Ole and Sven and dere families live in da voods & share da same outhouse. Vun day Sven comes to Ole & says, "Ole, I got some bad news, eh? Da outhouse is full up an' ve should do sometin' about it." Ole tinks fer a minit an' says, "Ya know, Sven, I don't much wanna shovel dat stuff outa dere. Ya know dat I usta verk fer da iron mines down dere in Visconsin. I usta set da charges dat vould blast da ore out. I tink I could set up a charge under da outhouse, blow all da crap outa dere an' leave da outhouse standin' pretty as ya please. "Vell, Ole," says Sven, " if you could do dat, you vould be a God!" So dey go off to get da dynamite to do da yob. Dey come back an' Ole sets da charge yust so. Sven an' Ole are stretchin' out da ignition cable into da voods and disappear behind da trees yust as Ole's vife, Lena, comes outa da house headin' fer da outhouse. Yust as she gets inside an' settles down Sven an' Ole set off da charge. BOOOOOOOM!!!! an all da mud under da outhouse goes blastin' out into da voods. Ven da dust settles dey see dat da outhouse is standin' dere yust like Ole promised. Yust den da door flies open an' Lena stumbles outa da outhouse coughin' an' beatin' da dust offa her an' mutters, "Geez, I'm glad I didn't do dat in da house!!"

I prefer classic.
Semper Fi
I used to run with the hare. Now I'm envious of the tortoise and I do my own stunts but rarely intentionally