One of the best days I ever had on the water was an afternoon on a farm pond in central PA where the sunnies and bluegills were as big as your two hands placed end to end. We had fished Big Spring Creek (a noted Pennsylvania limestone creek) all morning and had fun stalking a mixed bag of small to average browns and brookies when my buddy suggested we hie on over to this pond he had permission to fish. What the heck, why not? Trouble was, the only rod I had with me was a short noodle of a two-weight. I had an old half worn out 3-weight Triangle Taper line buried in my kit with which I reloaded my Hardy Flyweight reel. Using that rig to present #20 Griffith's Gnats and #20-something various colored ants while sneaking around inside the cat-o'-ninetails like a poacher found me asking my pard why the heck we hadn't gone straight there that morning instead of the creek.

A good way to bring out the kid in you.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty