It was a cop/member who cited a source claiming that 10% of cops are Narcissists.

I disagree only because I believe that true Narcissism is a very rare disorder. I don't believe that is just an extreme example of self centeredness, but a separate malady entirely.

We are all born self centered..... completely. A baby is only concerned with his own welfare.

Gradually, as we mature, we become less self centered. For many, the process is very slow and the result marginal. But that does not make them Narcissists.

Now.... the self absorption of cops as a group is very evident on this forum. Cops everywhere become an extension of the cop/member strictly because of the occupation.

When the death of a cop is noted with the establishment of a thread devoted to the event, we see the same accolades over and over...."RIP, Brother" being the most common.

Contrarily, when a totally innocent person is killed by cops, the reaction of the majority of our cop/members is to rush to the defense of the cop doing the killing, making HIM the victim.

But what is unforgivable, and all too common, is when they slander the actual victim by posting totally unjustified assumptions regarding the victim.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".[Homeowner in Ft Worth raises his garage door to investigate flashlights in his backyard and is killed by cops at the wrong address.]

"Hang out with dopers and bad stuff is gonna happen to you". [Nine year old girl killed by SWAT team while asleep on the couch]

"His wife is just as guilty as him and will go to prison for dealing dope." [Instead, she was awarded almost 2 million bucks because of Tucson SWAT killing her ex-Marine husband after there was ZERO evidence of criminal activity by him, or her.]

The life of the Deputy recently killed by a Black thug in Houston was worth just exactly as much as the life of Jose Guerno, the ex-Marine killed by SWAT in Tucson, whom you slandered.

I'll mourn mine and allow you to mourn yours without any slander on my part.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place