That's 100% spot on!

On reason I like them for smaller or more frail big game and not for massive heavy boned big game.

My business partner is over 7 foot tall and just massive. He has a 34" draw and had to have a custom built bow and arrows.

They are 700 grains and if I recall from his pro shops statement those arrows are going 290 fps

I think he is shooting 80 lbs or just over? Cannot recall now. It's a high country archery bow.

When he tried expandables they were destroyed on everything he shot. No matter the brand. They could not handle the impact forces with that much weight and speed behind them. Twisted mangled blades or broken off at the shaft.

So more power is not the best solution in my opinion. Fixed blades are.
Are you living your life, or just paying bills until you die?
When you hit the pearly gates I want to be there just to see the massive pile of dead 5hit at your feet. ( John Peyton)