Jeezus Gawwddamned Fhuqk...The Twatly Trifecta went and done had a Slumber Party on their BWT! There was certainly some pavement pounded,pics plagiarized and some "hard charging" vicarious "living" knocked outta Da' Park this weekend!

I'm crying...I'm laughing soooooooooo fhuqking hard! The McClintock Effect has aligned Biological Clocks and the Red Sea "rages" unrelenting in it's accumulative "power".



Why is it that in every pic,you've got your piehole puckered in position to suck a bowling ball through 50' of garden hose. Birth Defect? Or just "lucky"?!?

Who's peectures you plan on swiping next,beings your's just won't go the distance?!? Laughing!

Here's to the sweet "satisfactions" that must be your's,as you set puckered up on the outside looking in and just cain't ever make the cut.

Bless your heart and here's to your "best".



Book the DNA Testing today?


How many times on a given day,do you cite me? Couple/few thousand anyhow? The REM Tally would be plum fhuqking fascinating!

You really should enter yourself into The Guinness Book under Man Crush and be certain to accompany the submission with pics,then denote plainly,how Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery. Then say you "don't care" and "could too".




Oh myyyyyyyyyyy...that is some real "serious" wares you've got there. Laughing!

"Datum" was a nice touch,for someone who cain't find 450fps. As per always,it's funnier than fhuqk to be regaled with how "real" your Imagination and it's Pretend,is to you.

Spill some more of them "particulars".



I've never been around a Baby Sako 223AI before,say a leetle sumptin' about COAL latitude,in relation with the throat and twist rate. Hint. Pardon my 18" 5.56 Middie Krunchenticker,squirting the 68BTHP at the speeds you are "enjoying" outta your 26" Braked UBER Goat Fhuqk. Just sayin'.

See if'n you can pick it out. Laughing!

[Linked Image]

Speakin' of 18"...I have it on good authority that C-Note squirts a 75A-Max kiss at 2.445" at 3050fps. If only in fairness AM mags will happily go to 2.550" as a minimum,if only cited elsewhere and yet still flying over your pointy head. Hint.

[Linked Image]

Mebbe say a leetle sumptin' too,in regards to how them Burris 4-16,6-24 and 8-32's(I've suffered 'em all) hold/retain zero,both in regards to ACTUAL use and something as mundane as zoom selector shifts. Then quip a smidge on the amazingly modest erector "travel" and laughable eye-relief. In no particular fhuqking order. Laughing!

You and The Twatly Trifecta oughtta align a Fall Fence Hop and really take humor to a whole 'nother simply doing your best. Take lotsa pics and plagiarize as you must.

Don't forget the cat food for fredrica's Tabby.


Kudos on citing The Guided Rubbed Rat "Bear" as being a "mercy" killing.

Good Talk.

Wow +P++!!!.................


How CLOSE have you come to shooting the Six-Bits Ultra that you've been posting pics of for months?

Thought so.




Judmam sucked that picture in offa the 'net,with her permanently affixed vaccuum lips and then "accidentally" took credit.

Do NOT slight how "real" Imagination and Pretend are to The Paper Hat Brigade and especially The Twatly Trifecta within.

FUNNY schit!...................


Wowwwwww...that was CLOSE!

You "almost" nearly hung a pic that you didn't steal from another!




I tend to rock Retro Old School when streamside, well as travel light.

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Just how I roll.................(grin)


Oh I doubt I consume much more than their every thought,every second of every day and fuel their Imaginations and collective Pretend,so they can feverishly plagiarize,imitate and "not care"...while they patiently await something for "free" as a Trump Card. As well as those of "their" kids and "Wives". Fairly fhuqking EPIC Humor(dat's what we in da' bidness call a "gross understatement")!

Bless their hearts.

I'm on the ropes.


Don't take much of a cast and then they'll start "telling" folks stuff,while obliviously reiterating the above and Hoppin' Fences.

"Luckily" for them,Imagination and Pretend ARE free!.................


Don't fret it. With "only" a mounting system swap,scope swap,stock swap and barrel might could have sumptin'.

See...there's ALWAYS a bright side?!?


Mebbe if you PM Judmam,she'll give you some reloading "advice" and can tell you the name of fredrica's cat?!?

I just took a bow!..............

Don't you gals let fredrica's cat get your tongues,nor the couch your kchunts.

Keep on "hard charging" as only you Drooling Dumbfhuqks can!

Ohhhhhhhh soooooooooooo fhuqking WOW+P++++!....................

(Addendum: for a Twat)


You CLUELESS Kchunt...there's less than zero need for anyone to "get" you,if only because noone could begin to as accurately correlate what an AMAZING Dumbfhuqk you are,as well as you do. Hint.

Keep scouring the sidewalk for something "free" and PLEASE post a pic of your Cat.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."