
Sorry to hear that.

I just checked mine, Using Internet Explorer - MSN and it did drop down just fine. The problem is not coming from the website.

It may not be easy or practical for you to re-install your operating system software. Some allow additional installs free, and some not.

In the past I had more than my fair share of headaches going through the learning curve and tinkering around I managed to delete the wrong "stuff" and committed other rather egregious infractions too.

Your problem appears to be coming from your computer/software. I have a Guruaid on contract annually and they tell me that when that happens they can't fix it.

Seems to me that your problems may be coming from:

#1. Corrupted software.
#2. Possibly deleted elements.
#3. Under capacity of computer.
#4. Outdated or older software.

Only you will know which may apply as we do not have any information about your setup and system.

I hesitate to make recommendations but let me say that I have been at this for a very long time and I found that back in the old days computers lasted a lot longer than they do now. I had computers that crapped out on me in 3 years and I accumulated quite an impressive collection in my house which I trashed periodically. I still have 3 here.

I'm a Hewlett Packard guy. I had many very happy experiences with them. They have come out with some fantastic bargains periodically. The last one I bought, *( Specs posted above ) cost me $444. It's the flat screen 20" monitor with built in computer. A desk top. It takes up no more space that a regular monitor. Excellent, fast, trouble free, huge capability, really good clarity and color of monitor.

Incidentally I also have their Deskjet Pro 8600 printer. It is very advanced, works trouble free and produces excellent prints.

If you want to keep this thread going to resolve your issues I will be happy to work with you.

Last edited by William_E_Tibbe; 07/21/15.