Originally Posted by AH64guy
Hang in there,

It's been over 26 years for me, and the retirement packet was approved last week.

However, it may not be any easier getting time off in the "real" world, as things happen there as well. Few jobs give you 30 days of paid vacation a year.

I share your frustration, had similar delays over the years, and I missed some seasons hunting with my family that I wish I hadn't.

Yeah I shouldn't complain the Army never messed up any of my hunting in Alaska. But last year a last minute change and they took me to NTC missed 4th rifle. Now to oh your not on this MB your going on this one. I really don't have a legit reason to get on a earlier MB now. I can't tell my CSM hey I really need to get back cause I have a elk hunt planned LOL. Well all's not lost..

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.