Originally Posted by 4ager

You and I both know that Hogan only won because Baltimore had the lowest voter turnout in about 20 years. Had it been even average, Hogan would have lost. Don't try that "MD conservative" crap. A look at the MD legislature is even more telling.

MD State Senate (33 Ds; 14 Rs); 70.2% leftist
MD House of Delegates (91 Ds; 50 Rs); 64.5% leftist

NY? 103 out of 150 are Ds or further left in the Assembly (68.7%). In the Senate, the Rs have a caucus of 38 of the 63; 60.3%.

Never said "cut and run", though you've been planning your escape from MD since you got there.

Yep. Gerrymandering is alive and well. The BaItimorons not voting isn't my fault. All I can do is vote and encourage people to vote. I will make no bones. Not from here, not going to stay here but I will do what I can to change it while I can.

I'm here because I can make a difference in what I do in the bigger picture of my nation (and they pay me well to do it). I will enjoy leaving and in the big picture of my life this is a short period.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated