It's been a long time since I've backpack hunted on a regular basis (30-35 years), but seem to recall pack weights of 60-70 lbs for a week's hunt in warmer weather which is pretty heavy by today's standards. Two years ago, I packed in for two days and nights and my pack was just over 50 lbs. Most of my gear is pretty old and not lightweight, and I'm in the process of replacing most of it for that reason.

I asked ED T a similar question recently and his response was for a 2 - 3 day solo trip, his pack weighs around 25 lbs. I had a similar conversation 10-12 years ago with a backpacker I ran into hiking the Continental Divide trail from Canada to Mexico. He would need to resupply every two weeks and said his pack was 30 lbs starting out full and 15 lbs after two weeks prior to resupply.

Based on that, I'd think 30, maybe 35 lbs would be a good weight to shoot for (with top of the line "ultralight" gear)...

Last edited by JGray; 08/21/15.