Originally Posted by firstcoueswas80
Originally Posted by stuvwxyz
Where to start?

Been in 2 vehicles that were totaled.
Rolled one jeep and laid one jeep on its side.
Got gore by a deer TWICE.
Had 2 runaway trucks on mountains passes.
Got stabbed.
Had 3 sticks of dynamite set off 30 feet from me.
Sank a boat in a lake.
Had a business partner steal mega bucks before he fled.
Had an 18 year old girl die in my arms.
And that just what I can think of off the top of my head.

The scariest thing was 3 teenage daughters that lived with me.

Watched a 17 yo kid die while I was trying to render aid and call in life flight... That stuck with me for a while.

That is what I was doing as well but was holding her while others tried to help.
I had to drive the ambulance once. A 16 year old boy that just got his license, rolled his truck while mom and dad followed. He was dead when we arrived but because mom and dad were watching, heroic efforts were made. Mom rode in the front with me. She squeezed my hand all 30 miles to the hospital. She kept pleading with me to pray with her, which I did the whole trip. After arriving we were requested to remain as they may need help with the parents when the news was broke. I was beside dad when the word came. He collapsed in my arms. There was not a dry eye in the house. Hard core firefighters and police all cried along with the family. An experience I hope to never relive.