Originally Posted by Cowboysforlife34
I have a crappy compound and after this season, will get a new bow. I was thinking about getting a recurve. I know u cant pull them back for that long, but it seems simpler than getting a new compound. It cost me $175 to restring that bow, how much would maintaing a recurve cost? Crossbows seem cool, but i dont think u can get off a second shot very quickly.

Getting a second shot with a bow is probably not a priority for most hunters.

A compound crossbow will be just as expensive to maintain as a compound bow.

A recurve crossbow will be much cheaper like a recurve long bow.

If a crossbow is legal where you live, it may be a very good alternative. They can be a little pricey to get into, but they can also be as foolproof as a recurve bow, much faster, more accurate and more powerful.