Based on estimates we had enough to weather this if it came to Oregon. Now I don't think so.

Hope I'm wrong but I doubt we'll ever see them replaced.
The other day a good friend told me to "never, ever, let people borrow your schit."

It's great advice.
Why would he do that? New York’s problems ca be laid at the feet of where they live and the two Democrat morons in charge. The governor and mayor should be thrown out for incompetence.
That sums it up nicely. The grandstanding governor had the chance to get emergency supplies like respirators and related supplies into the reserve system back in 2015 or so. But NOOOOOOOOOOO............ We have to throw away 750 million or so on a solar panel factory that was a flop. Of course; that doesn't fit the media's agenda so it will never be mentioned. And of course Cuomo's a democrat so that means that none of this will EVER be his fault. Bad decisions by democrats are ALWAYS the fault of someone or something else.

New York's Ventilator Rationing Plan
By Betsy McCaughey

March 18, 2020 5 min read
A- A+

Coronavirus is causing working-age people to worry about missing paychecks, caring for kids home from school, stockpiling groceries and canceling plans. But people in their 50s, 60s or older have bigger worries. Many are lying awake wondering if this is how they're going to die.

At its most severe, coronavirus attacks the lungs, making it impossible to breathe without a ventilator. Landing in the hospital on a ventilator is bad. But worse is being told you can't have one. After learning that the state's stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.

That task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have the highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst) depending on a "triage officer's" decision. In truth, a death officer. Let's not sugarcoat it. It won't be up to your own doctor.

Cuomo could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million in 2015. It's a lot of money but less than the $750 million he threw away on a boondoggle "Buffalo Billion" solar panel factory. When it comes to state budget priorities, spending half a percent of the budget on ventilators is a no brainer.

Now the pandemic is actually here. Cuomo's grim reaper rules will be applied. New York City's deputy commissioner for disease control Demetre Daskalakis is anticipating "some very serious difficult decisions." So far, in New York City, 1 out of every 4 people with a confirmed case has been hospitalized, and 44% of them have needed a ventilator.

The task force claimed there was no point in buying ventilators because there's also a shortage of doctors and nurses trained to use them. Five years ago, that problem could have been fixed, too. Even now, the National Disaster Medical System can send staff to hot spots like New York.

In Wuhan, China, doctors recently faced the grim arithmetic of 1,000 patients needing ventilators and only 600 available. Italy's rationing ventilators, too. Dr. Daniele Macchini, who practices in Italy, says "every ventilator becomes like gold." Better than gold, if it keeps you alive.

But in New York, rationing ventilators should be unnecessary. The state knew of the shortage, had the money, and should have bought the lifesaving equipment, instead of making a plan on who should live or die.

U.S. manufacturers are making ventilators and filling orders from around the world.

In Italy, the death rate from coronavirus is a staggering 7%, more than double what's occurring in many other countries. That's partly because almost a quarter of Italy's population is over 65 and especially vulnerable. The other reason is that Italy's universal national health system promises free care but delivers stingy care. Italy has only around one-third as many intensive care beds per capita as the United States. Coronavirus patients are being turned away.

Expect the same dire results in the United Kingdom. The British National Health Service allocates about one-fifth as many intensive care beds per capita as American hospitals do. Bernie Sanders, are you watching? What's happening in Italy and the U.K. is proof that single-payer is not the way to go.

Hospitals here in the U.S. will face severe challenges in the coming weeks, including shortages of space, equipment and personnel. But nothing compared with the extreme in Europe's national health systems.

Americans don't want government holding back the very things we need to survive. New York should never again decide to ration lifesaving equipment when it can be bought. That's a lesson learned. Now's not the time for political criticism. Now's the time to get our sanitized hands on ventilators, no matter what.

Betsy McCaughey is chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and a former lieutenant governor of New York. Contact her at [email protected]. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

Photo credit: KoalaParkLaundromat at Pixabay
Our governor is a democrat lesbian POS. She's greasing her own political wheels with this deal no doubt.
Inept democrats create their own problems......it's just what they do.
Originally Posted by Terryk

New York's Ventilator Rationing Plan
By Betsy McCaughey

March 18, 2020 5 min read
A- A+

Coronavirus is causing working-age people to worry about missing paychecks, caring for kids home from school, stockpiling groceries and canceling plans. But people in their 50s, 60s or older have bigger worries. Many are lying awake wondering if this is how they're going to die.

At its most severe, coronavirus attacks the lungs, making it impossible to breathe without a ventilator. Landing in the hospital on a ventilator is bad. But worse is being told you can't have one. After learning that the state's stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.

That task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have the highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst) depending on a "triage officer's" decision. In truth, a death officer. Let's not sugarcoat it. It won't be up to your own doctor.

Cuomo could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million in 2015. It's a lot of money but less than the $750 million he threw away on a boondoggle "Buffalo Billion" solar panel factory. When it comes to state budget priorities, spending half a percent of the budget on ventilators is a no brainer.

Now the pandemic is actually here. Cuomo's grim reaper rules will be applied. New York City's deputy commissioner for disease control Demetre Daskalakis is anticipating "some very serious difficult decisions." So far, in New York City, 1 out of every 4 people with a confirmed case has been hospitalized, and 44% of them have needed a ventilator.

The task force claimed there was no point in buying ventilators because there's also a shortage of doctors and nurses trained to use them. Five years ago, that problem could have been fixed, too. Even now, the National Disaster Medical System can send staff to hot spots like New York.

In Wuhan, China, doctors recently faced the grim arithmetic of 1,000 patients needing ventilators and only 600 available. Italy's rationing ventilators, too. Dr. Daniele Macchini, who practices in Italy, says "every ventilator becomes like gold." Better than gold, if it keeps you alive.

But in New York, rationing ventilators should be unnecessary. The state knew of the shortage, had the money, and should have bought the lifesaving equipment, instead of making a plan on who should live or die.

U.S. manufacturers are making ventilators and filling orders from around the world.

In Italy, the death rate from coronavirus is a staggering 7%, more than double what's occurring in many other countries. That's partly because almost a quarter of Italy's population is over 65 and especially vulnerable. The other reason is that Italy's universal national health system promises free care but delivers stingy care. Italy has only around one-third as many intensive care beds per capita as the United States. Coronavirus patients are being turned away.

Expect the same dire results in the United Kingdom. The British National Health Service allocates about one-fifth as many intensive care beds per capita as American hospitals do. Bernie Sanders, are you watching? What's happening in Italy and the U.K. is proof that single-payer is not the way to go.

Hospitals here in the U.S. will face severe challenges in the coming weeks, including shortages of space, equipment and personnel. But nothing compared with the extreme in Europe's national health systems.

Americans don't want government holding back the very things we need to survive. New York should never again decide to ration lifesaving equipment when it can be bought. That's a lesson learned. Now's not the time for political criticism. Now's the time to get our sanitized hands on ventilators, no matter what.

Betsy McCaughey is chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and a former lieutenant governor of New York. Contact her at [email protected]. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

Photo credit: KoalaParkLaundromat at Pixabay

Sounds like a setup for preferential treatment as to who does and doesn't get ventilators based on criteria other than patient's level of critical need.
Oregon is the perfect example of why "Vote by Mail" is bad. If the U.S. goes for this Soros an Pelosi , Vote by Mail, plot, we'll never have another honest election again. Oregon has a majority Marxist socialist State and Federal representatives and they get reelected over and over again with the "Vote by Mail" scam! Oregon will never have an honest election again!!
If Cuomo let Remington produce respirators like they asked to , when this passes the nyc area. They could of supplied the rest of the country with American made life saving products. But Cuomo hates guns so much he would rather people die than be saved by a gun manufacturer. That should tell everyone what his plans to pay back respirators is.
Kind of like lending money to your deadbeat brother in-law, you know deep down you are never getting that money back.
Originally Posted by Rugies
If Cuomo let Remington produce respirators like they asked to , when this passes the nyc area. They could of supplied the rest of the country with American made life saving products. But Cuomo hates guns so much he would rather people die than be saved by a gun manufacturer. That should tell everyone what his plans to pay back respirators is.

Link to source please!
Remington making ventilators?

That’s like that iowa gal that had 7 babies at once. How you gonna feed seven babies when you can’t brush four teeth?
Originally Posted by kingston
Originally Posted by Rugies
If Cuomo let Remington produce respirators like they asked to , when this passes the nyc area. They could of supplied the rest of the country with American made life saving products. But Cuomo hates guns so much he would rather people die than be saved by a gun manufacturer. That should tell everyone what his plans to pay back respirators is.

Link to source please!

Dont know how to link. Just look up Remington respirators in your search.
https://abc14news.com/2020/04/01/remington-arms-offers-to-use-its-ny-factory-to-build-respirators/ I figured it out.
The damn Yankees are still people and if you have plenty share with them. If you save them maybe they'll stay in NY and not move to where you live. We left Florida because the Yankees moved in and wanted it like where they came from. Now the Canadians are starting to run the Yankees out of Florida. It's a dog eat dog world out there.
You might be interested to know that Cuomo sent big checks to Puerto Rico after both of their last natural disasters.
I'm sure it was because of his big heart and not the fact that Puerto Ricans constitute a huge vote on the NYC metro area.
He is likely the most dangerous politician on the planet, even more than Pelosi.
Which undoubtedly is how AOC got elected.

well , its Oregon , what did you expect?
Here’s my take on NYC ph uck’em
Im ok with our k unt bumping governor loaning ventilators to help save American lives! If our state doesn't need them!
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
The other day a good friend told me to "never, ever, let people borrow your schit."

It's great advice.

All depends on the quality of the people in question.
Originally Posted by Heym06
Im ok with our k unt bumping governor loaning ventilators to help save American lives! If our state doesn't need them!

If our state doesn't need them, then open schit back up and get people back to work! 20 deaths attributed to this schit (and I don't even believe that number), with a median age of 78.5 years. Now I don't want to see anyone die, but most of these people had one foot in the grave to begin with.
Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps it was a good faith gesture, to help save a life or two?

Oregon has 999 cases. NY has 122,000.

From where I sit, moving supplies, equipment, and resources from where they are under-utilized, to where they are desperately needed, isnt some deep state ploy.....

It is being a decent human.
Originally Posted by Gringo Loco
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
The other day a good friend told me to "never, ever, let people borrow your schit."

It's great advice.

All depends on the quality of the people in question.

It's been my experience, that I must know a lot of low quality types.
Originally Posted by duck911
Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps it was a good faith gesture, to help save a life or two?

Oregon has 999 cases. NY has 122,000.

From where I sit, moving supplies, equipment, and resources from where they are under-utilized, to where they are desperately needed, isnt some deep state ploy.....

It is being a decent human.

I get that. Probably was. I consider myself generous (to a fault according to my wife). However if our state's cases start spiking, do you think that NY is going to give them up if they think they still have a need?
Well, maybe the respirator thing will turn out like a loaner i once made, and got back. It went like this:

I stopped in to visit my friend Bud one day, and he asked if I wanted my battery charger back.

"What battery charger?"

The one you loaned me 13 years ago"

"Damn - I looked everywhere for that thing, then bought one - I thought someone stole it. I clean forgot loaning it to you." (Alcohol might have been involved).

"Miller (his across the road neighbor), bororrowed it from me a couple weeks after I borrowed it from you. He brought it back yesterday. It quit working. Do you want it, or not?""
Originally Posted by Steve
Originally Posted by duck911
Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps it was a good faith gesture, to help save a life or two?

Oregon has 999 cases. NY has 122,000.

From where I sit, moving supplies, equipment, and resources from where they are under-utilized, to where they are desperately needed, isnt some deep state ploy.....

It is being a decent human.

I get that. Probably was. I consider myself generous (to a fault according to my wife). However if our state's cases start spiking, do you think that NY is going to give them up if they think they still have a need?

I dont know, but I tend to be an optimist and I'd like to think we are a resiliant enough country that your state will get what it needs from *other* states not at a peak, if needed.
Originally Posted by poboy
Inept democrats create their own problems......it's just what they do.

You left out gross incompetence. Solar panels over ventilators? Really?

We've seen pandemics throughout history and been warned of even more debilitating ones to come.

Anyone on this board that keeps their household even marginally prepared would not have made that choice. What does that say about liberal "leadership"?

But.. you know. It's Trump's fault. Morons.
so so true
Screw NYC. Let the nasty place drown in their own collective flem.
Originally Posted by las
Well, maybe the respirator thing will turn out like a loaner i once made, and got back. It went like this:

I stopped in to visit my friend Bud one day, and he asked if I wanted my battery charger back.

"What battery charger?"

The one you loaned me 13 years ago"

"Damn - I looked everywhere for that thing, then bought one - I thought someone stole it. I clean forgot loaning it to you." (Alcohol might have been involved).

"Miller (his across the road neighbor), bororrowed it from me a couple weeks after I borrowed it from you. He brought it back yesterday. It quit working. Do you want it, or not?""

If Bud was a friend, he would have bought you a new charger, 12 1/2 years ago!
Don't loan tools to those who return them all screwed up and dirty....if returned at all.
Originally Posted by duck911
Did it ever cross your mind that perhaps it was a good faith gesture, to help save a life or two?

Oregon has 999 cases. NY has 122,000.

From where I sit, moving supplies, equipment, and resources from where they are under-utilized, to where they are desperately needed, isnt some deep state ploy.....

It is being a decent human.

The decent on this forum are far away and too few to find. Mostly Righteous Republicans around here.
So it the place that 'loaned' them needs them before NYC is done with them, what happens? That is the important question.
Why on earth would she have that many stashed in her home?
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