Originally Posted by Pete E
Good for the Greek people! Of course now they may have to face the consequences of their decision and I would love this to be a nail in the coffin of the Euro...


The Greek people were sold a bill of goods by their guv. and its bankster con men(Goldman Sachs anyone?).

Yes, the Greek people were fools to vote them into office but look at what we've done here. $18 plus trillion in debt and we're being critical of Athens? Give me a break!

Greece canning the euro and going their own way is the best chance they have if they want to have any shot at all of keeping their sovereignty( Iceland anyone?). Hopefully more countries will pull out too, and this central bank monster called the euro will disappear into the ash heap of history.

Last edited by SBTCO; 07/05/15.

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― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

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- Alexander Hamilton