I honestly don't think Trump is playing a game with all of this. I think he's just being Donald Trump. I think he's smart enough to realize that all of this stuff the media is dumping on him is the standard operational bullshit,..and above all,..he doesn't care. He's just telling it the way he sees it and not worrying about whether there's going to be a political price to pay.

Last night Anderson "whiffenpoof" Cooper was throwing all of the hardball questions at him, and Trump just looked at him and said, "70% of the media is dishonest",..or something to that effect.

In my opinion, that's how you handle them chitbirds when they try to put you on the spot.

Just look 'em in the eye and say, "By the way,..most people out there think you're a damned liar".

I noticed that ole Anderson "whiffenpoof" Cooper got all stuttery after that.