Washington State is lost... idiots have completely taken it over...
WDFW has become impotent and the feds are out of control with their pet wolves. I’m sure that there’s so many game cameras that it’d be virtually impossible for a vigilante to extract justice more than 1 time.
Rock licking wolf lovers. I'm thinking high-quality frangible rifle projectiles need to become popular in Washington.
I’m afraid Sitka Deer is correct. The writing has been on the wall for years as I watched the utter destruction of our fish. There’s just too many chiefs but unfortunately, WE the sportsmen and women of Washington, don’t have any representation at the pow-wows. The tribes boldly dictate what, when and how we fish while they do as they please.

All that casino money can buy a lot of political influence and it can buy a lot of lawyers to bring massive suits against the state. The threat of those suits is usually enough to get the state to bend over backwards to appease the cock suckers.


Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I’ve hunted that area for years and years and the game department said that what I had seen was a coyote and not a wolf. I told them that it was as much a wolf as he was a fool and that since it was a coyote and no wolves were acknowledged to be there that I’d shoot the coyote and prove him wrong. A few years later I was hunting with my wife’s uncle who’s a well seasoned Alaskan Sourdough when he whispered “wolf” we couldn’t get a shot and it’s probably best that we didn’t because as much as I would’ve loved to have been right I likely would’ve had a mess of grief on my hands proving that they were liars.

The “research student” is likely a wolf hugger, the same type of jackass that wanted or advocated for the proliferation of an apex predator with no controls in place. If so they’d have done us all a favor if they were wolf shi.t rather than rescued.

Instead of going in and shooting 1 or 2 of them and instilling fear of people into that pack they instead proved to them that humans ARE a potential source of food since there were no consequences.

This state has mismanaged our fish and game so egregiously that it’s criminal. They’ve all but given the flat nosed, fish-eating Indians total control of OUR fish, game and ground. I’ll continue to hunt ducks and geese down here and I’ll continue to crab and dig razor clams because I get a good return on my investment but the day is coming where I’ll escape to our place up north and not waste one more penny in this once great state. It’s sad because I have priceless memories of my adventures down here but like everything else it’s been ruined by liberal fa.gs.
This is why there should be no private lands. Let the government run ammock
A new state WDFW director was recently hired from a position with the state Ecology department. See WDFW website.
If so, that is trouble right there with a large T.
That is standard behavior for the Wolf Hugging USFWS as well as the multiple liberal state game departments that kiss their asses.

It's pathetic.

Luckily the NM governor and a newly appointed Game Commission pulled NM OUT of the wolf program as far as any participation in it.

It sure did piss off the 2-3 state workers that were working full time covering up wolf kills and attacks. smile
One more example of why you don't trust your .gov.

Frigging shame but you just can't trust them.
No surprise here.

We had a bear attack a bow hunter locally a few years ago.
It was on the local TV news, once. Then the story died, no more coverage, no follow up.
No newspaper articles in any of the three local papers.

And bears aren't even a topic compared to wolves.
rockinbar, please don't get me going on the NM wolf mess.

As for WA state and its G&F Department, the mess now showing its full ugly carcass has been growing for at least 25 years - and longer than that with the fishery. We has one such "official" flat and simple deny the presence of a mountain lion which we had seen and photographed in and around a populated area between Interstate 5 and the Sound about 55 miles north of Seattle. He said the animal in the photos was not a Mountain Lion - it was a Cougar - and the photos had to have been shot elsewhere because there simply were none there. Some lost pets and a citizen scare later forced him off that pulpit. And, they want to seen as "professionals".
Woof huggers they would have left that poor gal to the wolves quite literally. Just to further their agenda.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
This is why there should be no private lands. Let the government run ammock

I caught that. Heh. Public land owner here.
The tribes truly get all the fish they want and to heck with the rest of us. When I lived there I thought it odd that there were very few rabbits, seemed the only non stocked fish were squaw fish and migratory fish. The interlocking nets on the Chehalis river were very effective. The smelt run is a lot of fun and they are good eating. Last time I was in Centralia the place was full of mushroom eating retards crashing their bikes into parked and moving cars. What a mess.
Well duh. It's WA. WDFW wouldn't admit for years that there were even wolves in the state... in an effort to gain support to bring them back.
Coment below ,

Lt. Robert Powell
July 18, 2018 at 2:58 am
As an old analys retired Mil. & Civ. the wolf issue, is simply one part of a larger scheme to drive ranchers off the land. “The Wildlands Project”, is one part of a larger political concept entitled “The Brundtland Report” which morphed into “Our Common Future. The Genesis of all of this, is the United Nations, who created the “Rio Accord” signed as voluntary ( not ) by Bush, to avoid Congressional rejection. In 1993, Clinton started the The “Commission on Sustainability” a word everyone now knows. In 1995, Clinton created an EX Order # 12858, forcing UN policies into Federal Agencies. You are now looking and living the result. This short slide set, exposes the genesis of, and slide # 17, is particularly relevant. In 1995, the UNEP report was conceived demanding the cessation of many actions. I have copy of the book, at 1100 pages. Here is the slide set: http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/28345505

You will note on slide # 17, the inclusion of Christianity – to be replaced by GAIA, a pagan fake religious construct by Gorbachov and Stephen Rockefeller. The Washington CCAttlemans Association has this material as well. What they are doing with it is unknown.

I post this video a few days ago , it touchs on the wolf stuff - Lt. Robert Powell is right . These are ''think tank'' projects to control future white populations .

I heard about someone going up a tree. Where, when did this attack occur, or is it a case of reporting going a bit overboard?
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