i was hunting before i was 16 and needed a hunting license.

hunting on family land, for squirrels and rabbits.

once got a fox sneaking up on the henhouse.

does a hunting license allow for the expression of male aggressiveness?

or is there more to it than that? women hunt too, right?

so, organic game animals are a resource & food source.

we use to have quail (partridges) but they're mostly gone.

so, here we are on the internet, in endless discussions.

i use to own a concealed carry permit, but no more.

no, it wasn't rejected due to whatever. i just got tired of taxes.

if one qualifies (is a citizen??) for a pistol permit, should it cost?
Oh Gus! Your premises are so wrong in so many ways.

For me, hunting is the exact opposite of aggressiveness. I'm trying to hunt, not out to fight anything.

Game animals are not unwitting proxies for my pent up anger.

The cost of a CC permit defrays the cost of processing and issuing the permit and maintaining the data as mandated by the state legislature. It isn't a tax. Yes, as long as the state mandates a CC license, then it should cost something to get one. That way you don't have to pay for my CC.
Originally Posted by shaman
Oh Gus! Your premises are so wrong in so many ways.

For me, hunting is the exact opposite of aggressiveness. I'm trying to hunt, not out to fight anything.

Game animals are not unwitting proxies for my pent up anger.

The cost of a CC permit defrays the cost of processing and issuing the permit and maintaining the data as mandated by the state legislature. It isn't a tax. Yes, as long as the state mandates a CC license, then it should cost something to get one. That way you don't have to pay for my CC.

that's libertarian logic is so many ways, up down & sideways.

the cost of a cc permit, why have the cost at all pray tell? because it's needed? by whom, exactly?

the revenue goes to something or somebody, group or orgn.

just eliminate the cost altoghether? i mean why not?

costs, where do costs come from, and where does the revenue end up? who benefits, and who pays?
To kill somethig in hunting is assertive, but I don't think it is per se aggressive. You may do it from any of a number of mindsets such as hunger, not necessarily aggression.
Since I did not understand the question good friend Gus posted, I'll just answer this way.

It may be some primal urge to believe one could survive, or even thrive as a pioneer human. Hunting game, and catching fish. True many women also hint, and fish.

Some women like to believe they have basic skills such as sewing, quilting being a advanced sewing skill.

I stated that over simple, but I hope I got a point across.
Gus, move to a constitutional carry state and forget the CC permit and taxes.
we don't need one here but i maintain one to eliminate the check when buying a firearm.
In America game animals, whether residing on public or private land, are recognized as being held in public trust. A hunting license documents your ability to take & utilize that public resource for a private good.

Your premeses in the OP sound extraordinarily pomo/PC in nature.

Read up on the history of our natural resources model in the US. It’s as ingenious as our system of government, and we ought to be just as grateful for it and willing/able to defend it.
how did concealed carry of guns get mixed in with hunting, or are we really talking about two different thingys?

what's wrong with hunting with a pistol?

it's become so complex & convoluted that my human mind can hardly keep up.

we always ate the game brought to the house...birds, squirrels, rabbits, and later on deer.

but what we're into now seems to be revenue sources for gov't?

taxes have been here for ages. so, taxes aren't an unknown item.

the question remains: who/which groups(s) benefit from tax revenues?
Originally Posted by Gus
i was hunting before i was 16 and needed a hunting license.

hunting on family land, for squirrels and rabbits.

once got a fox sneaking up on the henhouse.

does a hunting license allow for the expression of male aggressiveness?

or is there more to it than that? women hunt too, right?

so, organic game animals are a resource & food source.

we use to have quail (partridges) but they're mostly gone.

so, here we are on the internet, in endless discussions.

i use to own a concealed carry permit, but no more.

no, it wasn't rejected due to whatever. i just got tired of taxes.

if one qualifies (is a citizen??) for a pistol permit, should it cost?

We all bear the responsibility of not maintaining our 2A and many other rights.

It's not the governments fault either. We, corporately, allowed them to grow to be the bully over our rights.

Hard to turn back that clock, but I am willing to do my part if others will also. Will you?
Originally Posted by Gus
i was hunting before i was 16 and needed a hunting license.

hunting on family land, for squirrels and rabbits.

once got a fox sneaking up on the henhouse.

does a hunting license allow for the expression of male aggressiveness?

or is there more to it than that? women hunt too, right?

so, organic game animals are a resource & food source.

we use to have quail (partridges) but they're mostly gone.

so, here we are on the internet, in endless discussions.

i use to own a concealed carry permit, but no more.

no, it wasn't rejected due to whatever. i just got tired of taxes.

if one qualifies (is a citizen??) for a pistol permit, should it cost?

Well, first we really need to examine your Fox and Henhouse story more closely, in order to determine if you were being completely fair to the Fox. And that will help answer some of the others. Male aggressiveness for example. lol
Gus, now the question is just tax?

In the strictest sense, government exists to do what citizens can not do alone. National defense, police, fire protection, and such.
Tax that pays for those things money fairly spent.

What was the question again?
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Gus, now the question is just tax?

In the strictest sense, government exists to do what citizens can not do alone. National defense, police, fire protection, and such.
Tax that pays for those things money fairly spent.

What was the question again?

In too many cases the government appears to think it also needs to do those things the citizens would never do. That's what gets my back up.
Don’t give the commies any ideas. They come up with enough BS to sling around.
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Gus, now the question is just tax?

In the strictest sense, government exists to do what citizens can not do alone. National defense, police, fire protection, and such.
Tax that pays for those things money fairly spent.

What was the question again?

ah, the question of taxes and how much tax is enough? but does anyone know for sure?

seems like there's been taxes from at or even before the advent of this great country of ours. i hope we don't lose it over mindless bickering.

seems like we've got into two streams of thought about taxes: one is income, realty (land), and sales taxes, plus special uses.

special use taxes might be firearms permits, building permits, water permits, even fire districts.

taxes have a life of their own. no dog for me, because i'm not paying a dog registration fee. (no cat fee either).

it's a serious subject, it's gonna take a lot of talk before all is said & done?
Originally Posted by shaman
Oh Gus! Your premises are so wrong in so many ways.

For me, hunting is the exact opposite of aggressiveness. I'm trying to hunt, not out to fight anything.

Game animals are not unwitting proxies for my pent up anger.

The cost of a CC permit defrays the cost of processing and issuing the permit and maintaining the data as mandated by the state legislature. It isn't a tax. Yes, as long as the state mandates a CC license, then it should cost something to get one. That way you don't have to pay for my CC.

Your premise is frayed

If you don't keep records in the first place, which are not part of our Constitution, you don't need processing. And, therefore, have no processing cost.
We still got 4 canine teeth.
So hunting will continue.
Originally Posted by renegade50
We still got 4 canine teeth.
So hunting will continue.

and yes we do!

and so do the cats & wolven.

so we're not alone down here on earth.
Gus, we hunt because it is our nature. We are predators. So are dogs. It's in their instinct to hunt, they don't try to rationalize it. Why should we? And hunting, rationally following our instincts, puts us in touch with nature and our place in the environment, much more than hugging trees.
Originally Posted by efw
In America game animals, whether residing on public or private land, are recognized as being held in public trust. A hunting license documents your ability to take & utilize that public resource for a private good.

Your premeses in the OP sound extraordinarily pomo/PC in nature.

Read up on the history of our natural resources model in the US. It’s as ingenious as our system of government, and we ought to be just as grateful for it and willing/able to defend it.

EXTREMELY well said. Thank you.
Originally Posted by nighthawk
Gus, we hunt because it is our nature. We are predators. So are dogs. It's in their instinct to hunt, they don't try to rationalize it. Why should we? And hunting, rationally following our instincts, puts us in touch with nature and our place in the environment, much more than hugging trees.

yep, i think i agree with you. your opinion and perspective is right-on. it comes with the territory.

hugging trees is just a lax version of hunting in my opinion.

the gov't regulates who hunts and who doesn't.

tax revenue is important to the system.

in the system is where we live.
I think there is a little toxic masculinity floating just under the surface. I like it.
Originally Posted by Gus
i was hunting before i was 16 and needed a hunting license.

hunting on family land, for squirrels and rabbits.

once got a fox sneaking up on the henhouse.

does a hunting license allow for the expression of male aggressiveness?

or is there more to it than that? women hunt too, right?

so, organic game animals are a resource & food source.

we use to have quail (partridges) but they're mostly gone.

so, here we are on the internet, in endless discussions.

i use to own a concealed carry permit, but no more.

no, it wasn't rejected due to whatever. i just got tired of taxes.

if one qualifies (is a citizen??) for a pistol permit, should it cost?

Not for me Gus. Hunting has always been pretty much devoid of emotion for me. Just a job, and meat in the freezer. Much the same as knocking down a beef or hog in the pasture.

Dozens and dozens of deer,100s and 100s of pheasant, duck, and quail, even a cow elk. A bit of satisfaction with a good shot and a clean kill, but mostly a nothing-burger emotionally.

In the first sentence I said "pretty much". That qualifier refers to my first bull elk, a nice five point. Knocked down at 400 yds, and nearly 1/2 hour to trek across a canyon picking my way through buck brush and downed aspen higher than my head. When I finally made it down to the bull, I was bit overwhelmed at the majesty of the creature.The one and only time hunting was anything other than work and harvesting of meat.

So, no, there is certainly no aggression in me while hunting. Anyone who would claim so, has no knowledge of the sport. They are akin to the Democrat claiming we are training our children to be serial killers or mass murderers when we teach them to shoot..
When asked about hunting by a liberal, I just reply 'Do you ask a gay person why they are gay? You claim they have no choice, as it's how they are born. Well, it's the same with hunting, I have no choice but to hunt. It's not what I do, it's who I am, down to my very fiber of being.'
Scott, I very much like that response.
Poor gus, ever since LBJ popped his pooper he has been a pessimist in the first degree. If he fell in a barrel of titties he would emerge sucking his thumb. Doesn't have a CCW because of the taxes, far better to choose to be a victim. Life is tough, wear a helmet cupcake and be glad you were born free, white and American.

mike r
Gus, you aren't willing to work for free, so why do you believe it's right to force those who process your paperwork to do so? The Law states what is required, not the office worker, yet you lament the fact that he gets paid for his labor?
A hunting license is an agreement with the state that you'll not exceed bag limits, we hunt because we have forward facing eyes and canine teeth, we are meat eaters by design, and NO, if you're lawful enough to own guns, you shouldn't have to purchase a permit to carry a weapon for protection.
I hunt for the same reason a cat does Gus. Because I was born a predator and it's in my blood.
Mostly hunt for the same reason Clinton took on Monica. Because I can.

Those less understanding focus on the moments where I rush up to the downed animal, give it a swift kick, cut its throat, slice out a still pulsing heart, take a bite, high five and hug all of my accompanying buddies, and issue a primal scream into the camera. .
I liken the fees I pay to hunt and fish as paying my tribute to the "King" to hunt on his estate.

I hunt because animals taste good.
I once read the emotion one feels while hunting described as fierce joy. That sums it up pretty well for me.
Originally Posted by TNrifleman
I once read the emotion one feels while hunting described as fierce joy. That sums it up pretty well for me.

it's almost a mystical experience when i draw down on a buck, doe or hog even a squirrel.

there's something going on when i choose to take an animal's life so i can eat it.

i try to never lay eyes on big wary game like older deer or hogs.

humans have hunted for 10,000 years at least.

paying the kings ransom to hunt lives on.

i still hate a pistol toter's tax.
Let me be clear: It would be my preference if there were no laws addressing the carry of firearms-- open, concealed or otherwise. It should be entirely regulated and adjudicated based on safe and lawful use. If you use a hammer to pound a nail, who cares if you carry it around on your belt or a toolbox? If you drop it on someone's toe or throw it at someone, that's negligence or assault.

However, given that we have laws that attempt to control firearms carry, and it includes a permit, I find no reason for there not to be a reasonable fee for issuing such a permit.
Gus, In my case and many others, I think you have missed the point of hunting. Game hunting is to put meat on the table. Predator hunting is to control the predator populations, so there is more game in the area I hunt or to get rid of invasive animals in the area. The fact that I like to hunt, just makes it better. I do not go indiscriminately shooting animals.
I think that it has been settled that Arkansas is a Constitutional carry State, and they are expected to pass some kind of stand your ground law this session, but I will keep my concealed carry permit up to date because I travel to other States where it is needed. It is also nice to buy a gun without any waiting for a background check. miles
In NH anyone that can legally buy a gun, can carry concealed. No permit required, no paperwork , no fee. Most local PD's will still still issue paper permits if you want.
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