For those people who think going against Sanders is a walk in the park or think the country would never vote for Socialism... Latest polls on head to head match ups. Everyone beats Clinton except Trump. Everyone loses to Sanders.

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 44, Trump 43 Clinton +1
General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Cruz 46, Clinton 43 Cruz +3
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Rubio 48, Clinton 41 Rubio +7
General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Kasich 47, Clinton 39 Kasich +8
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 43, Bush 44 Bush +1
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 48, Trump 42 Sanders +6
General Election: Cruz vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 49, Cruz 39 Sanders +10
General Election: Rubio vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 47, Rubio 41 Sanders +6
General Election: Kasich vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 45, Kasich 41 Sanders +4
General Election: Bush vs. Sanders Quinnipiac Sanders 49, Bush 39 Sanders +10
Yeah, the left threw everything they had at us including the kitchen sink (that would be Hillary in case you can't tell looking at her) just to see how gullible we really are.

I think they'll be pleasantly "surprised".
The interesting thing of all of this , while given most polls aren't worth the paper they are written on is Kasich scores better against both Democratic possibilities than any of the other possible GOP candidates yet he doesn't seem to have a lot of traction in the Republican race.
You know how people get real nervous about the idea of doing a Constitutional convention (at the Federal level not an Article 5 convention of the states)? Because even if you think you're safe, there's always that chance that they pass something we all regret giving them the chance to pass? Well, that's how I see Sanders. Part of me wants to have faith in the people and believe that there's no way in Hell they would ever elect a Socialist. The other part of me says "Jesus Christ, what if they did it? Let's not even give them the chance."
Oh you have to take Sanders seriously. He's inspired the youth the same as Obama did. And whoever thought BO could win a general election? Much less two!
Damn, Cruz REALLY gets his azz handed to him against Sanders. Some best re-think their positions. wink

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton USA Today/Suffolk Clinton 43, Trump 45 Trump +2

General Election: Trump vs. Sanders USA Today/Suffolk Sanders 43, Trump 44 Trump +1

Poll from yesterday. Things are way to volatile to believe in polls that far out. Hell, there are 8 point swings from day to day regarding the general election, which to me is unreliable.

The country as a whole IS going socialist. Whether that was planned or merely abetted, it is a fact.

People have found that they can vote themselves largesse out of the public funds, so much so that they depend on that largesse and would be afraid to try anything else, so the future is going the way it has for every other democracy or republic there ever was or ever will be.

The left wing socializing (I use that word deliberately) of the young by the schools and particularly the colleges has worked. Their young minds which never knew any differently accept the "fact" that rich people and capitalism are all bad and the government is the savior of mankind and will take care of everybody.

We might stave it off, maybe, for another 4 or 8 years but it's coming just as surely as young people are growing up and old people are dying off.

I'm guessing, as general statements are wont to do, that this will attract the hordes who think these general statements are directed at them personally and so will proclaim THEIR independence and how THEY aren't on the dole and yada yada. And I'm sure there really are lots of folks still like that - old and getting older.

But we and they are outnumbered and our ranks grow smaller with each passing day while theirs grow larger.

Sorry about that.
In todays America Bernie may be unbeatable. They outnumber us.
Originally Posted by Raeford
Damn, Cruz REALLY gets his azz handed to him against Sanders. Some best re-think their positions. wink

Not gonna dispute that in this poll Cruz doesn't look good against Sanders. My main point is that we should take this threat of the people voting for Socialism VERY seriously. Because even if we all want to believe it can't happen, it may.
Originally Posted by davet
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton USA Today/Suffolk Clinton 43, Trump 45 Trump +2

General Election: Trump vs. Sanders USA Today/Suffolk Sanders 43, Trump 44 Trump +1

Poll from yesterday. Things are way to volatile to believe in polls that far out. Hell, there are 8 point swings from day to day regarding the general election, which to me is unreliable.

Thanks, didn't see that one. I agree things are liquid right now. Just pretty disappointed that Sanders is ANYWHERE near even in the polls right now.
Originally Posted by moosemike
In todays America Bernie may be unbeatable. They outnumber us.

Not really, but we have a LOT,LOT,LOT of stay at homes that won't vote because their own fairhair is not the candidate. THAT has to end!!
Originally Posted by OutlawPatriot
Originally Posted by Raeford
Damn, Cruz REALLY gets his azz handed to him against Sanders. Some best re-think their positions. wink

Not gonna dispute that in this poll Cruz doesn't look good against Sanders. My main point is that we should take this threat of the people voting for Socialism VERY seriously. Because even if we all want to believe it can't happen, it may.

Believe me, after the past two presidential elections, I worry! Big Time!
Originally Posted by Raeford
Believe me, after the past two presidential elections, I worry! Big Time!

Exactly, going from a Socialist that jokes about not being a Socialist, to a Socialist who admits he's a Socialist, isn't a big jump.
It is probably about social security, Trump and Sanders say they are not changing it, and the candidates that are losing have a plan to change it.
Once again we are better if Hillary gets the nomination.
No way a guy like Bernie is this popular if folks weren't fed up with lying politicians. Same with trump.

i don't know that we would be better with pay to play hillary. You are saying you like the prostituted gov we have now. At least Bernie has some integrity.

It doesn't matter anyway....the DNC big shots have already stolen the race from him....the exact thing he complains about
how can he complain about that?

it's what he wants to do to the rest of us.

steal from those that work and earn, and give to those that do not.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Once again we are better if Hillary gets the nomination.

Yeah anyone owned by the bankers and WS is always the sensible choice.
Originally Posted by moosemike
Oh you have to take Sanders seriously. He's inspired the youth the same as Obama did. And whoever thought BO could win a general election? Much less two!

The numbers that matter are voter turnout.

In 2008 the Obama machine helped Democrats turn out 289k voters in the Iowa primaries. This year, they had 232k voters.

Take away - Sanders is no Obama.

Now for the good news.

In 2008 Republicans had 238k voters turnout. This year, 263k voters.

Take away - Republicans are winning the early turnout war which bodes well for them in the general election.
[Linked Image]
Yeah....it worries me. You have the Gimme Gang of self entitled socialists running around screaming for economic "justice" today. These dopes want everyone else to pay for everything for them.

Most of them can't blow their own noses.
We had damned well better take the Socialists seriously.


1. On paper Socialism (aka Communism) looks great. It has something for everybody and promises "Justice" for everyone and a "Fair Share" in all things. Don't believe me read the 1936 Soviet Constitution:


Unfortunately,in practice, its all theoretical and political whitewash. Nobody fairs well but the heavily centralized government and the Party elite.

2. Skilled politicians and slick public speakers (i.e. Obama) can use this theoretical claptrap to hoodwink a great majority of the people mainly because most people are not educated on the subject and in general terms pay little attention to political nuance and procedure.

3. We now have an entire generation of younger voters who, unlike most of us here at the Campfire, have grown up in a post Cold War world. There has been no great socialist/communist monolith adversary that was the USSR for them to see. All this generation has seen is the softer socialism like that which exists in Europe or the quasi "Free Market" communism of China.

4. A public educational system that is inundated with socialist true believers who have did their very best to inculcate the kids with the ideas that socialism is cool, hip and the "Right Thing" to do and set up capitalism and American tradition and the role of the United States as the global Boogerman instead of the true role our nation has filled as the greatest champion for the rights of man that the world has ever known.

These Party Apparatchiks are creating a mass of socialist converts on an industrial scale.

Small wonder that Socialism/Communism is gaining so much traction in the United States electoral process.

5. We are becoming more and more urbanized and like a highly contagious disease socialism flourishes in a highly populated urban area more so than in a less populated rural venue. Moreover, these growing population centers are always exerting more clout in the election process because of the sheer numbers.
Fox News Poll: Clinton 'feels the Bern,' trails Sanders by three points nationally

Bernie Sanders now tops Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination.

The latest Fox News national poll finds 47 percent of Democratic primary voters now back the Vermont senator, up from 37 percent in January. Clinton gets 44 percent, down from 49 percent a month ago.

This is the first time Sanders has been ahead of Clinton, who not long ago was regularly described as the “presumptive Democratic nominee.”

Clinton led Sanders in the Fox poll by as many as 46 points last summer, and had a 22-point lead as recently as two months ago.
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