Back in the 80’s while still in school, had a NJ friend that went with me to my Granny’s house in the mountains of TN. When we stopped fer gas on the way up this one particular windy mountain road, I advised him to stay in the car, but he didn’t listen. It was mid-January, long before Global Climate Change (yuk-yuk-yuk……….), and when he got out to speak with the man pumping gas. Friend: “Cold enough for youse-guys?” Station owner stared at him for a long moment and replied, “Dun’t know the temp-uh-cher sonny, but the snot done froze in my noze.” My bud got in without another word said. We rode about 10 miles before he finally said “You were right.”

I once worked for a company that had relocated from the city of Boston to Clinton, SC (population at that time about 8K, tops). The owner said that not knowing any better, he and his wife took their Saturday night to go grocery shopping, and the only place to do that locally was Wal-Mart. While standing in line, these two VERY country gals were talking in front of them. Girl 1: “Hey, is you goin’ to the Sivver-War Re-in-ack-mint tomorroah?” Girl 2: “Nawt. I reckon we just gonna drink beer. Hey, wut wuz that Silver-War about anyway?” Gal 1: Dun’t you know nuttin’? That’s when all thim Dang Yankees came down here to take our Silver!”

Both are true stories

Psalm 19:14-May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Humble servant of Jesus Christ. Living His plan and praying to show it in name, word, body, and light.