Originally Posted by bankcardrep1
I do appreciate all the input. I am not looking for sympathy. I know I screwed up. I also know that I was 18/19 and brain not properly wired at the time. And considering the change in political climate about marijuana use and that I have committed zero crimes in a lifetime there might be a fair chance that I could have the record changed or a "waiver of some sort.

Short or throwing money at an attorney.

I hate to sound cynical, but I don't think the political or cultural climate regarding MJ use is going to have any effect on a technical finding the military used to classify your discharge. I wouldn't spend a dime on an attorney that hadn't successfully done it previously for someone else.

Secondly, everyone makes mistakes. There are very few people walking around that don't have some undisclosed criminal behavior in their past that wouldn't pop out with just a few questions on a polygraph; they just never got caught and have never been hooked up and asked relevant questions.

As is so often the case with all of us, the act itself can be forgiven and forgotten but the consequences of our actions just doesn't go away.

Last edited by 41magfan; 08/29/15.

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