Originally Posted by deflave
The most interesting aspect of this story is that people today are so fugking helpless, and so fugking stupid, they require assistance with having an affair.

JFC. Walk down to the bar, fugk something, and walk back. It's not complicated.

Originally Posted by DocRocket
Travis's suggestion that you can hook up with women in the local bars quicker and cheaper is prolly true, but this requires 1) you gotta get tipsy to swim in that pool, and 2) the quality of the gals you may hook up with can be on the low side. Been there and done that, not willing to go there again. Course, I don't have Travis's taste for squaw, so that's a real handicap. wink

Anyways: most of the gals I met through Ashley Madison were cleaner, hotter, more honest, and a damned sight more pleasant than any other dating site I tried. Not to mention willing to get down to business in short order...

Not pickin' on ya, Flave... but I've been gettin' some PM's from members asking if what I wrote about AM is true. I reiterate: it's a great website for single guys to meet hot (and hot-to-trot) females who don't want to mess with the usual online dating bullshit and just want to have a pleasant interlude with an attractive partner. Married guys who play there, well, they're gonna get what they're gonna get. Too bad, so sad, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

BTW, I am not now sayin' nor have I ever said or believed that messin' with married women is smart or safe. Most of the gals on AM ain't married. Just sayin'.

If that's too frank for anyone, go to CVS and buy some Massengill and wash that sand outta yer mangina.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars