Trump is high in the polls because of what he's saying NOW. People are fed up, he knows it and is taking advantage of that like a used car salesman. People are sick and tired of business as usual.

The GOP politicians need to take notes and recognize what's driving his numbers. He could easily cause the Dems to win yet again.

I do like what he's saying lots of times. I like that he doesn't owe any big corporate sponsors. He my well be a wolf in sheepskin.

If he puts together an actual list of long time conservative, liberty loving, cabinet members ahead of time and chooses a V.P. that's equally conservative by track record, he would absolutely smoke this election.

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson