wrote to Delta earlier this year when SAA said that they were banning imports of hunting trophies, and I wrote directly to the president of the company. I got an email back one of his assistants assuring me that Delta had no intention of banning shipments of legally hunted trophies and that that they considered hunters and important part of their clientel........unfortunately, I didn't bother to save the emails, or I would have posted them here. I figured "All right!!! Here is a a president with balls!!!! He isn't going to cave to a bunch of lying, misinforming bastards!"

What a crock!!!!.........guess his balls are made out of ping pong balls, the way they bounce back and forth on the subject.

I don't fly that often, but I do fly out of Detroit Metro when I do, and it's a Delta hub.......you can bet the next time I need to fly out for a conference or meeting, or vacation, I will be flying another airline. As long as I can afford to do so, I will pay extra to NOT fly Delta......I'm sure that they don't give a damn, but that's the only way I can make my disgust with these backstabbing bastards known....with my pocket book. See how long the anti's will support them when they start flying shipments of leather goods, medicines that have been made with animal research, meat products, etc., etc. Screw 'em!!!

Delta as a convenient way to get to Johannesburg, but there ARE other options, and I will be exploring them on my next trip................

"If you dog thinks you're the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!"