PASTOR DAN my old friend Bill Gunn loves the Orvis 9'3" Western Spring Creek 4 wt! He was telling me last week how many 20" browns he hooked and landed on 6 x in PA! I have one myself he and I both agree that rods today are way to stiff to make for good fishing tools. I am surprise that they even come up for sale, Bill is looking for one for his wife- I will not sell him mine even thou I don't fish with It as much as I should! Only rod I ever made a 70 foot cast with and hooked and landed a trout with the fly barely drifting a foot or two! Back then I had a WF4F Orvis line with the old braided butt leaders you glued to the end of the line- before the loop to loop business! Got to be 35+ years ago!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov