I have a 26" MOD plain barrel with a little wear on the magazine tube ( not much). I was being a smart arse last year and took it to the opening dove hunt. Not only was it more fun than any that I could recall, but I shot over fifty percent using 8.5 2 1/2 inch target loads. I had some outrageous offers from some well heeled shooters, back at the lodge. I'm not sure how much was serious or how much was the whiskey talking. No matter, my granddaughters get it.

I reluctantly left it home this week, because as my old guy dealer friend describes it, it is dam near new and the sun flowers are thick as a jungle this year, and I don't want any scratches on it.


"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society'...to mean ,..living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero