin, Mao and other assorted thugs.
I prefer to focus on what is and what will be in the near future.

While some of you are concerned about cities, it might be more constructive to think about what will happen WHEN (not if, when)
Israel takes out Iran and $6.00 a gallon gas will be cheap.

How will "wing nuts" handle that and what will you do when the unfed mobs invade your neighborhood ? You thought Katrina was fun? Think of Haiti with no US intervention.... that's what's coming.

Excellen post. Spot on with the other comments about the loss of Christian values, be they marriage, moral responsibility, whatever and you then have the precipitous decline that we see today.
CROW HUNTER - " The sicilians were running people through meat grinders a long time ago."

Yep, that's where Italian sausage comes from. smile

In addition, dangerous cities ain't hardly new to this age. In ancient Rome, B.C & A.D, in many parts of the city, especially at night, the streets were so dangerous that no one went out after dusk if he could help it. Only the rich Romans went out and they hired large groups of Roman soldiers as bodyguards. And those dudes took no prisoners!

(Kinda like the mega-rich today who have their own heavily armed, very expensive bodyguards. Not much has changed, has it?)

Originally Posted by duckster

Excellen post. Spot on with the other comments about the loss of Christian values, be they marriage, moral responsibility, whatever and you then have the precipitous decline that we see today.

imho, we need an advance in technology, and a big one, quite quickly.

a new form of energy, maybe approaching Free Energy? the oil paradigm has about run it's course, but not quite yet.

two-stranded DNA might not be enought?? is there a form of "civility" that is inclusive in the two-stranded DNA structure??

where is the Grandson of Einstein when we need him?? wink
=Gusimho, we need an advance in technology, and a big one, quite quickly.

a new form of energy, maybe approaching Free Energy?

You are never going to see free energy government has made energy the new tax. They own it contol it or tax every bit of it or are working on it even at the city level.
Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
=Gusimho, we need an advance in technology, and a big one, quite quickly.

a new form of energy, maybe approaching Free Energy?

You are never going to see free energy government has made energy the new tax. They own it contol it or tax every bit of it or are working on it even at the city level.

Gov't is our friend. Please don't shoot. wink

the overpopulation of the Earth continues, and is supported by various religious and non-religious folks.

two-stranded DNA is insufficent. ask the Barak, if'n ya don't beleive me. wink

cheap oil empowers cheap 300hp SUV's. and why not?

under current conditions, we can breed, multiply and advance technology to the best of our ability.

technology is in the ditch, and maybe we should work to dig it out on Sunday?? wink
Originally Posted by TexasRick
No one wants to admit it or say it out load (hell, I'm uncomfortable with the idea and I KNOW it's true), but the beginning of the end of the society and life we once knew (and wish we could recover) was inevitable after the late 1950's and through the 1960's.

The reason our society has gone down-hill and the reason inner cities are all "war zones" is caused by the end of segregation and the civil rights movement. It is distasteful for me to say that as I DO believe in equal rights for all people and "freedom"......but facts are facts.

Any area that has a high percentage of "undesirables" who believe they have legal/political protection from any control.....will soon become a "war zone". That's why small town/rural areas in middle America are still great places to live......not enough "undesirables" to screw up the system.

Am I advocating a return to segregation and oppression of "undesirables"??.....no. If you allow the "government" to oppress ANY group, even if you agree with the results obtained......you are well on the way to the "government" oppressing ALL citizens and groups......even the ones YOU belong to.

There is no good solution to th problem, but that's why we are seeing the things we see tday. It never happened as long as there was segregation and un-equal rights for "undesirable" groups....FACT!

What you are seeing today in the inner cities is the future of ALL America if these "undesirables" continue to gain political power......so go to the polls and VOTE!! If you want to see the future, look at what's happened in Africa with the end of colonial control in the 50's and 60's......a cess pool that just keeps getting worse.

Bingo. It's no coincidence that the most crime ridden cities have one major thing in common........
War zones?

Not even close.
I hate to brake it to some people but despite some cities going down hill, such as Detroit, the crime rate in most cities has dropped dramatically since the early 90's. Believe it or not NYC and Newark are no where as bad as they used to be. White guys can now walk through black neighborhoods without worrying about getting robbed. I know because I used to do it on a daily basis. The crime rate has climbed a little bit but that is probably because of the economy. People are getting desperate.
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher

Guys start talking about the big cities etc etc etc.... I immediately start recalling names and faces.


you remember her precisely because her behavior was so unusual for her "group"

the fact that exceptions to a generalization exist does not make the generalization less true.....as a generalization.

and low income doesn't necessarily equal high crime....except in certain ethnic groups.
People keep mentioning race. It's true that the run down, crime ridden, areas of major cities are inhabited by blacks and hispanics. However, up until the 1940's the ghetto's of Philly, Detroit, NYC, and Chicago where filled with Italian, Irish, and Eastern European immigrants. They eventually moved up on the social ladder and got out of the "hood."
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