For the most part my trout rod of choice is an 8'6" Sage RP-II for a 5wt I fish it with a DT-F and a WF-Sink Tip, the fastest sink tip I can get with a Hardy LRH Reel. I use an 9'6" Sage RP II in 6 weight for streamer fishing, I use a 9' Sage RP-II for 8 Wt for steelhead salmon and light salt water, I have a bunch of rods I seem to fish these the most of late, and I have 2 , 4, 7 and 10 weight rods. All two piece, I am updating a reel or two, I am going with a Lampson Guru 2 for my 8 wt rod I think since my Fin Nor # 2 took a walk a while back! I fished my 7 wt the most when I was living in AK, just right for the Bows I was fishing for! Salmon well that is how I ended up with a 10 weight!!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov