Posted By: ltppowell Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
My first one. At least the first one that I would associate with. It was pretty interesting. He is a medical professional and avid sportsman. He was also very honest and sincere. When talk ranged to politics, he admitted (apologetically)that he had voted for Obama. It seems the main reason for his vote was a very personal one. His nephew, a Navy Corpsman died mysteriously and the family got nothing from the Government but a big FU in way of explanation. Once he started talking about it, I couldn't stop him. Professionally, his own decision is ruining him, and he knows it. Emotionally, he would have foregone anything for change of the status quo. I'm only sharing this to remind some of you that not everybody who made that mistake is an idiot. Some were just desperate.
Posted By: EvilTwin Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Sad to say, but the F-U attitude has always been there and will always be there so long as the career bureaucrat exists in the enormous organizations in gov't. I understand the Docs' desparation.
Posted By: Steve_NO Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
the blacks you can explain. extreme lefties, code pinkers, union stooges, greenpeace types.....those kind of whites always vote democrat. what got him elected were those white folks who wanted to feel good about themselves, so they voted for the black guy knowing nothing about him except that he was black and didn't come on like a mau mau.

I talk to many of those who are deeply regretting that choice now, and there will be a lot more when the tax increases start biting and interest rates skyrocket.
Posted By: eh76 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10

People like that I can forgive...it is the assshooles that still have BO bumper stickers on their cars like a badge of honor are the ones I would like to run off the road......
Posted By: ltppowell Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
This guy is no exception. It actually gave me heart to see his guilt about Obama, yet I "felt his pain" about government.
Posted By: SAcharlie Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Its GWB's fault.
Posted By: eh76 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Chuck you farlie....... I am so tired of that phrase....
Posted By: ltppowell Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Keith, it made me realize that people like him are the ones responsible for Obama, not the wetbacks or ACORN crackheads, who always have been, and always will be, idiots. This guy won't do it again. He bought into "change", but nothing has changed for the better.
Posted By: Gene L Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Problem is, when someone dies, it's usually in the hospital and the reason for his death is about three levels of authority back. Where he was wounded, they put him on a chopper and a few days later, word comes (or may NOT come) of his death. There is no direct link from there to his next of kin.

I don't think it's a F-U, it's just one of those things. As a cop, you've seen this I'm sure, like at a traffic accident or something where the victim goes to the hospital and dies a few days later, or even a few hours later. While there is a written report of the accident, a cop can't be held knowledgable as to the cause of his death, although he can speculate. "He was in a bad accident" is about as far as you can go OUTSIDE the report.

These levels are necessary, IMO. Unpalatable, but strictly necessary. If the guy was killed on an operation, the details might be classified.

When I was in Viet Nam, I had to write letters to next of kin. I never detailed the causes of death, wasn't really qualified to state them in detail. I was the XO at that time. There was no line of communication, or the lines were vague, "Killed by missle fire in actions against the enemy." That was the limits of my knowledge, and I found that nearly all families didn't want to know the gory details. I wasn't trying to hide anything, just wasn't qualified to say.

But some families do want to know the gory details, which I've seen as a cop. They want to view the mangled bodies of accident victims for some reason I don't want to comtemplate. Of course, you can't deny them this, or deny them photographs, or anything else, but such isn't usually available to combat deaths. And suicides, of course, no one wants to believe a loved on killed himself, or died by accident, or just ran out of luck. "Killed by a land mine" is usually about as far as it goes wihtout a huge amount of speculation by someone who just doesn't know.
Originally Posted by Steve_NO
the blacks you can explain. extreme lefties, code pinkers, union stooges, greenpeace types.....those kind of whites always vote democrat. what got him elected were those white folks who wanted to feel good about themselves, so they voted for the black guy knowing nothing about him except that he was black and didn't come on like a mau mau.

You forgot the millions who were willing to vote for anything that was the opposite of Republican regardless of how horrible it might become. The mid term elections two years prior easily demonstrated just how disenfranchised with the party and its basic policies and practices the electorate had become. When the party didn't take the message to heart, the voters took it out on them in '08.

The concept of "Change" won the election, BO just happened to reap the benefits. And we all get to suffer for it.

Posted By: Gene L Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
I think GWB, whom I voted for twice, is the cause of BO's election. Folks were pissed, and still are, just pissed for a different reason. Hell, I was pissed, but still voted McCain. But for a moment I toyed with voting the other way because I saw my savings take a deep dip on the 08 market. Yep, I was an angry guy. Now, I'm just resolved.

So I can understand some who did. For some, it wasn't so much a vote for Obama as a vote against the Bush adminstration.
Posted By: Barkoff Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
I wonder if Obama is voted out in 2012, will black cities burn?
Posted By: levrluvr Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by Barkoff
I wonder if Obama is voted out in 2012, will black cities burn?

I suppose that's a possibility, but what if a black were to run against him and beat him? Would that make everything AOK?
LOL I meet them everyday its on the bumper and says Obama/Biden then it fades out of focus and reappears as Dumb/Ass.
Posted By: Karnis Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Hopefully millions like him will vote RINO's and Libs out in November. Can't be said there wasn't enough info on BO to make most recoil in horror at the thought.

wow Pat i would think in your vocation you'd come across a broader spectrum of folks and know more Obama supporters, am thinking from now on i'm just gonna shorten that to O-holes...grin

my work cuts across the political spectrum and I've two folks that i consider friends, good people that not only voted for him but are still proud of the fact and support him.

they're still stuck on "he's bright and well educated" both are college types that are starstruck by Ivy league degrees. and feel it's the mess he inherited (read Bush's fault, sigh) and that he has a plan to get us out of this horrible mess.

i feel like we're on the Titanic, Bush got us off course with his spending and gov't growth, we changed skippers and his idea is "full speed ahead we're gonna ram that iceberg and turn it into ice cubes"

it just amazes me that folks I know and like can support the guy, they both know I'm a card carrying member of the R party

no, not Republican, Redneck
Posted By: RickyD Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
It's hard for most people to admit error. Particularly high stakes errors, often until further denial is ludicrous. I believe otherwise responsible citizens who voted for Obama will respond much like women with any morals who had an abortion in a time of vulnerability and fear. Both are typically victims of the lying left with their hidden agendas to kill and destroy truth, cloaked in the guise of information and concern.

At some point many of these misled, yet irresponsible, voters will have a heartbreaking epiphany and hopefully adopt a never-again resolution.

But this should never be forgotten, if we had a media divested from agenda, rather than wholly given over to it, we would not have Obama.
Posted By: nemesis Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by ltppowell
My first one. At least the first one that I would associate with. It was pretty interesting. He is a medical professional and avid sportsman. He was also very honest and sincere. When talk ranged to politics, he admitted (apologetically)that he had voted for Obama. It seems the main reason for his vote was a very personal one. His nephew, a Navy Corpsman died mysteriously and the family got nothing from the Government but a big FU in way of explanation. Once he started talking about it, I couldn't stop him. Professionally, his own decision is ruining him, and he knows it. Emotionally, he would have foregone anything for change of the status quo. I'm only sharing this to remind some of you that not everybody who made that mistake is an idiot. Some were just desperate.


The guy may not be an idiot, but what he did was certainly idiotic.

It's up to each individual as to whether they want to forgive someone for doing something stupid.

In this case, with all that was at stake, I wouldn't cut that dude an inch of slack!!

But that's just me...........
Posted By: 30338 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
A client, longtime east coaster, volunteered that he and his family had been lifelong dems. He voted for o and deeply regrets it to the point that he is actually switching sides. The obama stickers are incredibly annoying and I love pulling up alongside to see what an idiot looks like.
I take a peek at the driver to when I see a BHO bumper sticker. I wonder how their mind is wired.
Posted By: CWG Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Elections have consequences.
I have had bad luck this last 3 months and been in and out of doctors offices, MRI's etc and have yet to meet ONE med pro who supported the health bill...not ONE!
And I ask, forget wading into it, I bluntly asked each one, be it the girl who takes your blood pressure, the dude working the MRI machine, the doctor (be they ER, or family or specialist or chiropractor), physical therapy people, the nurses, all of them, I asked.
Not one liked it, ALL said something needs to be done blah blah and all had ideas, most common being tort reform (go back to the panel of doctors privately assessing a malpractice claim, judged by peers, not by jury) and insurance administration restrictions (overhead for insurance companies and paperwork)
I'm talking a total of 25 give or take and NONE like the bill?
Posted By: CrowRifle Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Here in NC when you pull along side a car with a O bumper sticker it might well be Ozzie and Harriet driving it. Problem around here are the lifelong democrats whose mantra is "My dad was a democrat and by God I'm a democrat to." They don't have sense or internet access to see through all of the MSM bullsh!t that is being thrown at them. Hopefully some of this blind allegiance to the party will die off as their generation fades.
Posted By: bruinruin Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by elkhunter76

People like that I can forgive...it is the assshooles that still have BO bumper stickers on their cars like a badge of honor are the ones I would like to run off the road......

Originally Posted by sourdough44
I take a peek at the driver to when I see a BHO bumper sticker. I wonder how their mind is wired.

Boy, this sounds just like my behavior when I see a vehicle in traffic with a Bammy sticker. I ususally find myself pulling up next to them and performing a glaring headshake kind of move.
Posted By: CEJ1895 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
bruinruin - I just pull up next to them point to their bumper and flip them off!
Posted By: Redneck Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by elkhunter76

People like that I can forgive...it is the assshooles that still have BO bumper stickers on their cars like a badge of honor are the ones I would like to run off the road......
...along with those with 'Wellstone' bumper stickers...

I see one of those and I gotta take a pill... laugh
Originally Posted by elkhunter76

People like that I can forgive...it is the assshooles that still have BO bumper stickers on their cars like a badge of honor are the ones I would like to run off the road......

This past November my son switched Scout troops. The old one was a perpetual cluster that seemed likely to fold before long. The new one is well organized and run straight out of the Scoutmasters handbook. Last weekend we meet for a camping trip and the Scoutmaster pulls into the parking lot in a van with both an Obama and a Eric Massa sticker on the bumper. My heart sank. How bad does that look? A scoumaster with a Massa sticker on his vehicle? I think the Lord is testing me.
Posted By: ltppowell Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
wow Pat i would think in your vocation you'd come across a broader spectrum of folks and know more Obama supporters, am thinking from now on i'm just gonna shorten that to O-holes...grin

Oh, plenty of the folks I work around are Democrats. I have professional relationships with many, many people that I do not, and will not, ever have a personal relationship with. Hence, politics will never be spoken in those circles. These are minorities, politicians, union workers and lawyers. There is an unspoken rule that politics is not discussed, as cops are almost always rigidly conservative and the others likewise.

The dialog mentioned comes from a cardiologist who purchased a recurve bow from me that I sold through a local classified site.
Posted By: rost495 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Its GWB's fault.

What a [bleep] looser.
Posted By: rost495 Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by Southerntier8
Originally Posted by elkhunter76

People like that I can forgive...it is the assshooles that still have BO bumper stickers on their cars like a badge of honor are the ones I would like to run off the road......

This past November my son switched Scout troops. The old one was a perpetual cluster that seemed likely to fold before long. The new one is well organized and run straight out of the Scoutmasters handbook. Last weekend we meet for a camping trip and the Scoutmaster pulls into the parking lot in a van with both an Obama and a Eric Massa sticker on the bumper. My heart sank. How bad does that look? A scoumaster with a Massa sticker on his vehicle? I think the Lord is testing me.

I'd have loaded my son up and left instantly.
Posted By: VAnimrod Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Its GWB's fault.

What a [bleep] looser.

Typical StupidAssCharlie.
Originally Posted by ltppowell
My first one. At least the first one that I would associate with. It was pretty interesting. He is a medical professional and avid sportsman. He was also very honest and sincere. When talk ranged to politics, he admitted (apologetically)that he had voted for Obama. It seems the main reason for his vote was a very personal one. His nephew, a Navy Corpsman died mysteriously and the family got nothing from the Government but a big FU in way of explanation. Once he started talking about it, I couldn't stop him. Professionally, his own decision is ruining him, and he knows it. Emotionally, he would have foregone anything for change of the status quo. I'm only sharing this to remind some of you that not everybody who made that mistake is an idiot. Some were just desperate.

I sympathize with this man's pain but I do not understand his reaction ; did he think that G.W. Bush and/or the GOP had any part in the delay and poor quality of the response he got from the Navy???

This guy may not be an idiot, but under the stress of pain he made a bad judgment.


In the end it does not matter because electing a RINO like McCain would have been worse - probably much worse - in the long term, but nevertheless his analysis of the situation was totally wrong!!!
Posted By: 257wby Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
We can all shake our heads and look to the future, but if the R's nominate another Old White Guy because it's his turn, we will go down to defeat again.

God knows I respect the Bob Doles and John McCains of this world for their service and patriotism, but the deeds of 40 years past do not relate to the problems facing us in the 40 years ahead.

Some place in this country is a smart person that is honest and diligent. Of course a person like that would never lower themselves to politics.
Posted By: isaac Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
We might consider focusing on the House and Senate in 2010 rather than who will be president in 2012.

How much would Bam-Bam have passed since elected if he had Clinton's 1994 headwinds under the leadership of Gingrich rather than the Pelosi and Reid rubber-stamping he has at his disposal now?
Posted By: RWE Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by isaac
We might consider focusing on the House and Senate in 2010 rather than who will be president in 2012.

nice try.

Can't get people to stop bashing Bush or how bad a fug up McCain was.

Beginning to wonder who's actually an agent around here.

just sayin
Posted By: SAcharlie Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by VAnimrod
Originally Posted by rost495
Originally Posted by SAcharlie
Its GWB's fault.

What a [bleep] looser.

Typical StupidAssCharlie.

No sense of humor. Stay home then.
[Linked Image]
Posted By: BarryC Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by 257wby
We can all shake our heads and look to the future, but if the R's nominate another Old White Guy because it's his turn, we will go down to defeat again.

God knows I respect the Bob Doles and John McCains of this world for their service and patriotism, but the deeds of 40 years past do not relate to the problems facing us in the 40 years ahead.

Some place in this country is a smart person that is honest and diligent. Of course a person like that would never lower themselves to politics.

Chris Christie for President!
Posted By: Sycamore Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/23/10
Originally Posted by RickyD
It's hard for most people to admit error. Particularly high stakes errors, often until further denial is ludicrous.


I think you are quite right about that, and it cuts both ways. The other problem is voters (citizens) only getting off their ass once every 4 years, or once every two years for the more political voters.

IF the Republicans had kept (or put) the pressure on Bush to do a good job, instead of saying "who cares, at least he is not Al Gore" we would be miles ahead as a country.

But they sat on their collective asses for four years, and after four years the best they could say for Bush was, "well, he's better than John Kerry".

You'd be highly insulted if someone said those things to your face, I expect.

The Democrats have a system that almost guarantees they will not win a national election, they work hard at losing, and they are good at it.

Bush and Cheney were unpopular, and so was the way they 'sold' their policies (nationally), Cheney was not running, so the Democrats had a chance to win.

In order to lose, they decided to have a excruciatingly long primary season, and pit the most disliked woman in America, against an inexperienced, little-known black, first generation African-American with a Muslim name, to divide their own party and guarantee they would lose.

To top it off, they picked the inexperienced black guy, to go up against a respected, experienced, moderate senior Senator, with a war-hero record and a trophy wife.

You can call it on account of sunspots, global warming, the NYT (yeah, a lot of voters read that), anything you want.

The Democrats did their level best to lost the election (as they usually do), in fact they went beyond their normal circular firing squad routine.

And they still won? But the Republican Party, and its leaders must be held blameless in all this, right?

Who was the leader of the Party for 8 years preceding the election?

If it wasn't in a very large part, GWB's responsibility, I'd like to know who you would blame? The Democrats, for not nominating Hillary? For not nominating Al Sharpton?


Posted By: Sycamore Re: Met an Obama Voter Today - 04/24/10
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