Originally Posted by Everyday Hunter
Originally Posted by Dan_Chamberlain
Carly is my dark horse candidate. I think if people hear her, they're gonna like her.

We could do a whole lot worse. For one thing, she is as articulate as anyone. For another, she's fearless. I need to know more about her conservative credentials, but from what I see so far, I'm happy.

And hardly anyone even knows the Republicans have a woman candidate. Even Hitlery is hardly aware of it. If you ask the typical Democrat sheep, "Which party has a woman candidate?" almost all of them will answer "The Democrats." If you ask "Which party has a Hispanic candidate?" almost all of them will answer, "The Democrats." If you ask, "Which party has a 75 year old white male candidate," almost all of them will answer "The Republicans." The sheeple just don't know.

Despite all the handwringing, the Republicans are fielding a slate of well-qualified people. The DNC and the media know it, and it scares them.


Why does that even matter? Ever heard of the Sailer Plan? The Republicans are not going to win by Hispandering. It needs to stick to appealing to whites especially middle and working class whites.

Hispanics and other minorities and immigrants will never vote en masse for the party. What's needed now is nationalism, populism, protectionism, neo-isolationism, and nativism. An America-Firster type platform. The GOP is not up to it being the party of Big Business.