It's fricking terrifying. Complete authoritarianism/police state and class warfare, and control of all aspects of life, work, income, education, etc. With Bernie (and his acolyte Cortex) at the dictatorial politburo table. We've all known how off his rocker this commie is, but to actually see his "plan" in writing is, well, terrifying.

If you can stomach it:

The clown’s been a loser all his life but carved a high falootin lifestyle for himself and a cult following.

I ain’t drinkin’ their koolaide. I’ll get a beer down at the Tun Tavern. 😉

Chris Matthews is right.

Please vote Trump he says.
If you are on 10 hits of LSD, it could make some sense, but not really.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The clown’s been a loser all his life but carved a high falootin lifestyle for himself and a cult following.

I ain’t drinkin’ their koolaide. I’ll get a beer down at the Tun Tavern. 😉

I'll join you at the Tun..SEMPER FI!
I hope he gets the nomination.

#1 The democrats deserve what they get from it.

#2 Trump will wipe him out on the electoral map. It will be epic!!
That gave me shivers. Actually I am surprised the old guard demo-craps have let him get this far.

I suggest stockpiling again.
It's terrifying that every four years there's even a possibility of one of these radical left loonies becoming president, but this cycle is the most dangerous in the history of the nation. Sadly, while Trump is a lot better, he's a huge disappointment in many ways, too. Still the same, Trump would be the obvious choice vs one of these wackos from Hell.
This morning, as I watched the scary commercials on TV for Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer(?), it hit me! The Dems know Trump is virtually unbeatable, so they are putting up the "white guys" they know have no chance - saving their black women - Michelle Obama, Oprah, etc. - for the NEXT election, so they don't get embarrassed too badly. This will be the last presidential election for some time with a white guy running as the Dem nominee!

Mike Holmes
If you're 30 years old, have a man bun, a post graduate degree in art history and live in your parents basement, it makes a lot of sense.
Posted By: efw Re: Anyone Read Bernie's proposal? - 02/25/20
Wait you mean to say that a guy who honeymooned in the Soviet Union and sang their natl anthem shirtless on film for all to see might be an authoritarian???

I’m incredulous.
Originally Posted by Mikewriter
This morning, as I watched the scary commercials on TV for Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer(?), it hit me! The Dems know Trump is virtually unbeatable, so they are putting up the "white guys" they know have no chance - saving their black women - Michelle Obama, Oprah, etc. - for the NEXT election, so they don't get embarrassed too badly. This will be the last presidential election for some time with a white guy running as the Dem nominee!

Mike Holmes

This is what the Democrats did back in 1984 with Reagan vs Mondale. They put Mondale up as the sacrificial lamb knowing that nobody could beat Reagan and saved the Democrat bench for later.

...but this is different, Bernie is not their sacrificial lamb. he isn't even a Democrat, The Democrat Establishment doesn't want Bernie anywhere near the nomination, so they really aren't sending him out to slaughter like they did Mondale.

That and the fact that the Democrats simply cannot further their agenda without control of the courts, especially the Supreme Court. RBG is going to be replaced before 2024. The Democrats cannot afford for President Trump to replace her with another Constitutionalist . Waiting until after 2023 to unveil their new savior is not an option, a 6-3 SC will destroy everything they have worked for for the past 50+ years.

I'm not sure what they are going to do to win/steal the 2020 election, but they are going to do something. Their survival depends on it.
If Bernie gets nominated he will pull 50% of the vote nationwide. Maybe not enough to win the EC. Doesn't say much good about our fellow citizens does it? The despicable Hillary and Obama pulled over 50%.
Originally Posted by Hastings
If Bernie gets nominated he will pull 50% of the vote nationwide. Maybe not enough to win the EC. Doesn't say much good about our fellow citizens does it? The despicable Hillary and Obama pulled over 50%.

Thank God that most illegals (along with their voting US Citizen offspring) cluster in the big liberal cities. This prevents their numbers from winning enough electoral votes to overwhelm the remainder of the electorate.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The clown’s been a loser all his life but carved a high falootin lifestyle for himself and a cult following.

This is the damn truth. All you need to do is read the wikipedia article on him for proof
Originally Posted by GaryLL1959
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The clown’s been a loser all his life but carved a high falootin lifestyle for himself and a cult following.

I ain’t drinkin’ their koolaide. I’ll get a beer down at the Tun Tavern. 😉

I'll join you at the Tun..SEMPER FI!

I'll invite y'all over to the Green Dragon. I wasn't a Marine. They'll probably kick my ass over there if they find out I'm Army alumni.

Dan Bongino talks about how much of your money Bernie will steal from you to pay for his Marxist schemes. He'll probably have to invade another country and steal their schitt too.

Originally Posted by Hastings
If Bernie gets nominated he will pull 50% of the vote nationwide. Maybe not enough to win the EC. Doesn't say much good about our fellow citizens does it? The despicable Hillary and Obama pulled over 50%.

..............Exactly...... We are now seeing the last 5 decades or so of the "dumbing down" of America coming to fruition. There's more gullible fools reaching voting age every year and the commies are starting to reap what they've sown. Welcome to the Great Society.............. Vote for me and get stuff free !!!!!
the reason the left want 16 year olds to vote is again made obvious

bernie supporters are textbook examples of arrested development.

Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
It's terrifying that every four years there's even a possibility of one of these radical left loonies becoming president, but this cycle is the most dangerous in the history of the nation. Sadly, while Trump is a lot better, he's a huge disappointment in many ways, too. Still the same, Trump would be the obvious choice vs one of these wackos from Hell.

I'm trying to remember the last election that I was voting for what I wanted .... as opposed to what I definitely didnt want?
Did anyone actually read it?
Why do you ask?

Look good to ya did it?
Originally Posted by Old Ornery
If you are on 10 hits of LSD, it could make some sense, but not really.
I'm not going to read Crazy Bernie's BS, but if it's anything like Marx, your statement fits perfectly.

Marx was a raving lunatic!
I really don't like the responses I'm seeing here. You can not just dismiss these people out of had. These thoughts and ideas will become more mainstream as these people get older. You just can't write these people off with a "better red than dead" phrase. They must be allowed to speak their thoughts and ideas. Then hopefully, they can be shown in a logical and thought out manner why socialism will never work. One thing that has gone out the door is thoughtful debate and intellect. Anyway, my 2 cents.
Originally Posted by Hastings
If Bernie gets nominated he will pull 50% of the vote nationwide. Maybe not enough to win the EC. Doesn't say much good about our fellow citizens does it? The despicable Hillary and Obama pulled over 50%.

There's a lot of truth in that..............half the country will never for GOP no matter who the Demon candidate is.................but a lot of them will / may likely stay home too.

If Bern were to be elected & implement his plans, there'd be no on left to tax after a couple of years as all his plan just keep adding up the "small" taxes on the same group of individual & corps..............country would be completely destitute in 5 years & there's be no freebies for anyone........................but I bet there'd be a fir amount of anarchy.

Guy's a flaming nut case that needs to be locked up.

Every one of these socialism zealots sees themselves as the World's Robin Hood, out to "take from the rich and give to the poor" - except that they also realize that all that loot will pass through their all-powerful hands along the way. And some of it never manages the trip. If you've stolen once from the rich, what's the difference in stealing again? There has never, ever been a poor dictator.
I read the proposals and a sane person would be aghast at them. But his consistent voter turnout in the primaries shows the scary reality of human nature.

"Free stuff" is a powerful motivator and once received an even more powerful and incredibly addictive narcotic, and "we'll make those rich ass holes whom you envy and hate pay for it all" is an even bigger draw.

Most people do not think beyond the sphere of their own day to day lives and look for someone else to blame for all their troubles. That's what makes communism and class warfare so attractive - you get free stuff you don't have to work for and at the same time we punish the people who are 110% responsible for your life sucking like it does 'cause, ya know, it just can't be anything you're doing.

Anyone with half a brain can see how it absolutely kills the soul - three generations and counting of black and white trash welfare recipients, anybody? - and how it destroys countries.

But hey! Free Stuff!
why do folks waste time reading [bleep] from people they don't even consider voting for?? You know he is not what you want. Why further it?
This should be enough for anyone on here.

Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by Mikewriter
This morning, as I watched the scary commercials on TV for Bloomberg, Bernie, and Steyer(?), it hit me! The Dems know Trump is virtually unbeatable, so they are putting up the "white guys" they know have no chance - saving their black women - Michelle Obama, Oprah, etc. - for the NEXT election, so they don't get embarrassed too badly. This will be the last presidential election for some time with a white guy running as the Dem nominee!

Mike Holmes

This is what the Democrats did back in 1984 with Reagan vs Mondale. They put Mondale up as the sacrificial lamb knowing that nobody could beat Reagan and saved the Democrat bench for later.

...but this is different, Bernie is not their sacrificial lamb. he isn't even a Democrat, The Democrat Establishment doesn't want Bernie anywhere near the nomination, so they really aren't sending him out to slaughter like they did Mondale.

That and the fact that the Democrats simply cannot further their agenda without control of the courts, especially the Supreme Court. RBG is going to be replaced before 2024. The Democrats cannot afford for President Trump to replace her with another Constitutionalist . Waiting until after 2023 to unveil their new savior is not an option, a 6-3 SC will destroy everything they have worked for for the past 50+ years.

I'm not sure what they are going to do to win/steal the 2020 election, but they are going to do something. Their survival depends on it.

This pretty well sums it up. Democrats don't want an independent as their candidate and can't depend on the voters to make the right choice.
How is his plan going to be funded when the billionaires move to Morocco? A bit surprised to see that the top 1.8% of wage earners is only $250K/yr. Won't be long before $100K/yr is considered rich and will be taxed into oblivion.
He throws trillions around like millions......totally out of his mind, even with his BEST case scenario which ain't happening.

How Does Bernie Pay for His Major Plans?

College for All and Cancel Student Debt

It will cost $2.2 trillion to make public colleges, universities and trade schools tuition-free and to cancel all student debt over the next decade. It is fully paid for by a modest tax on Wall Street speculation that will raise an estimated $2.4 trillion over ten years. Click here to read the plan.
Expanding Social Security

Bernie’s bill to expand Social Security will increase benefits for low-income senior citizens and people with disabilities by more than $1,300 a year. It is fully paid for by making the wealthiest 1.8 percent of Americans – those with incomes over $250,000 a year – pay the same rate into Social Security as working families.

This bill will also extend the solvency of Social Security into the year 2070 – ensuring that Social Security can pay every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 50 years.

Click here to read the plan.
Housing for All

Bernie’s proposal to guarantee housing as a human right and to eliminate homelessness will cost $2.5 trillion over the next decade. It is fully paid for by a wealth tax on the top one-tenth of one percent – those who have a net worth of at least $32 million. (Bernie’s wealth tax will raise a total of $4.35 trillion.)

Click here to read Bernie's plan to tax on extreme wealth.
Universal Childcare/Pre-K

Bernie’s proposal to guarantee universal childcare and pre-school to every family in America who needs it will cost $1.5 trillion. It is fully paid for by a wealth tax on the top 0.1 percent – those who have a net worth of at least $32 million. (Bernie’s wealth tax will raise a total of $4.35 trillion.)

Click here to read the tax plan.
Eliminating Medical Debt

Bernie has introduced a proposal to eliminate all of the $81 billion in past due medical debt held by 79 million Americans. It is fully paid for by establishing an income inequality tax on large corporations that pay CEOs at least 50 times more than average workers. .

Click here to read the tax plan.
Green New Deal

The $16.3 trillion climate change proposal that Bernie has introduced will fundamentally transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and towards energy efficiency and renewable energy. It will also create 20 million good-paying union jobs in the process.

It is fully paid for by:

Raising $3.085 trillion by making the fossil fuel industry pay for their pollution, through litigation, fees, and taxes, and eliminating federal fossil fuel subsidies.
Generating $6.4 trillion in revenue from the wholesale of energy produced by the regional Power Marketing Administrations. This revenue will be collected from 2023-2035, and after 2035 electricity will be virtually free, aside from operations and maintenance costs.
Reducing defense spending by $1.215 trillion by scaling back military operations on protecting the global oil supply.
Collecting $2.3 trillion in new income tax revenue from the 20 million new jobs created by the plan.
Saving $1.31 trillion by reduced the need for federal and state safety net spending due to the creation of millions of good-paying, unionized jobs.
Raising $2 trillion in revenue by making large corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

Key Points:

By averting climate catastrophe we will save: $2.9 trillion over 10 years, $21 trillion over 30 years and $70.4 trillion over 80 years.
If we do not act, the U.S. will lose $34.5 trillion by the end of the century in economic productivity.

Click here to read the tax plan.
Medicare for All

According to a February 15, 2020 study by epidemiologists at Yale University, the Medicare for All bill that Bernie wrote would save over $450 billion in health care costs and prevent 68,000 unnecessary deaths – each and every year.

Since 2016, Bernie has proposed a menu of financing options that would more than pay for the Medicare for All legislation he has introduced according to the Yale study.

These options include:

Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four.

In 2018, the typical working family paid an average of $6,015 in premiums to private health insurance companies. Under this option, a typical family of four earning $60,000, would pay a 4 percent income-based premium to fund Medicare for All on income above $29,000 – just $1,240 a year – saving that family $4,775 a year. Families of four making less than $29,000 a year would not pay this premium.

(Revenue raised: About $4 trillion over 10 years.)

Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $1 million in payroll to protect small businesses.

In 2018, employers paid an average of $14,561 in private health insurance premiums for a worker with a family of four. Under this option, employers would pay a 7.5 percent payroll tax to help finance Medicare for All – just $4,500 – a savings of more than $10,000 a year.

(Revenue raised: Over $5.2 trillion over 10 years.)

Eliminating health tax expenditures, which would no longer be needed under Medicare for All.

(Revenue raised: About $3 trillion over 10 years.)

Raising the top marginal income tax rate to 52% on income over $10 million.

(Revenue raised: About $700 billion over 10 years.)

Replacing the cap on the state and local tax deduction with an overall dollar cap of $50,000 for a married couple on all itemized deductions.

(Revenue raised: About $400 billion over 10 years.)

Taxing capital gains at the same rates as income from wages and cracking down on gaming through derivatives, like-kind exchanges, and the zero tax rate on capital gains passed on through bequests.

(Revenue raised: About $2.5 trillion over 10 years.)

Enacting the For the 99.8% Act, which returns the estate tax exemption to the 2009 level of $3.5 million, closes egregious loopholes, and increases rates progressively including by adding a top tax rate of 77% on estate values in excess of $1 billion.

(Revenue raised: $336 billion over 10 years.)

Enacting corporate tax reform including restoring the top federal corporate income tax rate to 35 percent.

(Revenue raised: $3 trillion ,of which $1 trillion would be used to help finance Medicare for All and $2 trillion would be used for the Green New Deal.)

Using $350 billion of the amount raised from the tax on extreme wealth to help finance Medicare for All.
Man I'm glad I read all that now. I think I won't vote for him........
Originally Posted by Hastings
If Bernie gets nominated he will pull 50% of the vote nationwide. Maybe not enough to win the EC. Doesn't say much good about our fellow citizens does it? The despicable Hillary and Obama pulled over 50%.

Not sure on O'Numbnuts, but negatory on the Hildabeast. she got 48.2% of the total votes cast in 2016. There were over 5 million votes cast for neither the Beast or Trump.

Bubba Clinton got in in 1992 with 43% of the popular vote. but for Perot, Bush sr would have been a shoo-in.
Bubba also failed to get over 50% of the vote in 1996.
It’s like he doesn’t expect people to alter their behavior to avoid taxes but just to line up and do what they’re told. Like his wealth inequality tax on companies that are paying the ceo 50x the companies average wage, I would imagine if this ever passes a whole lot of companies are just going to pay the ceo 48x
My biggest fear is that the leftist indoctrinators in the schools have created a giant group of useful idiots that will out vote sane people in about 20 years (think that Thunberg idiot multiplied by the millions). Things really do not look good for the future without some major intervention.
He should be run out of the country.
Originally Posted by 12344mag
I hope he gets the nomination.

#1 The democrats deserve what they get from it.

#2 Trump will wipe him out on the electoral map. It will be epic!!

Epic was Reagan over Mondale.

Trump would indeed wipe him out, probably worse than Hil, but there are just too many loony leftists out there to go completely epic.

Those good old days are behind us I'm afraid. smile
Originally Posted by Kellywk
It’s like he doesn’t expect people to alter their behavior to avoid taxes but just to line up and do what they’re told.

Exactly. Like his proposed tax on stock trading. Short term trading would just go away taking with it the market liquidity that everyone now days is used to.
Originally Posted by deltakid
My biggest fear is that the leftist indoctrinators in the schools have created a giant group of useful idiots that will out vote sane people in about 20 years (think that Thunberg idiot multiplied by the millions). Things really do not look good for the future without some major intervention.

Originally Posted by mtnsnake
He should be run out of the country.

So should teachers.
Originally Posted by deltakid
My biggest fear is that the leftist indoctrinators in the schools have created a giant group of useful idiots that will out vote sane people in about 20 years (think that Thunberg idiot multiplied by the millions). Things really do not look good for the future without some major intervention.

This exactly what we are facing in 2024. I think Trump will win this year but the next election could see the liberals back in control.
[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]
I want Bernie to get the nomination. He's so scary even the Bush clan will stay home. Bloomberg is the only one that will draw enough "moderates" to make a real showing, but if they steal the nomination from Bernie to run Mikey, he'll either go third party or tell his goons to stay home.

Right now, the knife fight in SC is writing campaign ads for Trump that'll run until November. Every crazy, sexist, creepy-ass thing these guys have ever said or done is out there for everyone to "enjoy".
$7.20 before state and local sales tax, gasoline tax, excise tax on everything from tires to shoes, liquor tax.
everyone thats been paying attention knows they're already in the 50% tax bracket
Posted By: efw Re: Anyone Read Bernie's proposal? - 03/13/20
Originally Posted by JimFromTN
Did anyone actually read it?

Did you memorize it?
Originally Posted by GaryLL1959
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The clown’s been a loser all his life but carved a high falootin lifestyle for himself and a cult following.

I ain’t drinkin’ their koolaide. I’ll get a beer down at the Tun Tavern. 😉

I'll join you at the Tun..SEMPER FI!

I'm there too, but make mine a root beer please.
Posted By: las Re: Anyone Read Bernie's proposal? - 03/13/20
Originally Posted by RockyRaab
Every one of these socialism zealots sees themselves as the World's Robin Hood, out to "take from the rich and give to the poor" - except that they also realize that all that loot will pass through their all-powerful hands along the way. And some of it never manages the trip. If you've stolen once from the rich, what's the difference in stealing again? There has never, ever been a poor dictator.

Hitler was. Too damned crazy even to steal.
I didn't read the whole thing, can you just highlight the part about building the wall?
Bernie's motto is - "Tax and spend"

The scary thing is, I've talked to millenials who actually believe the solution is to "just print more money" !
They must have never heard how well that worked for the Nazi's.
Originally Posted by rost495
Man I'm glad I read all that now. I think I won't vote for him........
Yep. I guess our only choice is Shotgun Joe now.
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