Originally Posted by Savage_99
I switched from a metal front rest when a rifle jumped off of it from recoil and hit it's stock on a sharp corner. It's a Sinclair. Any metal front rest would damage a rifle that hit it.

Now I use a large soft bag as shown covered with a soft towel and a leather rear.

[Linked Image]

My experience was exactly the same.

I'm not a fan of any of the one piece the fore-and-aft rest setups, but some favor them.

My absolute last choice would be a one piece light plastic rest.

Especially if cost is a concern, the traditional shot bag filled with sand works pretty darned well, at the expense of weight and convenience. For a softer rest the bag can be filled with beans, kitty litter, or whatever. Combined with a commercial bunny ear rear bag, you would be well set for sighting in, i.e. anything but serious benchrest work, at minimal cost, just like in the photo.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.